Bi Shumin wrote in "What Love Is Afraid of": "Love is afraid of silence. Too many people think that deep love is speechless. In fact, love is an emotion that is difficult to describe and requires detailed expression and transmission. "We all know that language is an important car

Bi Shumin wrote in "What is Love Afraid of":

"Love is afraid of silence. Too many people think that love is speechless in the depths. In fact, love is an emotion that is difficult to describe and requires detailed expression. "

We all know that language is an important carrier for expressing feelings, but in most cases, it is not only difficult for us to express our love in words, but also causes harm to the people around us because we do not use words to express our feelings.

Because of his emotions, he forgot the destructive power of words for a while, and even magnified his anger infinitely, saying many hurtful words without knowing it.

Men are like this, and women are like this too.

There is no turning back in life. Once some injuries are caused, whether intentional or unintentional, they will leave indelible traces on each other.

A wise woman will not say these three things easily in her relationship.

01: In humble words

In this world, there is a normal law, that is, the strong bullies the weak.

Whether it is in relationships or in daily life, for the weak, we may give a little pity and sympathy at the beginning, but after a long time, we will only be bored and insulted.

No one in the world should be nice to anyone. That good intention is based on pity and sympathy, but it is just a whim and cannot last long.

If a person is in a weak position for a long time, he will be looked down upon by others, and a wise woman will understand this truth.

They know that once they act too humble, their efforts will become worthless and their feelings will be devalued, no matter how deep their feelings are, no matter how true their love is.

Therefore, a wise woman will not say humble words easily.

Emerson has this saying: "In the final analysis, love is the reflection of one's self-worth in others."

In short, how others treat you depends on your value in their heart, and whether it is worth it. A respectful lover or a cheap admirer.

Love cannot be forced. If you don’t love, you don’t love. The remaining humbleness is useless and cheap.

02: To deny character

My friend Xiao Wei just ended a relationship recently. It was obviously him who proposed to break up, but he always revealed some regrets when chatting.

He has been with his ex-girlfriend for more than two years and has already planned to get married. It can be seen that Xiao Wei's mother does not agree with this marriage after the marriage.

Xiao Wei chose to give up on a love that could not be blessed by his parents. He thought he would be scolded by his ex-girlfriend, but the result surprised him. Instead of scolding him, she comforted him.

Whenever Xiao Wei's ex-girlfriend complained a few words when they broke up, Xiao Wei would never have so much regret and nostalgia. Now, her understanding and kindness make Xiao Wei feel that he has missed out on a good relationship.

A wise woman will not easily say anything negative about the other person's character even when it comes to breaking up.

There are probably two reasons. First, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and she knows that no matter how much she complains and accuses, it cannot be changed; second, even if the ending is not happy, she must respect her past efforts, which is a reflection of her character.

Losing such a woman is definitely a loss for a man and will definitely make him regretful.

03: If you want to settle old scores

I wonder if you have ever had this experience: you made a mistake on something, and you realize that you have made a mistake, but the other party not only accuses you, but also uses the past to explain the matter. , settling old scores.

In this case, even if you have the intention to repent and have indeed changed a lot, your emotions still get the best of you, so a dispute begins between the two of you.

You will feel particularly defeated. Maybe it is because you have changed a lot but have not received any recognition. Maybe it is because you have promised not to mention the old things again, but now your promise has been broken.

No matter what, those old scores will definitely become an obstacle to a relationship.

Wise women understand this, so they will not easily turn over old scores when managing relationships.

Even if she is a little dissatisfied in her heart, she is willing to give the other party more understanding and tolerance, and give herself more patience. Until the other party completely disappoints her, she will leave without hesitation, no longer tolerant or tolerant.

I hold back some words not because I am weak or incompetent, but as a way to manage my feelings.

You can't say everything and you can't do everything.

This sentence is very important not only in managing relationships, but also in dealing with people.

To become a wise woman, you must use language wisely and don't say things you shouldn't say easily.

I am Aya, a writer of heart-warming emotions. How lucky I am to meet you in this life! Please give us a follow and let’s learn together!