We are halfway through 2022. Do you want to know your future direction? Please draw two parallel lines running randomly on a piece of A4 paper. Add what you want to add on it: symbols, text, patterns, characters, animals, etc. to make the picture more complete. Name the painting

2022 is already halfway through, do you want to know your future direction?

Please draw two parallel lines running randomly on a piece of A4 paper .

Add what you want to add on it: symbols, text, patterns, characters, animals, etc. to make the picture more complete. Name the painting after you finish it.

Some people may wonder, is this too mysterious?

Just like the words are like the person and the writing is like the person, you can also understand a person through painting.

British psychologist Charidi believes that through nearly 30 years of research, what people scribble can reflect a person's personality .

People who like to draw circles

People who like to draw triangles

People who like to draw wavy curves

People who like to draw rectangles

People who like to draw hearts

People who like to draw human shapes

parallel line is the journey of our life In a microcosm, the current state and the goal pursued in the heart can be reflected in these two parallel lines.

Different people, due to their different life experiences and pursuits, will subconsciously project this kind of psychological activity onto the parallel lines with a development trend. The psychological counselor can make corresponding evaluations of the painter based on the performance of the picture.

For example, let's take a look at this painting "Bridge" -

The picture content is very rich, the lines are clear and smooth, reflecting that the painter has rich life experience, has a certain degree of self-confidence, has relatively smooth interpersonal communication, and is in a good state at the moment.

bridges , from upper left to lower right, indicating that the painter wants to establish a connection between fantasy and reality, realize the transformation from spiritual pursuit to material satisfaction, and obtain more material security in life.

and , the lower left means the path of beginning, rebirth or regression, and the upper right is the path of goal. The flow from the lower left to the upper right illustrates the artist's belief and determination for future development.

and indicate that the painter may need some attention and companionship when faced with a choice.

National level two psychological counselor Zhang Yiying is willing to help you find your goals, work hard, and achieve it as soon as possible!