When we are young, we strive for our ideals; when we are middle-aged, we strive for our children; when we are old, we live for ourselves. People's life is busy and stop-and-go. In our old age, we finally slow down and appreciate the flowers and plants in life. While enjoying life

When we are young, we strive for our ideals. In middle age, we fight for our children. When we are old, we live for ourselves. People's life is busy and stop-and-go.

In our old age, we finally slow down and appreciate the flowers and plants in life. While enjoying life, we also find that age may give us more than just precipitation.

Many elderly people now enjoy pensions, and pensions are getting higher and higher, and the quality of life of the elderly is gradually improving.

Today we will take a look at an old man and his pension.

60-year-old single lady:

My name is Liu Shuzhen, I am 60 years old and I am a single old man. Originally, my life was full of glory. When I was young, my wife and I were employees of state-owned enterprises. At that time, it was undoubtedly an iron rice bowl.

Moreover, at that time, my family had already purchased a color TV set, radio, and motorcycle. Later, my wife and I saved almost hundreds of thousands and bought a house. Although it is not very big, it is a small nest that we have worked together to get.

Later, as he got older, his wife chose to retire early due to poor health. In this way, my wife started a retirement life, watering flowers and raising fish every day.

But after a year, my wife's physical condition became worse and worse, and she often fell ill, and no reason could be found. I took my wife everywhere to seek medical treatment, but after several years of treatment, there was no result. Not only was the disease not cured, but the wealth accumulated over the years was almost spent.

After half a year, my wife left me, and my heart seemed to be broken.

My wife’s departure has forced me to reconsider my future life. After all, I am now alone, and I will have to consider pension issues in the future. I don’t have much money in my hands now, and my only source of living is 5,000 yuan a month. Money for retirement.

Later, my son took me to live with him, but this was not bad. Not only did I solve the pension problem, but I could also help my son and daughter-in-law take care of their children, and it also gave them more time to work and make money.

Maybe it’s the next generation. I feel very happy when I see my grandson. Every day I take my grandson to the square and the park to play. Only then do I feel that the greatest happiness for an old man is to watch the people from the next generation grow up.

My son lives in a house with three bedrooms and one living room. The house was bought with a loan at the time, and now he has to repay a lot of the loan every month. Nowadays, young people are really under a lot of pressure. They have to take out loans to buy houses and cars. Almost all of their meager monthly income is used to pay the loans. It is like working for a loan company. In our era, there was basically no such thing as a loan. Everything was bought with cash. Although you had to save money to afford it, you could still use it with confidence.

Later, due to the epidemic, the company of my son and daughter-in-law became increasingly depressed, and wages were often delayed. My son was also worried about the monthly mortgage payment. I felt heartbroken when I looked at my son who was frowning all day long, so I I decided to lend my monthly pension to my son first, which can relieve most of the pressure.

After getting my help, my son’s frown finally relaxed, and the whole family happily sat together and had a meal. Our family's life seems to have returned to a warm and happy time.

I take my grandson out for shopping every morning. This morning, I happened to come across an event in a shopping mall, where children's toys were on sale, and everything was 50% off. After all, children are children and will be attracted by these toys, and my grandson is no exception. He was fascinated by the colorful toy cars and later clamored to buy them. I love my grandson the most. If my child wants it, I will definitely buy it.

After my grandson happily selected a few toys, we went to the counter and prepared to check out. However, when I checked out, I found that there was not enough money in my phone. It cost a total of a hundred and a few yuan, so I was given a small change. One hundred dollars. But I can’t even afford this mere one hundred yuan now! what should I do?

Now I know that a penny can’t defeat a hero.I knelt down and discussed with my grandson: Dear grandson, grandma doesn’t have enough money right now, can we buy it again tomorrow? Put it back first. But when the little grandson heard that he wouldn't buy it, he burst into tears. He cried and shouted: "Bad grandma, you won't buy me toys."

Seeing my grandson like this, I couldn't bear not to buy it for him, so I had to call a friend and transfer 200 yuan to me, which solved the embarrassment. This may be the most embarrassing moment for me. Facing my beloved grandson, I cannot afford to buy him toys, alas. In fact, it’s not entirely the child’s fault. After all, he didn’t know that I didn’t have any money.


In fact, the elderly and their children help each other. As an elderly person, when you are in difficulty, you will help you tide over the difficulties without asking for anything in return. As children, we should show our filial piety and love our elders. Don't wait until your son wants to be raised but you don't want to be kissed. (Consume rationally and refuse to overdraft in advance)