Since ancient times, marriage has been important to everyone, and family harmony is the most precious wealth in life. After working hard outside all day, it is the happiest moment for a man to come home and have his wife and children on the hot bed.

Since ancient times, marriage has been important to everyone, and family harmony is the most precious wealth in life. After working hard outside all day, it is the happiest moment for a man to come home and have his wife and children on the hot bed.

For a woman, if she has a husband she loves, who works tirelessly for the family and creates a small sky of her own with both hands, she can have no regrets about marrying such a man.

If a husband and wife want to live a prosperous life together, both parties must work hard in the same direction. I still remember a TV series called "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair". The various misunderstandings in it are evocative.

Life is not a TV series, it is changing all the time. The ancients have already summarized their experience on marriage, and thousands of words have been condensed into a simple saying: "If a man doesn't marry, his life will be miserable, and if a woman doesn't marry, her life will be short."

To understand the meaning of this sentence, we have to carefully taste and figure it out. After the old man in the village gave me some advice, I nodded happily and greatly appreciated the wisdom of the ancients.

Let’s look at the first half of the sentence first: “If a man doesn’t marry five women, his life will be miserable.” It means: It’s best for men not to marry these five kinds of women, otherwise their fate will become very miserable, simply miserable. Unspeakable.

It is said that behind a successful man, there is always a considerate woman. This sentence is true at all, because men mainly fight outside, and the family is the "backyard." When fighting on the front, the most feared thing is a fire in the backyard. In such a situation, all efforts are in vain. What defeats a man in the end is not hardship. But the woman in the family.

So the ancients taught: You cannot marry a woman who is unfilial, a woman who is fussy and unreasonable, a woman who has an immoral lifestyle, a woman who is selfish at heart, a woman who is too stubborn and loves to find faults.

The ancients attached great importance to the word filial piety. As the saying goes, "Filial piety comes first among all kinds of good deeds, and all kinds of evil sexual immorality come first." This sentence accurately describes two types of women, one is unfilial, and the other is an improper lifestyle.

Whether it is the man’s parents or the woman’s parents, since they are the elders and have given birth to us, we must shoulder the obligations of filial piety and support, and we cannot do things our own way because of our own selfishness.

To sum up, both of these are problems of life style. Because the word selfishness is imprinted in the heart, it is difficult to accommodate other people. If you are not filial to your mother-in-law's family, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will definitely be tense in life. As a husband and a son, being caught in the middle is the most painful.

A wife who cares about everything is the main reason for family disharmony. Coupled with her disorderly life, being erratic and cuckolding her husband, this would have been pig cage in ancient times.

In a marriage, a woman who is too stubborn often lives an unhappy life. She has to find faults in everything, and she also likes to find fault with others. In the final analysis, this is unreasonable. In the life of husband and wife, such a woman will make the family chaotic and unstable.

Therefore, when a man marries a wife, he should always keep his eyes open and not mistake these five types of women for treasures. This is the source of the hard days after marriage.

Similarly, the ancients also warned women that it is best not to marry these six types of men: You cannot marry a man who is not loyal and filial, you cannot marry a man who is addicted to gambling, you cannot marry a man who is not motivated, and you cannot marry a man who is lustful. A man cannot marry a narrow-minded man, let alone a lazy man.

These six types of men mentioned by the ancients, whether in ancient times or today, can be regarded as the scum of society. Because men should always remember their role: the pillar of support.

It is a man's nature to defend his family and country and charge into battle. As the saying goes, a good man's ambitions are everywhere. How can an unfaithful and unfilial man shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending the motherland and protecting his family? In his heart, selfishness has taken over everything. How can he remember that there is still a country and a family?

Most people are deeply involved in gambling and find it difficult to extricate themselves.Such men are not only unmotivated, but also do not do their jobs properly, and are of no benefit to society and their families. Such men are generally lazy, always thinking about getting rich overnight, but they don't know that they have already become slaves to money and beauty.

It is a man's nature to be lustful, but he must have self-control. If he cannot control himself, he will become a philandering carrot and be despised by the world. As a man, you must be open-minded. The prime minister's belly can support the boat . This is also an understanding of a man's mind.

In fact, it is not only after reaching the position of prime minister that one will show such a broad mind. A man has ambitions in all directions, and the feelings he wants to express are also magnanimous and open-minded. Only by truly embodying your masculinity can the woman you like be willing to be your solid backing.

Finally, to sum up, the saying "If a man doesn't marry, his life will be miserable, and if a woman doesn't marry, her life will be short". It still makes sense to this day. Before getting married, you must carefully examine the person who will accompany you for the rest of your life. Both women and men must have filial piety and a heart that puts family first.

Family is the haven of the soul. Both men and women must protect this small world of their own, then have children and have children, and the family can be happy. Isn't this the life we ​​all want?

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