It means that God wants to do something. We mortals have no ability to influence the decisions he makes. As a contractor, you can only follow wherever you want to take migrant workers, but you can't say no.

means that God wants to do whatever he wants. We mortals have no ability to influence the decisions he makes. Your father is gone and your mother wants to get married again. Even the power of your son's family love cannot stop him.

for that matter, that is. As a contractor, you can only follow wherever you want to take migrant workers, but you can't say no. Otherwise, your next meal and accommodation may not be available. It is the trend he brings that will encompass everything within it. You can't control whether what he brings is right or wrong. All people can only follow. As I said in the past, everything will change according to changes in the environment.

No one can give a clear definition of the issue that is being debated today. Is there something wrong with us insisting on things in the past? Times are changing, and some things that we believed in in the past need to be improved now. We cannot look at current problems and use our old views from the past. Therefore, it is difficult for us to make judgments about some things now.

Therefore, we can only accept the changes that it will rain and the mother will get married. I didn't want to talk about this anymore. However, this is a topic that cannot be avoided now. If you don't want to be obsessed with people, you have to be obsessed with them.

is not the case. We have really lost ground. The right to speak in some places has been in the hands of our enemies. Calling people seems to be a worry now.

It’s really like this, it really makes us sweat on our backs. We used to call our country an iron-clad country. It is difficult to pass, it is really that easy, and it is subverted by the enemy.

A great man said it right. If we don't want to call our red regime discoloration. Our vigilance against the enemy cannot be relaxed for a moment. That was obtained by countless martyrs with their blood and lives. (amateur)