Walking alone in the summer evening, the sultry weather makes me feel a little annoyed. I am looking forward to a heavy rain that will water the earth. I am looking forward to a meeting and allowing us to be together. My dear, in fact, I want to grow old with you slowly. I hope t

I am walking alone in the summer evening. The sultry weather makes me feel a little annoyed. I am looking forward to a heavy rain that will water the earth. I am looking forward to a reunion that can bring us together.

My dear, I actually want to grow old with you. I hope that I can always have you on my way to old age. Love is a thing of the past, but it is still entangled in my heart. You stay with me for a while, and I will wait for you all my life.

I love someone, but I can’t disturb you. I can only think about you secretly in my heart. I don’t know whether love has an end. I just want to be with you until the end of my life. There is a kind of love that is destined to become a lifelong obsession. .

A love has become the deepest concern. I always pray that the person I love the most is well. Time has not made me forget you. Instead, it makes me miss you more. Love is suffering in my heart and I am thinking about you in my heart. Entangled, so you always appear in dreams.

01. If I have loved you in this life, it is already good!

Love is so beautiful that it makes people yearn for it endlessly. Before I met you, I never knew what love was. It wasn’t until I met you that my heart opened completely.

It’s good to have loved you in this life. Missing you in my memories is also a kind of beauty. I don’t ask for eternity, but I want to have someone who can pay attention to you silently and miss you secretly.

Your name has become a cinnabar mole in my heart, which can no longer be erased from my heart. A true love is destined to be entangled in my heart for a lifetime. I can’t tell you what is good about you, but I just feel that everything about you is particularly good.

In this life, there is always one person who will become your lifelong obsession. The love will never break up, the love will never regret, and he will always think of you. A love will never be mentioned again, but it will never be forgotten.

02. There is a kind of love that you will care about for a lifetime, miss for a lifetime, and wait for for a lifetime!

Close your eyes and recall the past, your smiling face will always appear in my mind. No matter what the ending between us is, at least there will be one more memory in my heart.

There is a kind of love, a lifetime of caring, a lifetime of missing, a lifetime of waiting. In the eyes of others, it may be an infatuated fool, but in my heart, I know it is a rare deep affection.

I will not let down the encounter in this life. Even if I spend my whole life, I will wait for you. The good times are always too short. The love in my eyes will always look like you.

If the past is a dream, I would like to be imprisoned in the dream forever. Meeting you is the luck of my life, falling in love with you is the happiness of my life, and waiting for you is the deep love of my life.

I can forget myself, but I will never forget you. I hope you will miss me when you are far away. If we can always think of each other, I think one day, we can still come together.

03. My dear, I want to grow old with you!

Our love has been written into a beautiful story by me. This story will always be engraved in my heart. I can see through the autumn water, but I still can't wait for you, but my persistence still makes me persist.

My dear, I want to grow old with you slowly. If we can't be together for a lifetime, I will miss you as we grow old. There is a kind of love. Even if there is no ending, I will wait indefinitely.

Some people are destined to only miss you, and some feelings are destined to only wait. I can't let go of this feeling, and I am willing to keep this memory. From black hair to gray hair, you will always be in my heart.

I met you, I have been waiting for a lifetime, I want to be with you forever, I want to say I love you in your ears forever, I will always remember the promise I made, time does not allow, but I have witnessed the most true love.

My dear, I want to grow old slowly with you. I hope that I can always rely on you on the way to old age!