A friend from my father's generation borrowed some money from me three years ago. It has not been paid back yet, and has never been mentioned to me about the money again. This makes people uncomfortable, and I even suspect that he has forgotten about it. I have always respected h

I have a friend from my father's generation who borrowed some money from me three years ago. It has not been paid back yet, and has never been mentioned to me about the money again. This makes people uncomfortable, and I even suspect that he has forgotten about it.

has always respected him. After all, he was his father's best friend during his lifetime. He is a small businessman. In order to take care of his business, he will buy from his house whenever possible. Although he still owes me money, he never defaults on the money to buy his things. For this reason, people who know about this all call me stupid.

Actually, this is what I think. After all, he is an elder, so we must respect him. Secondly, we must also give him face.

A few days ago, I bought some things at his house, but I didn’t give him any money for the time being. One of my shortcomings is that I seldom owe money to others for a long time, even if I don't have any money anymore. I just wanted to pay him back, but I hesitated this time. I just saw other friends complaining, complaining that it was only the uncles who borrowed money now. Also, because I have been a little tight lately and am short of money, I was wondering if I should take the initiative to talk to him, and if I should directly pay back the two sums of money?

In fact, in the eyes of others, this is nothing, just say it directly. However, the special relationship and the special situation did not want to affect the relationship between the two of them... so it became the current situation.

I think it is necessary to think of a better way to explain it clearly and get the money back without affecting the relationship.

I saw a friend complaining about borrowing money. I don’t know when the person who borrowed money became the boss. I don’t know when it became my “personal ability” to borrow money among friends. .

I have a child who is very good at playing. No matter how much he is short of money, he never lends money to me. One time he ran into some trouble. He really needed money, but he still didn't tell me. Later, when I asked him about it, he told me, "I don't want to have any money relationship between us because I don't want to lose a friend who I have been playing with since childhood..."

So some people say that if there is a money relationship between friends, the relationship will be Deterioration.

I think this is not absolute.

A friend borrowed some money from me for two years. But I'm not worried at all. It's not that I don't care about money, but I trust him because he cares more about me than me. From time to time, I will take the initiative to mention it, and will express his sincerity in other ways... so our relationship has not deteriorated. , even better, I helped him when he needed it most, and he has always been grateful to me.

Actually, I think it is very necessary for people to treat each other sincerely.

No one’s money comes from the strong wind. The ability to borrow money is not the “personal ability” as mentioned above, but the other party’s trust in you. After all, no one is a fool.

Since your friends trust you so much and help you when you need it most, you should feel lucky.

In this materialistic society, people are cold and heartless, and there are still people who treat you like this. Why don't you cherish it? What other reason do you have for committing such idiotic deceptions? Is there any reason why you don’t know how to be grateful?