Women are emotional creatures, beautiful and mysterious beings. There is a lyrics: "Don't guess what a girl is thinking, you can't figure it out even if you keep guessing." It's really hard to guess. Sometimes even the girls themselves don't understand why they shed tears and why

Women are emotional creatures, beautiful and mysterious beings.

has a lyric: "Don't guess what a girl is thinking. You can't figure it out even if you keep guessing." It's really hard to guess. Sometimes even the girls themselves don't understand why they shed tears and why they suddenly become happy.

This shows how "complex" and "difficult" girls' minds are.

When a girl feels love coming, her facial expressions and body language will be more colorful, and her brain will be extremely active and reach its peak.

Recently, the state-owned program Bangzi invited doctors and scientists to study the changes in women’s brains when they are in love.

They invited a girl who was in the sweet period of love for 6 months to lie in the MRI machine, and then showed her photos of her boyfriend who was passionately in love with her.

The color photo of the brain scan is like this:

The picture is from the Internet and deleted due to copyright infringement

The results show that the brain gives multiple responses at the same time . Maybe everyone doesn’t understand what the medical term

means, but it doesn’t matter, we can understand it in a popular way. We can understand the pink color of the brain in the picture

as "brain activity" or "little stars of love". The more pictures there are, it means how much the girl likes the boyfriend in the photo.

Obviously this girl really likes her boyfriend. There are so many "little stars of love", and her boyfriend is so happy to see them.

The program could have ended successfully, and everyone could just go home holding this pink photo of love, but how could we let such a good viewing opportunity pass? It would be a pity not to do it. The

program team once again showed this girl a photo of her favorite Bangzi idol.

The picture comes from the Internet and was deleted due to copyright infringement.

The result was so frightening that the male guest was speechless. Let’s zoom in to see:

The picture came from the Internet and was deleted due to copyright infringement.

It was really a large area of ​​pink, with peach blossoms blooming! Pictures of brains don’t lie, so what’s the point of letting a girl’s boyfriend see it? Is the program team using scientific research to tease people apart? !

But it is the male guest who is stunned. If you let the female guest see this change, she may only smile knowingly, because girls understand girls. This is an unexpected and reasonable result. (Boys really don’t understand and can’t explain it.)

After the program team demolished this girl, they happily found another girl to do research. This girl is older and has been married for 15 years. The photo she wants to see is of her husband who has been married for 15 years.

The guests are all people who have seen the world. They predict that it will be all white. The result is like this:

The picture is from the Internet and deleted due to copyright infringement.

is not all white, it is still a bit pink, but compared with the girl in front. When it came to the boyfriend's photo, the brain scan showed that almost half of the "little star of love" was missing.

Everyone suddenly felt that the couple who had been married for 15 years still loved each other very much, but what the researcher said was really reversed: people’s brains will react actively when they see any object. The activity in the picture is the same as seeing a water glass or a stranger. , even a sofa is the same...

How would this girl's husband react if he learned that his wife saw the vision in his mind as if he saw a sofa? The rhythm of crying in the toilet...

is really a sad study. Are the sisters unable to live without laughing?

However, I did have an idea: watch more handsome guys and fresh meat in the future, and increase my brain activity regularly. This can effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease hahaha!