Friend, are you married? Have you ever tried having sex before marriage? Hello everyone, I am a 25-year-old single working girl. I have been working outside to make a living since I graduated from junior high school. My emotional experience is also blank! But please don’t laugh a

Friend, are you married? Have you ever tried having sex before marriage?

Hello everyone, I am a 25-year-old single working girl. I have been working outside to make a living since I graduated from junior high school. My emotional experience is also blank! But please don’t laugh at me! Rural girls are a bit shy! I have no other intention to talk about this topic today, just because I saw that many people have talked about this topic, including some of my good girlfriends who have also experienced pre-marital love trials! Sometimes when I look at their sweet life, I feel like I am in love!

I wish lovers will get married eventually

What is it like to try love before marriage?

Take my best friend for example: she has known her boyfriend for more than ten years. They have been good neighbors since they were childhood sweethearts, and they went to school in the same class, from kindergarten to elementary school and then to junior high school. The two of them were inseparable. We go to school together, get out of school together, and go home together. It was like a blessing that the two of them had cultivated in the previous life. We are destined to be together in this life and never be separated.

And after they graduated from junior high school, they agreed to work in a factory together. The factory owner also took special care of the two of them. Not only did he arrange them in the same workshop, but he also arranged them in the same dormitory; remember, it is a double dormitory. (After the boss heard that the two of them were a couple, he specifically asked the logistics department to customize a double room specifically for the two of them.) Everyone must have questions after seeing this, right? Why is the boss so kind to the two of them? the reason is simple. Because the owner of the factory is my best friend’s aunt, he will be particularly friendly to the two of them. You should always treat your own people better.

In this way, my best friend and her boyfriend started their pre-marriage trial love. This is also a very friendly couple recognized by our factory, making many people envious. And my best friend’s boyfriend is very nice to her. Every time I receive my salary, it is handed over to my best friend as soon as possible. In the evening, I will take my best friend to the pedestrian street, take her to the movies, take her to do many romantic things, and sometimes I will take her to Western restaurant, eat steak together. I feel like my bestie has found a great boyfriend! I think they are the happiest couple in the world.

I think it is very necessary to try love before marriage!

Although I have never had a boyfriend, nor have I ever held a boy's hand. But I know very well in my heart that a working girl who works outside also has some desire for love and persistence in feelings! Although I come from the countryside, although I also have some small willfulness, although sometimes I will burst into tears because of some trivial things... although sometimes I can be careless, but I am really a good girl; I The reason why I don’t want to fall in love with a boy too early is that I don’t want to marry far away, because everyone knows one problem: that is, those who work in factories are basically workers from all over the country. It was also because I wanted to make a living that I came to the factory. In the same way, when you enter a factory, there will naturally be boys and girls. But most boys or girls will talk about life in the factory during their free time, and then talk about daily life! At the same time, some subtle feelings will gradually arise.Some even rent a house outside. I have seen this kind of thing a lot, but I am not a casual person. I really don’t want to marry myself far away because my parents are not very healthy. Okay, so I am only willing to marry in Jiangxi Province! In this case, at least it will be very convenient for me to return to my parents’ home!

But I have also seen many co-worker couples. Many of them accepted trial love before marriage and rented a house outside to live together, but many of them broke up within 2 months! Don't think too much, there must have been some trouble. In the end, either the girl left the factory or the boy left the factory. It was very embarrassing! Before they left, they hurt each other, said all kinds of bad things about each other, said this was not good and that was not good! Men say women don’t care about hygiene and don’t like to be clean! Spending money lavishly... The woman said that the man loved to play games, did not do any housework, and did not even help to take out the garbage... and finally they parted ways! They separated with curses!

are also working people, and it is not easy for them either. Why can't we cherish each other?

so I think so! It is particularly necessary to try love before marriage. When everyone is not particularly familiar with , please do not try such behavior! Many ignorant boys and girls feel very good before marriage, thinking that the other person is the destined marriage in their previous life, and is the person assigned by Yue Lao to save them! I feel that the other person is the guardian of my life. In the beginning, the other party was very, very nice to me. I always think I know myself very well. But once two people stay together for a long time, they discover many bad habits in each other. When there are relationship problems, there will be all kinds of quarrels. Gradually, I started to deal with each other, feeling disrespectful and unfriendly to both parties! So much so that they broke up unhappy in the last two years. End this relationship with a tragic ending.

Really beautiful relationships are built on trust between both parties. But once the two parties live together before marriage and have no common topics except quarreling, there is really no need to be together. Life is short, so do it and cherish it!

If you are not married yet, I am not married yet. Are you willing to have sex with me before marriage?

#Marriage and Love Manual##My View on Love#​