Some people say that once you get married, you are your wife. Some people retort that even if you get a marriage certificate, you still don’t know whose wife it is unless she is buried in your family’s ancestral grave a hundred years later. That is your real wife, maybe you don’t

Some people say that once you get married, you are your wife.

Some people retort that even if you get a marriage certificate, you still don’t know whose wife it is unless she is buried in your family’s ancestral grave a hundred years later. That is your real wife, maybe you don’t believe it, let the facts speak for themselves.

means that the uncle committed a crime and stayed in there for several years. How old was his son when he came out? Only the uncle knows whether he is his son. Since his wife gave birth to the child in his own home, the uncle’s mother will raise him as his grandson. Come on, if the son comes out and fails to marry a wife, it is better than never having a wife. The wife has already gone away and married someone else.

Later, someone introduced me to uncle Biao to marry a widow from a neighboring village. From then on, uncle Biao was single. The widow left a son and a daughter with her in-laws. She took one daughter and remarried to uncle Biao. The two of them were like Lin Daiyu in Dream of Red Mansions. Being a wife is not a blessing, being a Y-ring is not a blessing, being weak and unable to do anything is not possible.

Ever since he got his stepmother, my uncle's son has been growing up with his grandmother. This child is like his mother, glib and lies constantly. He talks here but can't wait there. He is quite dishonest and unreliable, even if his uncle arranges it. Although he was still unable to find a wife at work, he married his stepmother's daughter to him under his uncle's repeated help. It was like the father and son married the mother and son, and they became one family.

In fact, my uncle’s son Monkey doesn’t know that he is ugly. He should know how much he weighs. I still look down on my stepmother and her daughter, they just want to get a wife because they can't get one.

After several years of marriage, he did not have any children. He even trampled his wife under his feet and allowed her to be at his mercy. After asking around for medical advice, she finally gave birth to two children, a son and a daughter.

Maybe like mother, like son, it’s just a bad thing to show off to my uncle’s ex-wife. She took her younger son to eat, drink, whore, gamble, cheat, cheat, and steal. He did all the bad things. He was just about to crack down hard in 1983, and he was 20 years old. His youngest son died on Huangquan Road.

shows that the uncle's son has restrained himself even though he did not grow up with his mother. He still has some influence. He is unsentimental and insensitive. He does not go home to see his parents for several years, let alone give him pocket money. He is a rare and strange unfilial son. Even if he is not your biological father, he is still the family who raised you, and your kindness is greater than heaven.

My uncle and his wife depended on each other. They farmed some land and had some savings to make do with their daily expenses.

Some people say that the couple who leaves first is blessed, but the couple who leaves last is unlucky and suffers fate.

means that the uncle is lucky to leave first, but it means that the aunt will be punished if she leaves behind. In a few years, it means that the aunt is weak and has poor resistance. She is bedridden when she is sick. It means that the uncle's son is indifferent and indifferent, and she is your stepmother. It’s the mother-in-law again. She doesn’t look at the face of the monk to look at the face of the Buddha. She should provide money and effort to take care of her. Even a stone can be cute, let alone a human heart?

I don’t know what my uncle’s son and daughter-in-law are thinking. You can’t make the decision anymore. Your husband doesn’t care about your mother, but you can’t take care of it yourself. Is that your biological mother who gave birth to you and raised you? Hey, it’s not like a family doesn’t come into the same house, it’s a pair of cold-blooded animals.

Seeing that the old lady was lying in bed with no one to care about her, she gave her a pillow when she was sleeping, which was exactly what I wanted. The old lady's ex-husband was still alone in the grave. The son and daughter left behind by the ex-husband's family took the initiative to bring their biological mother back to take care of her. Not long after, the old lady passed away, and the children buried the old lady's body with her ex-husband, fulfilling the children's last wish.

In our hometown, a couple is a husband and wife, and they are called a real couple after they are buried in the ancestral graves in pairs a hundred years later.

In some families, if the father is alone, he must spend money to buy a body, and he must not be alone.

If the grave is left alone, the deceased will cause trouble to the descendants and bring them no peace. It may be superstitious, but people will not change the customs that have been passed down for thousands of years.

However, the customs are different in each place. I heard from friends in Shaanxi that they think they are not particular about it. The husband and wife can be buried separately or do not need to have a wife. In fact, people have long since dispersed and there is not so much emphasis on it.

Come back and tell me that my uncle's son was reviled by the whole village. He only knew how to wag his tail when feeding a dog. If he had known that he had no conscience, he might as well have been fed to a wolf when he was born.

When you came back to serve the old lady or hired someone to serve you, instead of being buried with your father a hundred years later, you were able to help others and suffer for your own father. If you are unkind, don’t blame your father for being unjust. It’s the blame for not tormenting you. Woolen cloth?

It is strange to say that his son, who is over 30 years old, has not yet found a wife. Is he really following the villagers' advice? Is his father causing trouble?

An insensitive, indifferent and rebellious unfilial son.

As a human being, you must live up to your conscience. Conscience is the bottom line. You can't lose your conscience even if you lose anything. Just be worthy of the sky and be worthy of the earth. Just be upright and have a clear conscience.