What does middle-aged girl mean? She is at the age of a middle-aged man, but she hides the heart of a girl. I still love to fantasize and have unrealistic dreams. However, they don't pretend to be young and look normal in front of outsiders, but they know very well in their heart

What does middle-aged girl mean? She is at the age of a middle-aged man, but she hides the heart of a girl. I still love to fantasize and have unrealistic dreams. However, they don't pretend to be young and look normal in front of outsiders, but they know very well in their hearts that they are still very childish in their hearts. You can be childish to the point of being imaginative, childish to the point of being whimsical. Even after becoming a mother and having a child, she can't escape the heart of a middle-aged girl.

No. 1: Silly, unreasonably stupid

The true mentality of middle-aged girls is sometimes just the word "silly", so stupid that it is unreasonable. I have lived in vain for so many years, and I still don’t understand many things. This kind of stupidity manifests itself in many ways. You can never remember how old you are, which class your children are in, or even your parents’ birthdays. You can't say that this kind of person is unfilial and doesn't love his parents. It's just that this kind of person is stupid, so stupid that it's unreasonable. Insensitive to numbers, insensitive to age, and extremely slow to many things.

Second: Often fantasize about unrealistic things

The true mentality of middle-aged "girls" is that they especially like to fantasize about unrealistic things. Sometimes it’s just about having fun, having fun, and daydreaming. For example, imagine that one day you must run away from home. I imagine that when my children grow up, they will become a monk, find a quiet place, and not care about the world. If you imagine that you are rich, you must keep a low profile, do more good deeds, and do more good deeds. In short, the fantasies of middle-aged girls are really beyond your imagination. Sometimes I think that I have to do everything I have never done before, so that I can’t regret it in this life. I often fantasize that I am a fairy descending to earth with a mission from God.

Third: Digging out the heart and lungs

The true mentality of a middle-aged "girl" is to dig out the heart and lungs. He has no bad intentions towards anyone, has a Bodhisattva heart, and will always do good deeds. Others have money to do charity and charity. This kind of middle-aged "girly" mentality means that she has no money, lives in a tight life, has a compassionate heart, and always wants to help others if she can. In addition, such women are sometimes easy to be deceived and tricked, although they will be very sad, even resentful, and very hurt. However, it still cannot stop the kindness of this middle-aged "girl". As the old saying goes, it's easy to change the situation, but it's hard to change the character. It's hard to change a person's silly kindness in this life.