Some people say that a man will definitely meet two women in his life, one is a red rose and the other is a white rose. But no matter who you choose, you will feel regret for the rest of your life. Because no matter how good the person next to you is, after years of marriage, no

Some people say that a man will definitely meet two women in his life, one is a red rose and the other is a white rose . But no matter who you choose, you will feel regret for the rest of your life.

Because no matter how good the person next to you is, after years of marriage, no matter how passionate the relationship is, it will be diluted by the trivialities of daily necessities.

Only the girl who only remains in the memory will be the eternal cinnabar mole in the heart and the permanent white moonlight in front of the window.

It's like that sentence: "The most unforgettable thing is to miss love, the most heartbreaking thing is to miss it."

But do you know? No matter how good the illusion is, it is empty in the end, and no matter how pale the eyes are, it becomes real.

It is an unfair competition to compare the person next to you who does not have to worry about dressing and eating with the person next to you who has enough to do in life.

Love is the romance of romance, but marriage is the collision of countless real and trivial matters.

Love can only rely on passion and sincerity, but marriage cannot. It is a combination of responsibility, family and reality. Therefore, once you enter a marriage, those beautiful and dreamy filters will inevitably be shattered.

For the burden of life, the support of parents, and the upbringing of children, two people will inevitably have friction and disputes.

But only in the midst of these tugs and pains can a marriage be maintained and continued.

It’s just that as time goes by, people will feel that the person beside them is a bit boring, especially compared with the person in the memory who is not stained with the secular world. The original miss becomes even more difficult to accept.

But those so-called beauties are always just beauties in fantasy. If the person you don't want really becomes the person in front of you, Bai Yueguang will also become a glutinous rice cake on the collar.

Just like that sentence: "What you can't get is always in commotion, and what you are favored is always confident."

Men are always reluctant to let go of what they can't get, or what they have lost, but in fact, the most cherishable thing in life is what you have at this moment. of.

Ask you whether the porridge is warm, accompany you in the evening, add clothes to you, and always know the warmth and coldness of you. It is never the person who cannot be loved, but the person beside you who is ignored by you.

As the old saying goes: It takes a hundred years of cultivation to cross the same boat, and it takes a thousand lifetimes to sleep together.

Being a husband and wife is not easy, so don’t cherish it in this life.

Don't always think about those who have passed away, and don't miss those who have been separated. Cherish fate, cherish blessings, and live up to your sincerity. This is the most precious long-lasting love for a man.

I hope that all true feelings in this world will not be let down; all sincerity will be responded to.