The years are like songs, and July is like fire. Time flies to July. This also means that the second half of the year is here as promised. Looking back in the middle of the year, you must be as emotional as me. After feeling that time flies by, I will cherish the second half of t

The years are like songs, and July is like fire.

Time has come to July in a blink of an eye.

This also means that the second half of the year is coming as promised.

Looking back in the middle of the year, you must be as emotional as me.

After feeling that time flies by, he will cherish the second half of the year even more.

How are you doing in the first half of the year?

Affected by the epidemic, many people are having a hard time.

"One Carat of Tears" said: "My mother is sick. I stay with my mother in the hospital during the day and go home with my children at night. It has been 27 days. There is really no such thing as easy in the adult world.

God rewards Qin said, Affected by the epidemic, business has been particularly difficult this year.

In previous years, he could earn around 500,000 yuan, but he only earned 70,000 yuan in the first half of this year. In order to survive,

Deng Wu is an entrepreneur and a man. Wandering in a foreign country, his business has plummeted due to the epidemic.

He said: "I have been struggling for three years, and the factory has not closed down. There is still hope. "

strives for ideals and left a message:

"This June is the most difficult month in my life. I finally passed my daughter's college entrance examination and my child was admitted to college. However, I received a request to sign a divorce agreement. ask.

I have persisted for several years for my children, but now I really can’t bear it anymore and I cried a lot! "

Chen Li said that every time when night falls, she returns home, takes off her disguise, and thinks about how difficult life is, tears will flow down unconsciously.

Yes, when life is difficult, many people will shed tears secretly. Tears.

Our lives are not always easy.

Maybe you try your best and still can only live an ordinary life.

But I want to tell you:

Even if it is ordinary and ordinary, you still persist in it. You are already great if you give up.

No matter how you go in the first half of the year, remember to say thank you to yourself!

For you who are running around, who work bravely, who work hard for love, and who live hard. Kudos!

Life in the second half of the year may still be difficult, and there will still be great challenges, but I hope you will have the courage and confidence to persevere.

If life is not what you want, I hope you will have the courage to start over again.

If you encounter difficulties, I hope you have the confidence to overcome the trough.

Shakespeare said: Everything in the past is a prologue.

In the past six months, no matter how frustrated and frustrated you have been, you must adjust well and move on.

Don't be sad for the people who left, don't regret the things that are not perfect.

Forget what should be forgotten, and let it go.

Only by grasping the present is the best way to respect the past

Let it be peaceful.

Don't be afraid or anxious about the future that has not come.

In the second half of the year, please work hard and run with new goals and expectations.

Don't aim too high, just be down-to-earth.

Hobby, learn a new skill, even if it’s just to save a little more and have a better mentality.

In the second half of the year, set some clear and not-so-distant small goals and work hard for them.

The beginning of the second half of the year begins in July. .

In July, there are mild heat and severe heat.

Although the sun is blazing, there is also a lot of romance that belongs to it.

I hope you can put aside your fatigue and embrace the prosperous midsummer.

7, there are a lot of beautiful things waiting for you to discover, and a lot of romance waiting for you to experience.

In this season, lotus, pomegranate , jasmine, rose... will all be blooming.

You can enjoy the beautiful flowers with your loved ones, blow the refreshing evening breeze, and look at the stars in the sky.

Many times, we are busy chasing big dreams.

As everyone knows, these small, ordinary joys that we ignore are actually the most soothing to the soul.

Those unforgettable moments and ordinary happiness will make us feel that life is beautiful and the world is worth it.

Just like what Sanmao said:

"True happiness is neither ecstasy nor pain. It is a long stream of water, a blue sea without waves, being an ordinary person among all living beings and enjoying the joy of a moment in life."

In the second half of the year, learn Just enjoy the moment.

Eat every meal well, read every book well, and love the person who is worthy of love seriously.

Work hard when it's time to work, and relax when it's time to relax.

has his own little life and little interests. He doesn't need to think about changing the world, but just live his life.

In the second half of the year, I hope we can all live our own little lives and shine in our own world.

From early spring to midsummer, half of the year has passed.

is half looking back and half yearning.

Although I stumbled and was busy, fortunately, I have gained something and I have expectations.

You have worked hard in the first half of the year, please continue to work hard in the second half of the year.

I hope you will go to new mountains and seas with courage and love.

We must go all out, keep moving, and cherish every small blessing in life.

Say goodbye to the first half of the year and wish everything goes well in the second half of the year.