In his book "May Life Be Calm", Jia Pingwa wrote: "The true meaning of life is to live this life calmly and calmly. I used to think that the reason why we are unhappy is because we don't get enough, so we spend all our time and energy to strive for things outside of yourself.

Jia Pingwa wrote in the book "May Life Be Calm": "The true meaning of life is to live this life calmly and calmly. I used to think that the reason why we are unhappy is because we don't get enough, so we consume Spend all your time and energy to strive for things outside of yourself.

Later I discovered that the highest way to live is to have peace of mind, be calm, and not be surprised by honor or disgrace.

Writer Yishu once said: "As a human being, you should be reserved, live life in peace, and don't worry about it. There are no fish in the water, and there are no disciples in the people. No one will follow the other for the rest of his life. Just forget about some things in your heart. "

The less you care about, the more you gain. On the contrary, the more you care about, the less you gain. Forgiveness and hatred, tolerance and care are all in one thought. If you take it lightly, you will not resent it. Life is not easy. Living in Now, living happily every day is a sign of wisdom.

How to behave in a non-carrying way is a kind of wisdom, and it is also a kind of practice. Well, being too preoccupied will only make yourself more embarrassed.

likes a saying: "The widest thing in the world is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky is the human mind." "

When others make mistakes, your timely tolerance is actually another way of letting yourself go. And your generosity and kindness are the best qualities for walking in society. The true meaning of life lies in forgiveness and forgetting, forgiving those who People and things that have hurt us are also kind to ourselves.

Resentment cannot solve any problem, it will only make things worse. Stop loving, not hating, and not entangled. It does not mean letting the other person go, nor does it mean forgiveness. Instead, let yourself go and let love find a way out.

Life is already very hard, why can’t you let yourself go? Isn’t it better to let yourself live happily? Just like Gibran said: "A great man. People have two hearts, one heart bleeds and the other heart tolerates. "

The slower we act in our hearts, the more we will feel burdened, and it will be difficult to live a relaxed and happy life. Let us not care about it, reconcile with ourselves, and stop bleeding in our hearts.

There is an old saying: "The world is wide, but it is contemptuous. Those who are narrow-minded. "Narrow-minded people always care too much about gains and losses, fame and fortune, infinitely magnifying the resentment in their hearts. The bigger the people, the less they care, and their lives can naturally be comfortable and calm.

Why do we always tie ourselves up with an invisible rope? ? Resentment makes people lose their ability to feel pleasure, and their faces become cold and ruthless.

If you are obsessed with calculating everything, you will definitely achieve nothing, and even your friends and family will abandon you every time. Care and calculation will only make you fall into obsession and lose more things.

Zhou Guoping said: "The reason for many pains in life is blind competition. " Holding a grudge often cannot allow you to return safely from the shadow of being hurt. Pain always follows you, and you are the one who is hurt. Instead of cultivating an enemy for yourself, it is better to smile away the grudges and gain a friend.

William Gaynor often said: “Every night I forgive everything and everyone. "The great German philosopher Schopenhauer also believed that anger is a worthless and painful adventure.

Life is often unsatisfactory. Faced with all kinds of unsatisfactory life, there are no past events and old memories that cannot be let go. People only have the past and memories that they don’t want to let go of, so they must learn to take things lightly.

It’s yours, so don’t worry about it; if it’s not yours, you must be generous in everything and don’t worry about it. Relax your mind, be more calm and indifferent, take things lightly, and have less resentment and trouble.

"Zengguang Xianwen" preaches: "It is wrong to think about everything with your heart, and it is difficult to think about everything backwards." "The more you become enemies with others, the more you will fall into an abyss.Let go of resentment and welcome the future. How wonderful it is to be silent and silent.

" To Kill a Mockingbird " said: "You can never truly understand a person unless you walk around in his shoes and think about things from his perspective."

Some People always like to comment and make random remarks about other people's lives. As a result, it affects the lives of others. Others have to worry about other people's affairs. "Constant discussion" in the name of caring will only hurt others, and ultimately, yourself.

An old saying goes: "Sit quietly and think about your own life, and don't gossip about others." Only by not talking too much and not crossing the line and interfering in other people's business can you make your own life clear and clear.

Everything in the world is not static. When she was young, her face was as white as a flower and rosy, delicate and lovely. But even if you are as beautiful as a fairy, once your appearance ages, you will look like a dry piece of rotten wood. Even looking at myself makes me feel bored, and I can only silently miss my youth that will never come back.

Alpine plains, cities and villages, deserts and gobis, wetlands and grasslands, these various environments include both pleasing and dangerous places. But no matter what it is, it will eventually be destroyed by impermanence, just like the sea can be turned into mulberry fields and transformed.

Since there is nothing permanent in the external world or in ourselves, then why should we be greedy for what we have now?

In this world, although everyone's pain and happiness are different, one thing is common: our happiness and pain are like lightning in the sky, they are all impermanent.

The beautiful scene of flowers blooming is indeed worthy of nostalgia, but time passes, and the ups and downs are unpredictable. When the flowers bloom brilliantly, it means that the flowers will wither soon.

Everything in the world will change over time and return to nothingness. The hair is white from today, and the flowers are red last year. Why wait until they fall apart and then realize they are empty? Nothing can be taken away, only karma stays with you. Once you know the illusion, let it go. The resting place is Bodhi.

Life is impermanent and events are unpredictable. There is no need to be too persistent when things happen. Many times we are looking for trouble. We should be like sunflowers, facing wherever there is sunlight.

Contact more outstanding people, contact more good teachers, talk more about healthy and uplifting topics, and think more about issues that are beneficial to the development of life. If your heart is full of sunshine, even if it rains in life, it will be as warm as spring rain.

Buddha said: "Quietness can produce wisdom, and wisdom can produce wisdom." This is the power of calming down.

The stillness and movement in this world are all caused by the heart and the environment. When you truly calm down, you will see everything more clearly.

The beauty of silence is better than anything else. As the saying goes, a static load is speechless, and a deep water is speechless. Quiet, own world. Because I know too much, I don’t fight. Because my heart is already full, I am content.

A quiet person knows how to get along with himself, knows how to maintain a sense of proportion with others, does not bother others at will, and is not disturbed by the noise of the outside world. He just sticks to his own quietness and uses independent courage to maintain his persistence.

Therefore, meditation is a person's greatest blessing. Quietness makes the mind clearer. People who are impetuous are unable to keep their composure, are prone to making mistakes, and often fail to achieve great things, while people who are quiet in their hearts often have a silent and powerful force in them.

The most powerful person is one who can keep his heart calm. "A calm mind brings a harmonious mind, and a harmonious heart leads to a complete body; an irritable mind leads to a disturbed mind, and a disturbed mind leads to physical injuries." Chaos will inevitably lead to abnormal behavior.

has no basis for advancing or retreating, and will lose correct judgment. On the contrary, if your mind is calm and calm, you will not hear the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and you will not be careless in your behavior.

In fact, silence is more powerful than noise. When something happens, only by calming down and thinking carefully can the problem be solved. If the mind is disrupted by annoyances, the result will become more and more chaotic. Therefore, we must learn to put aside the annoyances, return to calmness, and listen to our hearts more.

calmed down and everything suddenly became clear.It is said that silence is the best way to be alone, and you can see your true needs more clearly. No matter when, you have to be clear about your own heart. Only by following your heart can you clearly know what you should have in all your words and deeds. What should be retained most, what should be cultivated most, and what should be pursued most.

Especially in this busy world, being aimlessly busy and attacking randomly will not only be ineffective, but also unable to have your own happiness, so we should abandon all distracting thoughts.

Be quiet and alone, sort out the years, sober yourself, see yourself clearly, understand yourself, and then clarify the direction of your efforts, put down what should be put away, pick up what should be taken, take the clear path, and do the clear things.

Quietness can produce wisdom. Only by keeping quiet can you have wisdom and strength. Tranquility is a kind of wisdom. People who are good at cultivating themselves are calm, self-respecting and full of concentration.

Grow wisdom in silence, recognize yourself, and let your life be in peace and tranquility; in indifference and tranquility, you can gain the powerful power of life and realize your life.

On the road of life, whenever big things happen, only by being calm can you be calm and unhurried. A person's highest level of concentration comes from tranquility. Only when the mind is as still as water can tranquility produce wisdom. When a crisis comes, only by calming your mind and clearing your head can you calmly deal with everything.

See everything clearly, neither be arrogant nor impatient. Don't be overly happy because of success, and don't be overly despairing because of failure. Face things calmly, empty your mind and your heart.

Many times, when we encounter something, we tend to get confused. Before the thing happens, panic is already in our throats; sometimes, when things are not that complicated, our world has already become a mess.

Therefore, people who are impatient and rash are more likely to succeed than succeed, so Lao Tzu said, "If you are gentle, you will lose your roots; if you are impatient, you will lose your authority." Reality is flashy and restless, which often makes us impatient and rash, worried about gains and losses.

Only by adhering to inner peace and adapting to ever-changing changes can we make fewer mistakes. The quieter a person's heart is, the more energy he has, and this greatest energy is a pure heart.

When we are willing to calm down, we can see the truth of things, and we can get through the fog and live our best selves.

When we calm down, we will see our true self, be aware of our needs, and observe our true feelings.

When our world is in a state of extreme chaos, we are often irrational and unconscious. If we want to have a steady stream of energy, the best way is to have a pure mind. When our hearts are pure, Then you will return to your truest self.

Quietness is a kind of power. When everything in the world is at its quietest, it contains the most powerful power. All the beautiful and peaceful things in the world can only be felt in silence.

A quiet person is gentle and gentle on the outside, as stable as Mount Tai, but pure and indifferent on the inside, and as wise as the deep sea. Quietness contains powerful power. Those who can maintain silence are powerful people. The quieter, the greater the power.

A quiet person may seem to talk little, but in fact he is more powerful than anyone else in his heart. He may seem calm, but in fact he observes more carefully than anyone else. He may seem to be non-competitive, but in fact he is looking for opportunities with a low profile.

They have quiet strength, perseverance in their eyes, and strong hearts. As they accumulate experience and age, they will become more stable, the calmer their hearts, and the more they can get rid of the shackles of impetuousness.

Life is bound to have its ups and downs. Winning or losing is just your state of mind. Therefore, in the world of mortals, all worries lie in your own heart. When you are calm, you will suddenly become enlightened.

In life, you must first empty yourself, do not let the world's tedium intrude on your mind, and let your mind calm down. You will find that many beautiful things in life come from inner peace.

In this busy world, everything seems to always come and go in a hurry. Most of the time, we are running around in unstoppable restlessness. Everything can keep us busy. Therefore, it is easy for us to see The power of external movement is noticed, but the power of inner tranquility has been ignored.

In fact, if there is no tranquility and self-control in life, there will be disharmony. Your own world will be in a mess, and others will also be in a mess. Therefore, keeping quiet is a kind of wisdom, but also a kind of strength. Only a strong wise man can keep quiet.

Every life in this world is a passer-by, and will eventually return to peace. Knowing this, we can treat gains and losses, honors and disgrace with an open mind, treat people with a normal heart, be pure and self-sufficient, let nature take its course, and no longer care about things. When things come, they will respond. When things go, they will not stay. When the mind is calm, people will be determined. When people are determined, things will go smoothly.

In life, the best way to live is to reduce dependence and lower expectations. I always think of the worst when doing things, so that if I exceed my imagination a little bit, I will be very satisfied, reduce dependence, lower expectations, and in the end there will be no disappointment at all. When the expected value of

is 100, you will be disappointed if you get 99. When the expected value is 0, you will feel lucky if you get 1. Don't be impatient or impatient in life. When you think about complicated things, your heart will get tired. It's best to be a simple and happy person! Only when the mind has space can it hold infinite happiness. Too much pain comes from attachment to what is not owned!

I just want a simple life. In this life, you have to go by yourself whether you are good or not, and you have to suffer whether you are tired or not. Everyone has unspeakable suffering, everyone has silent tears, and the years have never let go. who. Only by working hard to make every ordinary moment wonderful can you live up to your life. Hard work is the attitude of life. Life is simple and open-minded, why bother letting the people you care about guess.

I put the key to happiness in my own hands. Only I can open my own lock. If you work hard, the light will shine on you. Only by being independent can you live with dignity. Although you are tired from work, there is Sometimes you may be reprimanded, but for the sake of your family, you have to be strong and face it. There is no big deal and there is no obstacle that you cannot overcome!

"All gifts given by fate have been marked in secret." Be content with the situation, be the best version of yourself, live well, work well, lower your expectations, reduce dependence, be independent, optimistic, self-improving, self-transforming, and learn to ask yourself Ask instead of asking others, learn to reconcile with yourself instead of making trouble for others. If you expect too much, you will be disappointed. When you have no expectations for certain people and certain things, it may not be so uncomfortable!

If you want something, work hard to create it. What others give you must eventually repay it. Please give me a little good luck. I will work hard for the rest. As long as it gets better, it doesn't matter if it goes slower. I hope we can all say that after all hardships, happiness comes. people.

The best way to live life is to live in the present. Seize every moment now, cherish every moment now, let yourself have no regrets, and let yourself be full of expectations. Life is for you to see, and life is for you to control. I hope you can live in the present, live for yourself, and live a life that truly belongs to you.

You can only rely on yourself. Although you are tired sometimes, when you look back, you have nothing behind you. You can only grit your teeth, straighten your back, and keep moving forward! No dependence, no expectations, independence and self-reliance, and you will still live a good life!

Whether you are waiting or confused, don’t leave yourself where you are. Please keep smiling and moving forward. I just want to live a simple life. In this life, you have to go by yourself whether you are good or not, and you have to suffer whether you are tired or not. , everyone has unspeakable suffering, everyone has silent tears, and time has never let anyone go. In life, the best way to live is to reduce dependence and lower expectations. I hope we can all live as our own ferrymen and get whatever we want by ourselves.

In life, the best way to live is to reduce dependence and lower expectations. After seeing this sentence, I suddenly realized that in life, just have a wide-open mind. Only by being independent can you live a self-reliant life. If you don't have the acting skills to stand out from the world, please have the courage to admire yourself.

Both men and women must improve themselves and reduce dependence. Only when you are strong can you live a better and more exciting life. Don’t have any expectations and work hard. You are a stranger who can gain calmly and lose indifferently. The palm of your hand is only so big. Grab it. There are too many things that cannot be lived in, so let everything take its course!

I don’t dare to rest because I have no savings. I don’t dare to say I’m tired because I have no support. I turn all my expectations into motivation and work hard so that I can feel confident. Focus on today and not be afraid of tomorrow. Pay attention to yourself. Don’t worry about others. Let nature take its course. , take your time, lower your desires, have some expectations, don't care about other people's opinions, you can't satisfy everyone, exercise more, listen to more music, bask in the sun more, and cook more.

The reason why people are unhappy is because they place their happiness on others, reduce dependence, lower expectations, and don't let down their love for life. It turns out that the key to happiness lies in your own hands. Lower your expectations, become less dependent, and work hard for your own happiness!

Once you have experienced it, you will know that mountains will fall if you rely on them, and you will run if you rely on water. Only you are the most reliable, and you work hard. In recent years, I really like this sentence: there is no disappointment if there is no hope. On the road of life, everyone is a lonely traveler. There are thousands of situations in the world, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and no one else can help except to overcome them by oneself.

The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. Only through personal experience can you grow. The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. If you want to live well, the most confident thing is to be independent. No one will let you always Unconditional dependence means always relying on others. Sooner or later, others will get tired or impatient. Instead of blaming others, it is better to create everything independently.

In life, the best way to live is to reduce dependence and lower expectations. If you don’t expect, you will not be disappointed. Independence is a woman’s best armor. You never need to worry about gains and losses because of dependence on others. I hope you are gentle and lovely. Before I always prepare for the worst for anything. My friends say I am too pessimistic. Now occasionally someone asks me, what am I looking forward to most?

I answer, what I look forward to most is that I have no expectations. My best friend said that I want to be too strong, and women have to learn to be weak before others will hurt them. I replied: God is fair. He will let you gain and lose you at the same time. I have no expectations and do not want to rely on anyone. In this world, we No one can be relied on forever.

The only thing I can do is to work hard to become better and more independent, and then let myself be my support who will never fall. I believe that all my efforts will not be in vain, and I also believe that the person who truly loves me will definitely be found. Me, if all this has not been achieved, it must be that I am not doing well enough, so I will work harder, work harder, and work harder.

The best way for a person is to learn to be independent. We always care about how much we miss, but never pay attention to how much we have. The smartest way for people to live is to reduce dependence, lower expectations, and maintain love. In life, the best way to live is to reduce dependence and lower expectations.

This sentence is really good. It can make people happy and have a sense of transparency. Days without expectations will go smoothly. If you bloom, butterflies will come. If you are wonderful, God will arrange it. Happiness is created by yourself. Others can never give you your own happiness. Do what your heart thinks and do. Follow your heart's wishes and live a wonderful life.

When your heart becomes strong, you will no longer be afraid of loneliness and no longer expect someone to accompany you. When you become financially independent, you will have the confidence to solve problems and no longer expect anyone to help you. Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and be independent and self-reliant, and you will live a good life. When you lower your expectations and become less dependent, everything you see will be beautiful.

Lin Qingxuan said: "When people are alive, they should be somewhat gentle. They should not panic when things happen, and arrange their lives in a slow and leisurely manner. Throughout life, do not ask for a better life, be gentle and calm throughout your life."

Leisure Not everyone can have it. A person can have leisure time, but not necessarily have leisure time, and have mood, but not necessarily have leisure time.Leisure means settling down, doing some useless things, not chasing the world, not panicking in your heart, and not being impetuous in your mood.

Leisure is time, pay attention to listening, listen to the rhythm of your heart, listen to your own breathing, no matter how high the mountains and rivers are in life, your heart is still young, and life is like an elegant flower blooming on the branch.

When you are a person, you understand the gains and losses in life, but it is just a flowery affair, a waste of time. You will understand what impermanence is, and when you are free, you will feel that everything is normal, poetic or joyful, as long as it can make you feel happy.

Under the starry sky, use dreams as horses, above the morning glow, the traveler has no boundaries. When you are free, it is not that you have nothing to do, but to enjoy life quietly, stand in front of the window of time, say goodbye to the old days, stand in the depths of time, at the new starting point of the season, feel life with your mood, and enjoy life with ordinary The heart looks to the future.

No matter what the past scenery was like, don't think about the regrets and inner losses. Only by learning to forget can you reach your own distance. Forget those wonderful and glorious moments, know how to let your heart return to zero, pack your bags at any time, and be ready to start again.

holds dreams in his heart and is working hard for the future. Only by letting go of himself at the right time can he set sail towards a new goal. No matter when and where you are, live your life seriously and make every day fulfilling and meaningful. Time and years will reward you.

Life is half fireworks and half happiness. Make a living and seek love at the same time. I believe that everything you encounter and have is always worth it. There are always too many beautiful things to look forward to in life.

Time flies by so quickly. Only by knowing how to combine work and rest and working hard when you are busy can you embrace success. In your free time, accept the gift of time, be with the joy of life, have peace of mind, be safe and sound in your life, be sincere as snow, and have more auspiciousness in your life.

Life should be cherished and practiced. Live an ordinary life and know how to take a break in ordinary life. Everything you do will be a smooth road. Your heart will be compassionate and your direction will be clear. May our hearts be dust-free for the rest of our lives, accompanied by the breeze, everything we see is beautiful, we make ourselves happy, and everything we encounter is gentle.

In this world, the only thing that cannot be looked at directly, except the sun, is the human heart. It is impossible for others to detect a person's inner activities. "It is difficult to paint a tiger's skin but not its bones. Knowing a person's face but not his heart." Therefore, smart people can always successfully hide themselves.

can still be successful even if it is different from what it looks like. And some people are kind-hearted, but they are not understood by others. Instead, they are often misunderstood by others. They cannot defend themselves, and they often suffer losses and are deceived. In the end, good people are not rewarded.

In life, there is always a person like this: relying on his sharp tongue, he stirs up trouble everywhere, and enjoys provoking and bullying others. He makes a good environment into a mess, and everything is controlled by his nonsense mouth.

He will punish anyone he says. There is no difference between such people and those who use violence. One uses force to cause you physical pain, while the other uses words to make you mentally depressed .

So, don’t underestimate the power of language. You can be covered in bruises without lifting a finger. Without swords and guns, you will still be pierced by thousands of arrows.

language is the most straightforward way of expression for a person. You may not be able to speak it, but you must be able to listen. A person's language hides whether the other person is true or false towards you. For example, when you are unemployed and faced with the problem of survival, you consult your friends and look for opportunities.

When faced with your predicament, there are two types of people who are particularly obvious: one is to laugh at your anxiety, say something in a joking tone, and tell you that it is not easy to find a job.

The recruitment requirements are very high now, which makes you feel ashamed. Another way is to introduce you to the work situation of your friends, and directly find relevant people to introduce you to them.

A person who makes jokes may not necessarily be really cheerful. He may not necessarily like to laugh. He just likes to watch others having fun, and adding insult to injury will relax his own emotions. Such people are the most selfish.

likes to see other people struggling to death. He will only become serious when he comes to you for something. No matter how long you have known someone like this, you must know: Never let him know if there is anything bad going on.

Only those who can really help you solve your problems are true friends, a friendship worth maintaining. Next, if you meet someone who talks to you in this way, don't contact him if you can. Always exaggerating, belittling you, and pointing fingers at you.

There is a kind of person who always seems to have a God's perspective. He will always hold you down and look down at you. It seems that he is doing it for your own good, correcting you and making you better, but in fact you are getting worse and worse.

For example, you have met new friends, started a new life, and you are full of hope. He will inquire about the affairs between you, and then judge and tell you that he has bad intentions, but you don't even notice it, and you don't understand the ways of the world, making you look like a fool.

knows that you are renting a house, and I must tell you that everyone around you has several houses, but you can't get them even if you try hard. I sigh that life is like this, wealth is impermanent.

The distance between you and him seemed forever out of reach, and he was your only true friend. He is someone who can lead you to a better place.

If you have low self-esteem, cherish the friendship between you even more, tell him everything, and let him point out your life, then you can be sure that your future life will be in a mess.

Human relationships are cold and warm, and the world is cold and thin. Some people say they are affectionate and loyal, but in fact they just like to control you, pushing you down to lift themselves up and gain satisfaction.

's approach is like drawing a wall as a prison. If you enter the circle he draws, it will be difficult to escape after a long time, and he will only look at you and laugh. It's not that you're really stupid, maybe he's just jealous of you. If he sees your shining point, he will suppress you.

Therefore, for such people, don’t think that you are ignorant. You must stay as far away from him as possible. It is best not to reply to WeChat. With a simple greeting, he may be able to follow you and control you. Kill all possibilities in your life.

When you meet such a person, I suggest you read a book - "Mr. Toad Goes to a Psychologist". There are also free audios available online.

If you want to make your life more colorful, it is actually very simple, just block a person who is arrogant and thinks he is superior. A relaxed and comfortable environment can better utilize your strengths.

In the face of life, we can only appreciate the multi-faceted nature of life by truly listening, seeing, and feeling, instead of listening to others analyze and tell you what is going on in your life. After a long time, you who are smart will become "blind." ", "deaf", you start to rely on him, and he will not care about you, because he never really wants you to be well.

Don't be afraid that you will make mistakes. No one in life is a true god, and no one has eyes that can see through everything. It is precisely because of this that life is mysterious and interesting.

has a razor-sharp mouth, and his words make people feel cold. Some people in life may have a good attitude and are called "two-skinned". Others say a few words and laugh, and forget it. But some people are thin-skinned and solemn, and their words are full of malice. After hearing this, they feel hurt and cannot adjust well. Is there anything wrong?

It is not a mistake to be sensitive inside. People who speak viciously must not have good intentions. Some people also know that their words are unpleasant, and they often add a sentence after saying something: "I am a person with a sharp mouth and a cruel heart.

I am not like some people, who have a vicious heart!" It is very dangerous for a person to say one or two wrong words. It's normal. If you don't realize that you've hurt others, you still flaunt yourself. It's a shameful thing to do.

If a person's heart is not vicious, how can he blurt out such vicious words? Where does the poison in your mouth come from?

Some people keep silent but have bad intentions. Such people have the authority to keep their mouths shut. And some people have bad hearts and can't control their mouths, so they just talk. In order to make up for it and hide themselves, they say they are "tonfuxin". There is no difference between the two. To put it bluntly, they are bad.

You should stay away from those who don't say anything, and those who say it directly. A person who can't even control his own mouth, how can he be expected to have the self-control to control his own morality? People who can keep their mouths shut will still have scruples and think about it when they harm you.

Besides, who doesn’t have angels and demons coexisting in their hearts? The key is which one of your own reasons should prevail.This rationality determines a person's attitude towards doing things. I was mentally corrupt for a while, but in the end I chose the good side and did what was worthy of my conscience. That was enough.

If a person is always "sharp", it just means that the devil in this person's heart has never been suppressed by reason. Usually, if a person always lives in a warm and harmonious atmosphere, his mentality is usually positive.

If you always hear vicious words, this person will definitely have a negative side. For example, how can a family have a harmonious relationship and parents have stable emotions?

likes to encourage and praise children, so this child will tend to be more confident, treat others better, and have better self-cultivation. If parents are mean-mouthed, often insult each other, have a bad relationship, and refuse to divorce, then the child will often have low self-esteem and be unable to handle interpersonal relationships well.

Therefore, don’t underestimate the dangers of “knife-mouthed” people. The harm to the soul is subtle. If you encounter such people, it’s better to stay away as soon as possible and keep your ears clean.

People of different walks of life do not seek each other. Some people meet each other, but it does not mean that they are in the same lane. Sooner or later they will be separated. Failure to make yourself better for a period of time will only make you more and more depressed. Ending negative relationships as soon as possible is your own salvation.

If a person likes to show off himself, belittle you, make you constantly doubt yourself, become timid, afraid of trying, and become more and more superstitious about what he says, or his words are like a knife piercing your heart. on, making you miserable.

Then, no matter how the other party excuses themselves, don’t contact them again. The so-called solitary, sensitive, and unsociable actually allow you to explore yourself and your relationship with the world. Some lively illusions actually make people feel more empty.

Only by putting self-awareness first can a person clearly feel the world, understand what he wants, and what kind of life he wants to live.

Others' evaluations have nothing to do with your true purpose in life. If you care too much, you can easily go in the wrong direction, run counter to your own ideals, or even lose your own ideals, which is not worth the gain.

Those people with bad intentions and good intentions will never think that you should become a better version of yourself. They will only laugh when you are like a headless fly.

So, why care so much? If you are too embarrassed to save face and refuse them, you will only let them cling to you and consume you.

Only by living your life well can you be worthy of this life that you only have once. Think clearly, live clearly, and take action quickly. Know how to choose, and a better life will surely be waiting for you not far away.

There is no real desperate situation in the world, only the despair of the predicament. For those with a strong heart, life's difficulties are not only a baptism and a test, but also an opportunity to achieve self-sublimation and awakening. Those who shrink back when encountering difficulties, or criticize the world and complain about the unfairness of life are all people with weak hearts.

The more difficult it is, the less we must lose faith in life, and the more we need a strong heart to face the hardships. True inner strength is not about conquering something, but about what you can endure.

There is nothing worse than a dead heart. A dead heart is a desperate situation. The more difficult the time, the less likely we are to lose our faith in death. We are born with nothing, so why fear the death of others? When water reaches its end, it becomes a waterfall; when a person reaches its end, it becomes a rebirth. This requires a strong heart to bear.

Many people feel that life is painful because you are lost in materialistic desires and sensuality. People who have no desires are strong. If the mind is calm, where will it be stained with dust? The green cypresses and green pines in the green mountains are firm and straight.

You have a strong heart, a broad vision, and a broad-minded behavior; even when you are in a desperate situation, you can still sit back and watch the clouds rise. Life is a journey! Whether life is wonderful or not depends on the extent of your self-cultivation!

In this life, people should come quietly, live quietly, and go quietly; study quietly, work quietly, and love someone quietly.

Quietness is a kind of cultivation and a kind of character. Quietness is a kind of open-mindedness and a pattern. Quietness is also a state and a magic weapon.

Quietness can eliminate the hustle and bustle of the world, put aside the impetuousness of people's hearts, stay away from the disputes of the world, make the years beautiful because of silence, and make life calm because of silence.

Be a quiet person, adhere to the principle of "silence is golden", keep your mouth shut in groups, keep your heart in solitude, and guard the pure land of your soul.

We should go less to places that are too noisy, stay away from places that are too prosperous, and avoid environments that are too complex.

wastes his most precious time in meaningless gatherings and dinners. What is the meaning of such a life?

You should do things quietly. Only when a person calms down can his energy be more concentrated, his thinking sharper, and it will be easier to accomplish great things.

And those who cannot calm down and do things seriously will eventually fail to do big things and small things, and will achieve nothing.

Do things quietly, just so that you can concentrate, just so that you can be dedicated, just so that you can be rigorous and meticulous, just so that you can accomplish things and do good things.

If you live a quiet life, you can have more blessings and fewer disasters, and you can enjoy the good times and beautiful scenery.

The world is too noisy, people's hearts are too complicated, and there are too many quarrels and quarrels in life. How many people can calm down to live seriously and enjoy life.

In your own life, be quiet, neither impatient nor impatient, do not complain or care, do not compare or envy, and live warmly and down-to-earth, is actually happiness.

People should live quietly when they are alive, do not join in the fun, do not fight for superiority or inferiority, regardless of right or wrong, do not waste feelings on unworthy people, and do not waste time on irrelevant things.

The most important thing for a person in life is to live happily, comfortably, cleanly and freely, because life is one's own, what does it have to do with others? The most important thing in life is happiness and happiness. After all, life is your own and you have to experience everything by yourself.

Don’t force yourself to fit into a circle that you can’t fit into. If you don’t like the situation, just stay away. The most important thing in life is to be yourself and return to the world you like.

People are destined to become more and more lonely as they go and live. Being able to quietly enjoy the beauty and purity in your own world is a kind of happiness.

In the midst of peace and tranquility, you can focus more on life, work, and the people you love, so that you can move forward happily without fear of the cold, without asking about things.

In short, only if you can stay quiet, stick to your duties, keep your bottom line, keep your original intention, work silently on today, and think about tomorrow quietly, can you live a wonderful life.

Human dignity has both social and personal dignity. In a free society, people can enjoy personal freedom, so people have dignity, and people can live with dignity, but in a slave society.

People are enslaved and cannot enjoy personal freedom. Therefore, people have no dignity and cannot live a dignified life. The main discussion here is about dignity in the personal sense. No matter what society it is.

As a human being, a person can live a dignified life. How to be dignified is the meaning of human beings. Only when the meaning of human existence is the meaning of human beings, can people have human dignity. This is the meaning of human existence. , a person is a person with dignity.

People must have dignity, and people must have human spiritual meaning. Only when people have spiritual character, can a person have human dignity. People have human dignity. A person will not beg, be vulgar, be weak, or be cowardly.

On the contrary, a person has self-respect and self-love, is neither humble nor arrogant, is independent and free, and a person is upright, upright and aboveboard. It can be said that a person is a gentleman and a good person.

Human dignity is human self-maintenance, the meaning of human life, the meaning of human beings, a person lives like a human being, has human morality, has human nature, has a soul, has thoughts, and has beliefs. .

is a beautiful person, a wonderful person, a noble person, and a normal person. Only in this way can a person have human dignity.

If people lack the spiritual meaning of human beings, and for the sake of profit, some people will be servile, beg, beg, be vulgar, be cowardly, kneel down, or lie down, then a person will Without human dignity, people would live like dogs.

From the perspective of the meaning of a person, if a person wants to live a dignified life, a person must have backbone. This is the spiritual character.

Human dignity means that a person lives standing up, not kneeling down, not climbing down. A person stands upright and upright, which is the meaning of being a human being.

It is not easy for people to live a dignified life, especially if a person lives in a corrupt society or a enslaved society.

It is not easy for a person to live a dignified life, because people live a dignified life, and sometimes their interests will be harmed. This is the cruelty of social reality.

In one sense, the life of human dignity means that people are not servile, people are independent people, people are free people, people are spiritual people, people are thinking people, people are people with souls, people are Be a person of faith.

In this way, talents will have spiritual character, noble spiritual meaning, noble ideological meaning, and will be a standing person with dignity.

Human dignity is self-maintenance of human beings. Human beings live with dignity. The meaning of human life is the meaning of human beings. Human beings live like human beings, not like dogs.

Whether a person is rich or poor, or poor, the key to the meaning of human life is human dignity. Only when people have human dignity can the meaning of human life be noble, beautiful, and beautiful.

Human dignity is the spiritual character and spiritual meaning of a person. Only with the noble spiritual meaning can people have the dignity of the meaning of life.

Without the nobility of spiritual meaning, a person's meaning of life will not have spiritual character, and a person's meaning of life will not have dignity.

Life is a practice, and among all living beings, everyone is moving forward with a heavy burden. Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect. The road of life is full of thorns, rapids, and dangers.

People are inevitably resentful. Some people are easily angered, while others can always keep their minds calm and calm when dealing with people and situations. They are good at managing their tempers and interpreting a wise life in a big way.

There is an old saying: "Speak slowly and be angry slowly." Many times, because we fail to control our temper, we make one mistake after another, and ultimately suffer the consequences.

In life, it is impossible for everything to go as planned. There will always be various things that make you upset, make you angry, and even cause trouble and conflicts.

Everyone has a temper. Losing your temper will not solve any problems, it will only make things worse. When interacting with others, only by treating others with gentleness and humility can you resolve conflicts and get along harmoniously with others.

The so-called harmony means to value harmony in everything and have an inclusive heart. Shakespeare There is a famous saying, be kind to others, but don't be too affectionate.

Gentleness not only means having a gentle temper, but also means being a team player and being able to create a harmonious atmosphere. Kindness does not mean that you are a good person, but that you treat others with a tolerant and considerate heart.

has a good heart, treats people and things in a gentle manner, and uses a grand pattern to define a calm life. Kindness is not cowardice. Many times we should learn to put ourselves in others' shoes and understand the difficulties of others, so that we can be tolerant to others and gain blessings for ourselves.

Harmony is a kind of respect for others while seeking common ground while reserving one's own differences; it is sincere cooperation and mutual understanding where justice outweighs benefit; it is self-cultivation of being informal and generous to others.

Being kind does not mean having a bad temper, but rather dealing with interpersonal relationships without losing your temper. It means treating others with a tolerant and understanding heart. Harmony may not necessarily lead to success, but it will lead to a wonderful life. As the saying goes: "Clay figures also have three points of temper."

Indeed, when we are treated unfairly, or when others deliberately make things difficult for us, it becomes natural to lose our temper.

Whatever your temper, your destiny.People with bad tempers will not have much luck. People with bad character, bad temper, and narrow-minded people will never achieve anything no matter how talented they are. So, please be sure to control your temper.

When facing bad people and bad things, let yourself remain calm and rational, take everything lightly, say less hurtful words, and do less regretful things, so as to avoid causing harm to both parties.

Don't be angry at anything and lose your temper less often. Only by learning to let go of your temper can you take control of your life and embrace a better future.

Try not to get angry at anything, have a broad heart, tolerate everything in the world, cleverly turn to humorous words, make big things into small, small things into small, try to control your emotions, don't lose your temper easily, you Just win.

We must become the masters of our emotions, not the slaves of our emotions, because bad temper will bring about a series of unexpected reactions, like butterfly effect . It is never wrong to make money by being harmonious.

Be kind to people and things, greet people with a smile, and speak softly. You will find that many things you thought were difficult to do before have become easier, and the road in life has become smoother.

Reduce your temper, take your time when things get tough, and be tolerant to others. You will find that you have more friends who can help you, and your road to life becomes wider. As the saying goes: It is easy to be gentle when dealing with things, not to aggravate your temper when encountering problems, and to be open-minded and open-minded.

Life is like a spiritual practice. We cannot predict the future. All we can do is to adjust our mentality, be more kind, more generous, and less tempered. Only then will things develop in the direction we expect, and life will be better. It will be colorful.

encourage each other!

author; Qingmiao