They say women are materialistic, that’s because they haven’t met a man who cherishes her. In the TV series, in the human world, the love between the two Zhou brothers makes women envious. As ordinary women, we don’t expect to be lucky enough to marry that top-notch male god, Zho

people say that women are materialistic, that’s because they haven’t met a man who cherishes her.

TV series In the human world, the love between the two Zhou brothers makes women envious. As ordinary women, we don’t expect to be lucky enough to marry that top-notch male god, Zhou Bingyi, who lives up to his wealth and status and never forgets us. In ordinary life, we are more eager to find the Zhou Bingkun who is at the bottom, but is down-to-earth and reliable.

We are neither realistic nor materialistic. We just want a stable and recognized life, and long for the care and care of men. Longing for a man's attention and affirmation. If men were as dedicated and simple as Zhou Bingkun, no matter how hard life was, they would not feel sad and desperate, and no matter how difficult it was, they would not want to give up and run away.

When a woman makes up her mind to marry a man, she is not afraid of hardship or hard work. I am afraid that no matter how hard I work, I will not be recognized by men, and no matter how frugal I am, I will not be loved by men. He will never see your efforts, and his temptation will always be regarded as his pride.

Zhou Bingkun has the courage to protect his wife, showing a man's responsibility

From now on, you will stay in this family and set a good example for your younger brothers and sisters. Do you know why? Because you were born by my daughter-in-law, you were raised by my daughter-in-law, you are my daughter-in-law’s life, and I will not allow anyone to harm my daughter-in-law. Including you and especially you.

This is when Zhou Nan learned that his biological father was not Zhou Bingkun, but the wealthy Luo Shibin. Zhou Bingkun did not think that his adopted son's relationship with his wealthy father would bring financial help to his family. Nor did he think that he would lose face and dignity because of the exposure of his son's identity. The first thing he thought of was the feelings of his wife Zheng Juan. He knew that his wife Zheng Juan no longer wanted to have anything to do with the gangster Luo Shibin. He felt sorry that his wife could not let her son go to find his biological father. He will not allow anyone to hurt his wife.

He told Zhou Nan that when he and Zheng Juan got married, Zheng Juan was already pregnant. He knew clearly that Zheng Juan was pregnant with someone else's child. He knew clearly that in that era, it was called hooliganism for men and women to do this before marriage. The Public Security Bureau will take care of it regardless of the unit. The lighter ones will be notified, and the severe ones will be fired. This job and career will be ruined.

In order to minimize the harm to Zheng Juan, he was willing to take all the responsibility on himself. At that time, everyone advised him to put his career first. What's the problem for a real man without a wife? This is true. But for some people he's not right. This is wrong for Zhou Bingkun. Even if Zhou Bingkun loses his job, he cannot let Zheng Juan down. Everyone thinks that rich people are successful people, but Zhou Bingkun doesn't care what others think, he just wants his wife to be happy. If his wife is happy, he will be happy. Anyone else can say whatever they want.

This is the sense of security a man gives a woman. It doesn't necessarily mean living a wealthy life, but how a man cares about and protects current affairs. A man who takes the happiness of his wife as his happiness must be a man worthy of being entrusted with his life. No matter how hard life is, women don’t think it’s hard, and no matter how tired they are, they don’t think it’s tired. Because someone feels sorry for you, even ordinary days are filled with the sweetness of happiness.

Zhou Bingkun cleverly rejected the mistress's overtures and calmly resolved his wife's worries.

When Zhou Bingkun reaches middle age, when Zhou Bingkun's career improves and his status becomes respectable, it is the golden age of a man. Men during this period are also the most favored by women.

Sun Xiaoning frequently showed her affection and initiative towards Zhou Bingkun. It’s not that Zhou Bingkun didn’t know. He thinks it's quite cruel for a man to reject a woman. But it was impossible for him to accept that feeling and hurt his wife.

's soliloquy reflects a man's wisdom and generosity. The woman said directly, "I also want to have a man like Zhou Bingkun."

In a man's life, as long as he is not too bad, he will experience temptations or heartbeats of all sizes. Most men know clearly that they have a wife and children, but they have an attitude of not rejecting or taking the initiative, which not only hurts the other party but also hurts the family. What's more, they will actively look for excitement, trying to add a different kind of excitement to their boring life. He is completely unwilling to consider his wife's feelings, let alone understand her difficulties.

How many men think that they have made money outside and will be a big man when they come home. No matter how hard a woman works for the family, she will never get the gratitude and care of a man. They still think that they are capable and that they are raising women, so in women He was arrogant in front of him and felt that his wife was not qualified to take care of him.

When Zhou Bingkun was hospitalized and Sun Xiaoning was delivering meals and keeping company, Zhou Bingkun's soliloquy chat made Sun Xiaoning retreat from the difficulties and made his wife Zheng Juan feel happy and at ease.

Your sister-in-law is angry with me. But your sister-in-law is a person who understands the overall situation and takes into account the overall situation. She doesn’t mention this matter when she goes home. But just because you don't mention it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Right? I didn’t eat or drink when I got home. I realized the seriousness of the problem. You said she's not okay, how can I still be okay? What should I do with my father, my mother, and our two children? She is the backbone of our family and the backbone of my heart. My mother was quite right. People like Zheng Juan are sent to our family by God. If there is such a person in any family, it will really be a flourishing life. Adults and children, please follow along. Although she is not your pistachio, she is your everlasting refreshing fragrance. You see, my mother said this. The old lady has never read any books, but her words are poetic. And it’s really accurate. So I went to my brother shamelessly. You said that if your sister-in-law didn't want me anymore, you said that there was no place for me to cry.

I have read this passage countless times, and I am particularly moved every time. Is there really such a good man in the world?

It was a standard family where the male headed the household and the female headed the household. Zhou Bingkun is responsible for making money to support his family, and Zheng Juan is responsible for taking care of the family. In today's terms, she is a housewife. The valuable thing about Zhou Bingkun is that he doesn't feel how hard it is to make money outside. In fact, it is very hard. All he thinks about is that it is his duty to make money so that his family and relatives can live a good life. It was too hard for his wife to take care of the family at home.

He didn't feel that he had achieved some success in his career now, and how proud he was to have a young girl throwing himself into his arms. As a responsible man, he knew that rejecting a young girl's advances was a cruel thing. But he understood better the pain and uneasiness his wife felt about the existence of another woman.

While he praised his wife in front of the girl, he also subtly reminded the girl that he could not leave his wife. He is grateful for his wife's contribution to the family and cherishes the relationship he has developed with his wife.

He did not despise his wife just because he had a successful career, nor did he give up his responsibilities to the family just because a young girl took the initiative.

Through Zhou Bingkun's story, you will understand that good feelings are hidden in the daily care of each other; hidden in the warm details; hidden in the cold tears of the lover. People who understand you will understand your hesitation without saying anything; people who don't understand you will not care about you no matter how loudly you cry. For those who love you, your existence is happiness; for those who don't love you, no matter how much you give, they will not be satisfied.

A happy marriage means someone understands and someone loves you. The best relationship is to not talk about your own difficulties, and just want the other person to be happy and at ease because of your own efforts.

Zhou Bingkun said to Zhou Nan: I feel that I am quite successful and happy in this life. There is your mother, you are so promising, and there is Congcong, a wife and children who are on the hot bed. Contentment. So what is happiness in this life? Happiness is when the person you love loves you back.

Eat with people you like, and be with people who understand you. Happy relationships are that simple.