Marriage is essentially two people with the same views, because they love each other and are willing to live together for the rest of their lives, no matter how rich or poor they are. However, some people now regard marriage as a springboard, always thinking of using marriage to

Marriage is essentially two people who have the same views. Because they love each other, they are willing to live together for the rest of their lives, regardless of whether they are rich or poor.

However, some people now regard marriage as a springboard. They always want to use marriage to soar to the sky and hold other people's houses, cars, and money in their arms. Once the other party does not satisfy their wishes, they will cry and cry. Want to break up.

Such a person is not worthy of nostalgia, let alone a man crying for her.

Just like this man, he spent all his savings to buy a house and planned to get married after renovating it. Unexpectedly, he received a breakup text message from his girlfriend and couldn't help but break down and cry.

The information in this issue comes from the daily life published by this man’s friends.

A friend said: Seeing him breaking down and crying, I couldn't help but feel sad for him. In fact, such a woman is not worthy of him, and it would not be a pity to break up.

According to this friend, the man and his girlfriend met in a bar. It was his first time going to the bar and he fell in love with the girl.

We all advised him that girls who like to hang out in bars are unreliable and may have different views from yours. We suggested that he carefully consider the relationship between the two of them.

However, his friend said that he fell in love at first sight and just fell in love with this girl. When we saw that the persuasion was ineffective, we all kept our mouths shut.

They were also very sweet during their relationship. The girl was not only beautiful, but also very good at making trouble, and she often made him smile.

However, it was different when it came time to talk about marriage. The girl asked him to buy a house. If he didn't have a house, he wouldn't get married. She didn't want to live with the old man.

The man doesn't work long hours. If he buys a house, he will be very tight on money, and he may even have no money for a wedding.

In order to marry the girl he likes, the man gritted his teeth and used all his savings to pay a down payment for a second-hand house. He thought: save a little, and let his parents provide more funding when the house is renovated, and this matter will be over.

Who knows, the decoration plan has just been put on the agenda. When he took his friends to the new house and considered the decoration plan together, he received a breakup text message from the girl.

A friend said: He looked at the phone in a daze for a long time. We called him several times but he didn’t respond. He couldn’t help but take a closer look and it turned out to be a breakup message from a girl.

He collapsed at that time, sat on the ground and cried bitterly. While crying, he said: "She is gone. Why should I buy a house when she is gone? I have already bought a house, why does she want to break up with her?"

Let's see. I couldn't help but feel sad for him. He had sacrificed too much for this relationship, but he just didn't meet the right person.

netizen said: A man can bend and stretch, what is there to cry about? Now that you have a house, find a better girl.

Some netizens also said: She knows that you have to pay for the house when you buy it. She must have left. She doesn’t want to be a house slave! This is a wise choice. If you buy a house at once, she will definitely not break up with you. How realistic!

The author couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Do you know how much it costs to buy a house in full?

A house can easily cost millions. How can a young man get so much money? You can only rely on your parents for financial support, but do your parents have to be rich?

The author believes: The essence of marriage is to work hard with the person you love to make life better and better.

Two people who want to get married must be prepared to fight together, instead of using the excuse of marriage as one family to rob another family.

Just like what this friend said: A man and a girl like this have different views and are not suitable to be together.

Losing her now is not necessarily a bad thing. Sooner or later, he will meet the girl who has the same views as him, and then get married for the rest of his life.