Joy was originally a part of adding a lively atmosphere to the wedding, but on the day when He Xingfu got married to Wanjiazhuang, his sister served as a bridesmaid for him, but she encountered the secretary's son's bottomless wedding trouble in the name of joy, and he took her a

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"It's fun to be noisy. The more noisy, the more joyful. If it's not noisy, it won't be lively~"

Being noisy is a part of adding a lively atmosphere to the wedding, but how can you happily marry on the day of Wanjiazhuang? , my sister was serving as a bridesmaid for her wedding, but she encountered the secretary's son's bottomless marriage trouble in the name of making a happy wedding. He took someone into the house, tore her clothes and touched her body.

Still the bride, He Xingfu saw that something was wrong, rushed over in a hurry, broke in the door, picked up the bench, and opened the door to Wan Chuanjia, who was the leader of the mischief. Only then did he save his sister's innocence from the wolf of Wan Chuanjia.

At the beginning of " Happiness Comes to Thousands of Homes ", the plot of He Xingfu "fighting violence with violence" and bravely fighting bad marriage habits is very satisfying, but if you think about it carefully, it treats the symptoms but not the root cause!

01, abnormal face.

In Wanjiazhuang, the Wang family has a small surname.

In rural areas with a strong sense of clan, there are few people of the same clan and surname, which means that they are weak and vulnerable to "bullying". Especially when it comes to weddings and funerals, the front door becomes even more deserted.

So, on the day when Wang Qinglai married He Xingfu, the Wang family's parents-in-law begged their grandfather and grandma to ask the village committee secretary Wan Shantang to come and support the event despite his busy schedule, just to make it lively and save face.

However, the performance of the Wang family's parents-in-law was too humble.

A junior member of the Wan family came to present a ceremony on behalf of his father. They greeted him with hunched shoulders and backs, fearing that the reception would not be adequate;

Secretary Wan arrived late, and even though the auspicious time had come, they had to wait for him to take his seat before holding the ceremony;

Newcomers are not allowed to worship the parents of Heaven and Earth first, but they must first worship Secretary Wan, the leader of Wanjiazhuang...

Secretary Wan is very honorable. He rushed there after the county meeting and even went to the big hall in advance. Red envelopes; the people in the village were also very generous, and everyone came as expected, and the scene of changing glasses at the banquet was extremely lively.

However, the unprecedented excitement at the wedding banquet went to the head of the Wang family's parents-in-law.

When the second son Wang Qingzhi saw his sister-in-law being "bullied" by the Wan Chuan family and came to rescue the soldiers, her mother-in-law didn't take it seriously at all. She didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all. She even got angry because the Wan Chuan family took the lead in making a fuss. It feels good to have face.

However, the face given to Wan Chuanjia is really disgusting.

He not only took advantage of the large number of people to tear up the lucky clothes of others, but also pressed people under him and groped them randomly. This was not a joke, he was obviously using the pretense of joy to act like a hooligan under the influence of alcohol.

This is a bottomless marriage affair, and it is even more obscene!

However, even if He Xingfu was so angry that he gave the Wan Chuan family a blow, the parents-in-law were still concerned about how to retain Secretary Wan and the villagers, and how to carry out this happy event to the end.

This accident disrupted a beautiful wedding banquet and broke up unhappy.

However, the Wang parents-in-law looked at Lucky, who was greatly frightened when her dress was torn. Not only did they not say a word of comfort, but they also complained that the sisters did not understand the "rules":

"Lucky, listen to me. They are here to make a fuss for us. We are all like this here. When we get married, some places make the fuss worse than this! It’s not easy to invite him here. They are here to give us face! "

Listen, is this human language?

What a deformed and realistic scene!

At this point, they have lost all their dignity, and they no longer care about face. They are not angry because He Xuxun, an "outsider", has been bullied. They are just blindly afraid that they will offend the secretary's family.

My parents-in-law couldn’t understand, my husband was so honest that he was a coward, and my younger siblings didn’t dare to stand up for my sister-in-law. They always refused to give in and insisted on “finding an explanation” for my sister. From the beginning to the end, I was the only one who was happy!

02, human society, indispensable legal constraints!

Since ancient times, wedding has been a ceremony held to bring two people together.

In the era of blind marriage and dumb marriage, in order to promote mutual understanding and contact between the newlyweds, there was an active and lively wedding ceremony commonly known as wedding ceremony.

Usually, playing various games that are narrow but not excessive can remove some of the strangeness between the groom and the bride, and can also add a lot of joy to the guests and hosts on this special day.

However, in many places now, the traditional custom of having a wedding ceremony is increasingly moving towards a wedding ceremony.

At weddings in the past, there was indeed a saying that "there is no big or small thing within three days of entering the house". There would be young people who were younger than others and would tease the newlyweds and the happy father-in-law and the happy mother-in-law. I don't know what it is said in other places. In our local dialect, it is called "challenging the new daughter-in-law" ".

However, everyone just goes as far as they can. At most, they just push the new daughter-in-law into the groom's arms abruptly, or smear the faces of Grandpa Xi and Grandma Xi to look ugly.

Nowadays, there are more and more "chaotic" tricks, and most of them are very vulgar, including but not limited to throwing eggs on the groom, making the newlyweds drink homemade "red wine" with various seasonings, and tying the groom to a telephone pole with tape Go up...

After all the fuss, the atmosphere was really lively, but people always felt an indescribable disgust afterward, but it is still very rare to blatantly take advantage of the fun to play hooligans like in the drama.

After all, weddings are held to create relationships, not enemies.

Anyone with any sense would not upset the host family on such a special day. If something really bad happens, will relatives and neighbors not get along with each other in the future?

Moreover, when doing this kind of work, it is indispensable to invite some highly respected elders to sit in charge. If anything goes too far, the master will not come forward, so it is up to them to restrain and stop it.

Here, we can also see the shortcomings of the Wang family.

themselves, their family doesn’t have that much momentum, but they insist on borrowing Secretary Ren Wan’s momentum to boost their reputation. As a result, if something goes wrong, they have to be dumb and eat coptis. Didn’t they all ask for it themselves?

However, He Xingfu's simple and crude approach, which seemed to be ruthless and ruthless, did directly and effectively stop Wan Chuanjia from doing evil things to his sister, but it also put himself and his sister into a storm of public opinion. Eyes on.

However, in real life, there are still not many brides who can be as brave as He Xingfu. Moreover, this approach only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and leaves itself with future troubles.

After the incident, no one thought that the Wan Chuan family was at fault for coming to "make fun". Everyone thought that the Wang family had broken the "rules" of Wanjiazhuang by marrying a new wife with a bad temper, and the Wang family was devastated by this. , the parents-in-law went to Wan's house to apologize tremblingly, and knelt down to apologize to Secretary Wan.

After all, in rural areas where local customs dominate, people’s legal concepts are particularly weak, and unreasonable things are more easily accepted. The victim becomes the perpetrator, and hooligans can act confidently!

How can one not be filled with indignation after watching a plot like this? How can it not be chilling?

03, don’t be afraid, don’t miss it!

In fact, the bad habit of marriage quarrels is also mentioned in the original novel "The Legend of Qiu Ju".

Grandma Qiu Ju also faced the same predicament on her wedding day, and it could even be said to be worse. The difference was that Grandma Qiu Ju first chose to save herself. Two nights of rare scolding eliminated a village's bad customs.

Because of her happy family situation, she was somewhat considered to have married into a wealthy family in Wanjiazhuang. Her husband's family has a minor surname in the village, and her family's power is even weaker. She does everything with her upright and tenacious courage.

Grandma Qiu Ju married at a low age. She came from a big place and married into a remote countryside. She was well prepared to adapt to everything, but she didn't pay attention to the local bad habit of marriage trouble:

After the new daughter-in-law got married, she had to endure being bullied in public by other men. .

Yes, it is "hazing"!

Those men were like a group of wolves hunting for prey, and grandma was their prey. When she walked out of the new house to dry the wheat field for the first time, they seemed to have been organized long ago and followed the routine to surround her.

They tore Grandma's wedding dress into pieces, like ruthlessly tearing a freshly slaughtered chicken. The naked Grandma clamped her crotch and shook her white tender breasts, struggled to pick up the iron fork on the ground, and dispersed them temporarily. Preserved his innocence.

If this matter had ended here, and the new daughter-in-law was thin-skinned, it might have ended like this, but the development of the matter was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"The matter is not over yet. The gang gathered again that night and pried open the door. Grandpa had already disappeared. Grandma blocked the door with all the furniture all night. At dawn, she pulled a mulberry tree bench and sat at the entrance of the village. The main road was covered with the first ray of sky and started to curse at the whole village. It is said that she cursed for three days and two nights without stopping, and cursed all the curse words that her predecessors had said. On the first day, the sun shone brightly in the morning and the dark clouds filled the night. Lightning flashed and thundered. On the second day, it rained heavily all day and all night. The rivers were filled with streams, reservoirs, dams collapsed, and flash floods hit them. On the third day, the rain stopped and the sky was clear. The roads were clear and dry, and the roads were hard. From the fourth day on, all the local people changed their ways. Another newly opened road leads in and out of the village. All the men washed and folded the extra parts of their crotches. From then on, it was as if they had been reincarnated and reborn as a new person. She was dipped in water and sharpened quickly from morning to night, and she cut off the shameful privileges and unreasonable thoughts that men had enjoyed for several years. She became a demon, a spirit, a god, a Bodhisattva, and a Buddha.

Overnight, grandma went from helpless and desperate to angry and rebellious.

She was forced to choose to save herself after all. This not only eliminated the dirty thoughts in the men's hearts, but also saved countless women who would marry in the village in disguise.

Grandma said: Autumn girl, there is only one autumn in your life, don’t be afraid and don’t miss it!

She also said: There are four things in the world that you cannot give in to: your house, your children, your life, and your crotch. If anyone touches them, you will fight to the end.

Growing up, Qiu Ju has witnessed and experienced every life lesson her grandmother said, and she has been ringing them in her ears, heart, brain, flesh, bones and marrow all the time.

Therefore, her grandmother’s spirit became Qiu Ju’s internal motivation to sue officials in order to “get an explanation.” It was also the source of her thoughts when she later became a deputy to the National People’s Congress and sued the Supreme Court to bring down corrupt officials.

She is not afraid, does not compromise, does not bully, and does not flatter others, so she can regain face for her husband with an incredible lawsuit that shocked the world.

Therefore, true face is never earned through charity from others, but earned by oneself. The Wang family’s parents-in-law should have seen this clearly!

No matter how happy you are or what happened to Qiu Ju’s grandma, it is worth the vigilance of unmarried girls. After all, a husband who cannot protect you, two parents-in-law who can’t tell right from wrong, and a group of villagers with bad habits of marriage and trouble, are definitely Not what you want!

Therefore, when a woman marries her husband's family, there is another inspection item: Before marrying, she must understand whether there are any bad customs in her future husband's family!