Regarding best friends, people around me often joke about: fire protection, theft prevention, and best friend protection. In fact, this topic is quite embarrassing to talk about, but many similar incidents have really happened around us.

■ Author: Uncle Nanshan

■ Original work, plagiarism will be investigated

01, preface.

People around me often joke about best friends: fire protection, theft prevention, and best friend protection. Actually, this topic is quite embarrassing to talk about, but many similar incidents have really happened around us. Yes, best friends, two women who were originally close to each other, suddenly stabbed themselves in the back and dug into their own corners. The blow was really powerful. Many people have also lost contact with their best friends because their boyfriends or husbands have been poached by their best friends, which is really a pity.

However, as a woman, when dating her best friend, she did not see her true identity clearly, introduced her boyfriend or husband to her best friend, and even naively allowed her boyfriend or husband to have sex with her best friend in private. touch. And such behavior is often the beginning of tragedy in love or marriage. Therefore, "You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others", it is the same and applicable when used in "preventing thieves, preventing theft, and preventing girlfriends".

02, Song Mingzhu and I are best friends, and we are often inseparable.

Dear friends, my name is Li Lili, a native of Jiangcheng City. After graduating from college, I gave up the opportunity to work in a big city and returned to Jiangcheng City. I returned to work in Jiangcheng City because the memory of Jiangcheng City is already flowing in my blood. The plants and trees in Jiangcheng City, the bright red maple trees, and the Jiangcheng River, which is about a hundred meters wide, have become inseparable things in my life.

I returned to Jiangcheng City to work, and my best friend Song Mingzhu was very happy. Because she grew up with me, we were often inseparable when we were little. We went to school together, talked about boys together, held hands and walked through the streets of Jiangcheng City together. It can be said that our friendship can stand the test of time. Song Mingzhu often said to me: "Lili, when you have a husband, don't forget me." I nodded and said with a smile: "Mingzhu, even if I get married in the future, you will always come to my house as a guest. "

03, after marrying Li Dajun, she gradually lost contact with me.

However, my relationship with Song Mingzhu changed a lot after I got married.. When I was twenty-five years old, I met Li Dajun, my prince charming. Li Dajun is a Phoenix man. He also relied on his own efforts to come to Jiangcheng City from a remote countryside and became a staff member of a state-owned enterprise. Li Dajun is tall and handsome, which fits my aesthetics very well, and Li Dajun is also very attentive to me, who loves little birds. Less than half a year into our relationship, we went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate.

After I married Li Dajun, I spent most of my energy on running the marriage and doing housework, and I lost some social activities. When Song Mingzhu saw that I was married, she no longer went out to play with her, and she gradually lost contact with me. In this way, our two best friends went to work, worked, and lived separately, and became a little distant from each other. Even if we met on the street, Song Mingzhu and I would have a quick chat and then go home to wait for my husband to get off work.

04, a year later I became pregnant, and Song Mingzhu often came to my house.

A year later, I became pregnant, and my husband simply asked me to take a long leave to have the baby at home. My husband went to work during the day, and he also had lunch at work at noon. I stayed at home and was bored, so I called Song Mingzhu to come over and accompany me. Song Mingzhu comes to my house to stay with me, and I won't be lonely anymore. Sometimes, Song Mingzhu would stay and have dinner with me. So, I asked Song Mingzhu to study her cooking skills at my house.

I smiled and said to Song Mingzhu: "Mingzhu, you must learn cooking skills. When you get married, you can use your cooking skills to keep a man's heart." However, Song Mingzhu's cooking skills are really good. , one time my husband Li Dajun came back at noon, and Song Mingzhu happened to be cooking at my house. So, the three of us had dinner together. Li Dajun was full of praise for the dishes made by Song Mingzhu, and his praise made Song Mingzhu blush with embarrassment.

05, Song Mingzhu likes stew the most, and my husband and I like to drink it very much.

With my husband’s likes and affirmation, Song Mingzhu came to my house even more diligently. Slowly, Song Mingzhu regarded my home as hers. She often bought vegetables and cooked them to eat with me. I don’t know why, but my husband often comes home for lunch recently. I asked why, and he smiled and said, "It was Song Mingzhu's cooking skills that made him like to come back at noon." Although I was not very satisfied with my husband's answer, after all, my husband came back at noon, and he had more time to spend with me. , I am still pleased.

Song Mingzhu likes stew the most. One evening, she also came to stay with me. She specially stewed a pot of " papaya and crucian carp soup ", saying it would replenish my health. On this day, my husband also came back very early. He was carrying two bottles of Lafite and said that he would have a few drinks with Song Mingzhu tonight to thank her for her company. My husband ate the most of this pot of "Papaya Stewed Crucian Carp", and he and Song Mingzhu also drank a bottle of Lafite, and the two of them got drunk. In the end, they added each other on WeChat and became WeChat friends, and her husband even sent Song Mingzhu downstairs specially.

06, my mother-in-law came to see me from the countryside, and she did not like Song Mingzhu.

The next day, my mother-in-law came to see me from the countryside. My mother-in-law is a retired teacher in the countryside. She knows that I love sweet potatoes and pumpkins, so she specially brought a bag of sweet potatoes and pumpkins. While my mother-in-law was steaming sweet potatoes for me in the kitchen, Song Mingzhu came again. When she saw my mother-in-law, she didn't say much. When she saw that the kitchen was occupied by my mother-in-law, she chatted with me. After a while, she said goodbye and went back.

My mother-in-law didn't seem to have a good impression of Song Mingzhu. She just asked me: "Lili, is your best friend married?" I replied no. My mother-in-law asked warily: "Is your best friend familiar with Da Jun?" I said strangely: "Mother-in-law, she is my best friend, so Da Jun is naturally familiar with her." My mother-in-law sighed: "This best friend of yours is well dressed. At that time, and she is not married yet, please try to let her come to our house as little as possible." Just when I was about to ask why, my mother-in-law walked into the kitchen.

07, one day Song Mingzhu came to visit, and her mother-in-law scolded her when she left.

My mother-in-law stayed at my house for a week. This week, Song Mingzhu came several times, and once, she stayed for dinner. My husband also specially opened the remaining bottle of Lafite. After three drinks and five dishes, I went to the bathroom while my mother-in-law went to the balcony to answer the phone. When I returned to the dining table, I found that my mother-in-law's face was serious. The faces of Song Mingzhu and Li Dajun were not good-looking either.

I felt strange, so I asked, "What's wrong? Why are you so serious about eating?" My mother-in-law stood up with a dark face, and then said to Song Mingzhu: "Girl, you go back first. We, a family of three, have important things to talk about." Our family is very important. I want to talk to them about Li Lili and Li Dajun." After saying that, her mother-in-law took Song Mingzhu's bag and handed it to Song Mingzhu. Song Mingzhu stood up and left angrily. However, when her mother-in-law sent her to the door, I seemed to hear her mother-in-law scolding Song Mingzhu.

08, my mother-in-law called me to the study room and warned me to break off the relationship with my best friend immediately.

After Song Mingzhu left, my mother-in-law called me to the study. She chatted with me for a long time and told me what she had just seen on the balcony. The mother-in-law said: "Lili, you are my daughter-in-law and my family. I want to protect you. I will never let outsiders take away my son. Your best friend, please break off the relationship with her as soon as possible. Because I I saw her feet hooking Dajun's feet on the balcony just now, and the two seemed to be flirting with each other. Your best friend is at fault, Dajun is at fault, and you are the only one who is still in the dark. For the sake of this family, I want to keep it in the dark. Talk to Dajun and don't be angry. I guess there's nothing between them.However, you must remember that you will always be my good daughter-in-law, and I will never let outsiders bully you. "

After saying that, my mother-in-law asked me to go and rest. Then, she called Dajun to the study room, and then sternly warned Dajun: "Dajun, you understand some things even if you don't tell me. Now that Lili has your child, for the sake of the child, your marriage must be healthy and there must be no accidents. I hope you love Lili well, love your children, and love this family. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you. "Hearing his mother-in-law's warning, Li Dajun gave himself a hard slap. Dajun returned to the room and seemed a little guilty of me, but I didn't say anything. I believe that my mother-in-law's words had already had an effect.

09, concluding remarks .

Friends, my best friend secretly seduced my husband while I was pregnant. Isn’t it too explicit for her to do this? My husband also took advantage of my mother-in-law’s attention and had sex with my best friend under the table. Is there really a "cat" in the world who doesn't flirt with her feet? Later, my mother-in-law reminded me to break up with my best friend and warned my husband to treat marriage correctly. Do you think I am a good mother-in-law in the world? Please leave a message in the comment area for discussion. Thank you all.

[About the author]: Uncle Nanshan focuses on the writing of original emotional stories, folk tales and emotional beautiful articles. He has published 6 major books on emotional , beautiful articles and stories. The original author of the media platform is V. He has accumulated millions of fans on all major platforms and has accumulated more than 500 million clicks on all major platforms. Uncle Nanshan aims to give you more positive stories and tell you some principles of life through simple words. , realize some beautiful little blessings in life
