Is it really suitable for men with unstable jobs and low incomes to get married and have children? Some men have no house, no car, and low income, but they still think about finding a wife and having more children every day. They can hardly support themselves, so why do they alwa

Is it really suitable for men with unstable jobs and low incomes to get married and have children? Some men have no house, no car, and low income, but they still think about finding a wife and having more children every day. They can hardly support themselves, so why do they always think about getting married and having children? Some men rely on their good looks or eloquence to finally find a wife. However, their jobs are unstable, they have no house or car, and their income is low. Can such a marriage last long?


Why do many men get divorced, or their wives run away with others? It's because his income is too low and he can't bear the burden of a family. Even if he finds a wife and has a child, the wife will suffer with you, and the child will suffer with you. If there is a divorce or the wife runs away, the child will have physical and mental problems. It will cause great harm. Many people are unable to raise their children themselves, so they put their children in rural areas and let their parents help raise them. They usually pay little attention to their children, thinking that their children can grow up on their own. They cannot tutor children in their studies. As long as the children cannot pass the high school entrance examination, they will ask them to go out to work.

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Not only do they have low incomes, they smoke, drink, and play games all day long, and they don’t give their parents money to raise their children. They also say that they live a very hard life. When the son grows up and cannot buy him a car, he is asked to go out and deceive his wife. If the son cannot deceive his wife, he is said to be useless. He also said that children and grandchildren will bring blessings to them. Now that I am old, it was not easy for your parents to raise you when they were young. You must know how to be grateful and filial to us.

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Children who grow up in such a family do not receive the proper upbringing they deserve. Their parents cannot give them a good starting point, and not many people become successful naturally. As soon as they enter society, they are faced with buying a house, getting married, and supporting their parents. Do you know how much pressure these children face in their lives? If you are able to get married again, if you are able to have children, you should take good care of them. I just don’t care about raising children, but ask my children to be filial to me when they are old. I feel that such people are too selfish. Isn’t it okay not to get married if their income is low?