Is it necessary to wash, cook, and have children for a man? Why does a girlfriend have to get such high scores in the exam? Is it necessary? Isn’t the ultimate task of a girl’s life is to wash, cook, and have children?

What is the use of a high degree?

Isn’t the end point of a girl just

washing, cooking and giving birth to a child for a man?

text | The fog filled the river


The college entrance examination is over.

Some students have been admitted to prestigious schools.

There are also students who passed the second exam.

There is also a boy with a score of 475 and a second pass - but his girlfriend is super good and got into the first pass with a score of 640.

So the boy is unhappy.

Why does my girlfriend have to get such high scores? Is it necessary?

Isn’t the ultimate task of a girl’s life to do laundry, cook, and give birth to children?

So the boy persuaded his girlfriend to give up one book and read the second one with him.

The girlfriend agreed.

——However, my girlfriend’s parents refused.


Why is this?

The boy couldn't figure it out, so he went online to ask for help.


The boy is very smart.

Ever since he asked for help on the Internet, he knew that he would suffer " cyber violence ".

Sure enough, after seeing the news, people came from all directions and enthusiastically attacked him online.

The boy is confused.

He said: I did nothing wrong.

Why do people want to bully me online? why?

Yes, why is this?


The first question: We may not use a lot of textbook knowledge in our lifetime, so why should we learn these strange things? Why?

In fact, everyone has discovered that something is wrong.

Not to mention university knowledge, even a lot of knowledge in middle school textbooks is seriously beyond the scope of life.

When you go to the vegetable market, you won’t say to the vendor: Brother, please calculate the sine function of that cabbage.

When you go to a restaurant, you won’t say: Waiter, please show me this table.

is the most, you say to the boss: Oh my god, two tables of customers just got into a fight, please give us some psychological shadow.

has read thousands of books, and the shadow area is the limit. Most people’s mathematical application practice ends here.

This is especially true for other subjects, such as physics, what kind of circuits are connected in series and parallel? If you are having a barbecue on the roadside, would you still say: Boss, here are five more skewers of grilled beef tendons. The ones that need to be connected in parallel should not be connected in series.

Don't say that you can't use mathematics, physics and chemistry. In Chinese class, I learned a lesson: "There is a loquat tree in the courtyard. My wife planted it when she died, and now it is as tall as a canopy."

When it comes to you, it also becomes: "There is a loquat tree in the courtyard. I planted it when my wife died. Now it has been demolished. I want to appeal to defend my rights, but it has been redcoded again."

In short, you will learn it at the end, and it will make your brain mush, and it will not change anything in your miserable life.

That’s why some boys decisively believe that a man’s life to the end is nothing more than a cheating girl who washes, cooks, and has children for him, and the knowledge in books is of no use.

That's why everyone "violates" the boy online, because he is wrong.

However, although the boy is wrong, when grilling beef tendons, there is really no difference between series and parallel connection.

And everyone has a vague feeling that when sine is connected in series to find a derivative, this knowledge is not absolutely useless. For example, if you go to a nuclear power plant or help the country build an aircraft carrier, you must have this knowledge - however, the knowledge of building an aircraft carrier is often available, but the opportunity to build an aircraft carrier is not often available. Once you master this knowledge, the country may not necessarily use you immediately. By the time the country wants to use you, you have already forgotten all this knowledge because you have been working hard for so long.

Especially girls, even if you are a girl who only knows how to build an aircraft carrier, if you meet your loved one while building an aircraft carrier, you will encounter problems when you fall in love with each other: Just love each other and not have a baby. You said that you have such excellent genes and can’t have a baby. The country will be angry with you. Just give birth to the baby. When you come back, the position to build the aircraft carrier will already be occupied... Look, that idiot boy was right. In the end, isn't it just washing, cooking and giving birth to the baby?

So, even though everyone scolded that bastard to death, he gritted his teeth and said that he was right.

So what is the problem?

The correct answer is - we study and learn knowledge that we may never use in our lifetime in order to live a high-quality spiritual life.


The second question: What is a high-quality spiritual life?

can be said in one word: beautiful.

For the same meal, you poured half a bottle of dark soy sauce, but his family arranged it in a fancy way, using the most exquisite porcelain and placing a rose next to it.

The same clothes, you buried them in wrinkles, but he permed them neatly and wore them cleanly.

is also a baby. Your baby is crawling in the shit pit. After a long time, he only gets two hands of poop, but not the child. Their children are clean and well-dressed, making you fall in love with them when you see them.

——The same girlfriend, with better grades than me, got into the first class, but I only got into the second class.

You want to trick your girlfriend into giving up a book and crawling in the shit hole like you. And you are so confident that isn’t the ultimate task of a girl’s life to wash, cook and have children? Where are you not doing laundry, cooking and giving birth? Why are you in the shithole with me?

Over there, let me first warmly celebrate that my girlfriend has passed the entrance examination. I am glad that I have a smart and intelligent girlfriend. I am even more fortunate that I graduated earlier than my girlfriend. Then when my girlfriend graduates with a master's degree or a doctorate, I can go to a mysterious city under the Snowy Mountains. There is a small shop there selling some exotic and strange accessories, and my boyfriend works here. It’s been a long, long time, so there’s only one boss lady missing here. How can I care about my girlfriend who I’ve been in love with for many years?

Which girl can resist this kind of temptation?

——In fact, my girlfriend went to a small shop under the snow-capped mountains and still washed, cooked and had children with the boy she fell in love with. But here, what you see is beauty, peace of mind, and the light of hope.

So why are you scolding that boy?

He has no spirituality.

He is filthy and rotten.

It’s just that he has no spirituality and is filthy and rotten. He also wants to infiltrate the other person’s beautiful soul with his own filth.

Everyone scolded him because he was far away and couldn't hit him.

If he could be beaten, who would waste their words scolding him?


So why do we study?

First, everything in life is just for the pursuit of beauty.

In the early years, there was a man named Wilde in England who pursued beauty all his life.

But Britain at that time was as dirty as a pigsty, and the smell was overwhelming. Especially at that time, British men bathed once every three months. Everyone laughed at you for being too stinky and beautiful and for loving cleanliness.

However, Oscar Wilde said: Even if you are lying in a smelly gutter, you must still look up at the stars.

So Wilde dressed himself up every day and was cleaner than the girls. The British men exploded, cursed him to death, and punished him in various ways. They even sent Wilde to prison and served hard labor to "reform" him in a filthy environment.

But Wilde was determined not to change.


Later, the British succeeded in driving Wilde out of the UK and starved to death in Paris.

Then everyone felt out of breath: Oh my god, why do I feel like we are in a pig pen?

The British woke up and quickly erected a monument for Wilde - girls from all over the world came from all directions to leave lip prints on Wilde's tombstone.

This is beauty and spirituality.

It doesn’t matter if you are not beautiful, but you must have a beautiful soul. At least your clothes should be clean and tidy. Your wish and ideal in life is to let yourself and your family live in a beautiful environment.

Secondly, academics have nothing to do with beauty, but they are closely related.

Many people study and get a doctorate, but they don’t look pretty.

Some people don’t read too many books, but they live a spiritual life at home and live a beautiful life. What is the difference between


- The content in books, no matter whether it is social science or natural science, the common feature is abstraction.

What is abstraction?

- extract beautiful factors from the messy reality of life.

So when we read, what are we reading?

- Sooner or later, one day you forget everything you have read, and all that remains is spirituality.

So we will always see some people. If you suddenly ask him what the word is on the 5th row and 6th column on page 27 of the high school mathematics textbook, he can only smile at you in embarrassment.

But he lives a happy, beautiful and pure life.

His daily life is rich, happy and interesting.

Other people can memorize every line in the senior high school textbook, but their lives are full of chaos.

This is the spiritual difference.

Everyone is reading, but the spirituality felt from textbooks is different.

Third, love is the greatest spirituality in life.

There is no shame in taking two exams.

There is no shame in not even being able to get into college.

It’s not necessarily wrong to take the second-level exam and hope that your girlfriend, who has passed the first-level exam, can accompany you to read the second-level exam.

The standard for measuring right and wrong in this matter depends on what your ultimate goal in life is.

As the aforementioned boy said, the ultimate goal of a girl’s life is to wash, cook and take care of her children – but what about the ultimate goal of a boy’s life? Is it just to trap a spiritual woman and drag her into a dirty pit?

So we know why that boy failed to pass the exam.

——As long as he works harder and reads the book more clearly, he will know that love is the greatest spirituality in life!

Just as parents treat their children, parents all over the world hope that their children will be happy (there are also extreme counterexamples). The effort and emotion of hoping that the other person will live a high-quality life and that the other person will live in happiness is love.

If what you call love is asking the other person to "sacrifice" and make the other person fall from a happy spiritual state to a dirty state like a pig or dog, this is definitely not love.

is just an evil intention. He doesn't want to be good himself, but he also wants to destroy others.

So today’s question is:

We want to live a spiritual life, we want to live in beauty and love, this goal seems realistic but empty, so how can we achieve this?

(Want to know the answer? Then come to the Wumanbanjiang public account to find the answer)

(*The pictures in this article are from the Internet)