In the eyes of many people, those elderly people who live alone, whose wives have taken the first step, will be even more lonely and boring in their later years. After all, no matter what the relationship between the couple was like before, there is always a person missing from t

In the eyes of many people, those elderly people who live alone whose wives have moved on first will have a more lonely and boring life in their later years. After all, no matter what the relationship between the couple was like before, there is always someone missing from their lives who has been with each other for decades. They When a person lives in that place full of memories, he will feel melancholy and sad from time to time. In fact, in the early days when one party dies first, in most cases, the reality is indeed as described above; but as time goes by, these people will feel that it is quite good to be alone. Although there is no relevant scientific research to prove it, many widowed elderly people do live longer than the average person. The following three points explain the reasons. Let’s take a look:

First, you can focus on yourself

No matter whether we are in the home or outside the home, living with our significant other, when we do something, the first thing we should consider is the family and then ourselves, otherwise we will be irresponsible and immature. After my wife left, everyone's concern was reduced. In addition, the children had already started a family and had to worry about their families and careers. We didn't have much time to visit frequently. We can usually say that we are carefree. Without worries, you will naturally feel a lot more relaxed; similarly, your material conditions are much more relaxed than before, because you only need enough pension funds to support yourself. But I still want to remind everyone that as we get older, all aspects of our body functions have declined by more than one and a half compared to before. We should set aside some funds to improve our ability to deal with sudden physical accidents, so even if we have money Don’t consume uncontrollably either. Of course, everything has a degree. If you don’t want to save a small amount of money and spend a lot of money, don’t save just for the sake of saving. You must take into account your own quality of life while saving.

Secondly, you can maintain a more peaceful mind

Although couples are close, they will inevitably have conflicts, and old couples are no exception. Although in many cases the two people can reconcile in the end, but in the cold war or letting each other go During the process of harsh words, each other will feel wronged or angry, which is harmful to health but not beneficial; on the contrary, when you are alone, although you will miss the days of loving and killing each other, you will feel sulky and depressed. The probability of being healthy has dropped a lot compared to before. When we can always maintain a more peaceful mind, the probability of longevity will naturally increase.

Third, you can follow your inner thoughts

When two people live together, they have to go through a running-in process. Both parties have to put away some of their petty tempers and change for each other. This is indeed a sweet burden, but sometimes It makes us feel a little constrained; on the other hand, those elderly people who live alone have no such worries and concerns at all, and most of the time they can follow their innermost thoughts and do things. When personal free will can be better exerted and displayed, you will naturally feel more relaxed and happy, which is also a necessary condition for good health.