In reality, there are two types of marriage between men and women: legal marriage and de facto marriage. Legal marriage requires a marriage certificate and is protected by law; de facto marriage is a cohabitation relationship without a certificate and is not protected by law. Wit

In reality, there are two types of marriage models between men and women: legal marriage and de facto marriage . Legal marriage requires a marriage certificate and is protected by law; de facto marriage is a cohabitation relationship without a certificate and is not protected by law. With the development of the times, the third new marriage model " spelling marriage" has appeared in society. I’ve heard of carpooling and carpooling, but this is the first time I’ve heard of carpooling. Split marriage means that a man and a woman do not get married because of love, but because they have no choice but to live together. It is an AA system. Each spends its own money. The two have the greatest freedom in life. They can also have other close friends of the opposite sex. The two of them can also You don’t have to have children, you don’t have to.

There are generally two situations when fighting for marriage. One is fighting because of "leftover". When young people reach the age of 30 or 40, their parents are also old. They are urging or forcing marriage. They are forced to have no choice but because they can't stand it anymore, so they choose a wife. People in similar situations go to fight for marriage. Cultivate relationships after marriage. Similar to a single marriage, two men and women who have not found a suitable partner get married together under the AA system. They agree in advance that if they get divorced in the future, the ownership of the house, car, banknotes, and other properties will be agreed in advance. The second situation is that people fight because they are afraid of being alone when they get old. When people in their 50s and 60s are approaching old age, they are still alone. In order to have a companion to take care of each other and avoid being lonely until old age, some people will choose to get married. , live together as husband and wife to the outside world, and partners to the inside. They also received certificates and lived together, but they lived their own lives and spent their own money. prenuptial agreement ensures property ownership and related obligations and responsibilities, and all expenditures are made AA.

Principles of spelling marriage

1. Marry by agreement, clarify obligations and responsibilities, do not talk about love, only talk about the spirit of contract, to prevent old age from being homeless.

2. The man will not give a bride price, and the woman will not give a dowry.

3. During the period of giving birth, the man is responsible for all the expenses and nutritional expenses of the woman.

4. The AA system for daily life, AA for buying a house, AA for living expenses, AA for housework, AA for taking care of children, AA for everything.

5. Both parents are responsible for their own affairs.

6. If you get divorced after having children, most of the house will belong to the woman.

Reasons for choosing to get married

1. The choice is helpless . The left man and the left woman feel that there is no suitable one, and they don’t want to be single or unmarried. This is a helpless choice to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

2. Have common needs , such as having children, taking care of each other, saving living costs, etc.

3. Reduce conflicts , have no love and no expectations for each other, like roommates, live together peacefully and live in peace.

4. Does not rely too much on . It's just a cooperative relationship. There are no obligations or excessive responsibilities to each other. We don't have to take care of each other's parents and relatives, and we don't rely too much on each other.

The three conditions for marriage, Marriage should not be too casual.

1. Economic conditions . Because joint marriage is an AA system, it must have a certain financial foundation. The financial conditions of each other are very important, otherwise problems will easily occur in the middle of the joint marriage.

2. Pay attention to character . Both parties must have moral character and a spirit of contract. Even if there is no love, some kind of family or friendship will be established over time.

3. The genetic gene , if you want to have a child, for the sake of the child's health, if you have a choice, everyone should try to find high-quality genes.