She was only 17 years old that year, and she met her current husband. He seemed very honest, not a playboy, so even though he looked very old, she finally got married. That's because her mother taught her many years ago that if she finds a man in the future, it doesn't matter whe

She was only 17 years old that year, and she met her current husband. He seemed to be a very honest man, not a playboy, so even though he looked very old, he finally got married.

That's because her mother gave her a message many years ago that in the future, she can find a man no matter how handsome or ugly he is, as long as he is willing to take care of me and your brother.

My husband never regretted the promise he made back then, but as the girl grew older, she felt that she was becoming more mature and sensible, while my husband felt a bit like Alzheimer's disease , laughing and joking all day long without being formal. I don’t know how to live my life. I just eat today and don’t care about tomorrow.

Since having a child, she has become even more serious. She often goes out for long periods of time without returning home, or plays mahjong all night without returning home. There are many quarrels over this matter.

has thought about divorce many times, but because her mother was divorced before, she couldn't always make people laugh like this, so when the woman couldn't stand it anymore, she chose to go out to work.

But the journey of working is not always smooth. Her husband often yells and scolds her when she comes home. Because of the age difference, he is afraid that his wife will run away with someone else. He is 15 years older than her.

When two people go out together, they are often mistaken for father and daughter. They often have to explain to others. Despite this, people say that men will be considerate to women when they get older. Who knows that this man is different. He treats himself as a woman all day long. Like children, they are pampered and coaxed.

Now that both of them are older, they say at home that workers have no jobs and farmers have no land to farm. Staying in a small county town is not an option, so the two of them agreed to go to the provincial capital and work in the same city so that they could take care of each other.

Didn’t know that this man was old and had a home-loving problem. He went home several times a year. Because of this, he lost his job. He stayed at home for the next year, leaving the woman to work outside alone, suffering and being wronged. No one feels sorry for you, who can you tell your sorrow to?

He still has his mother and younger brother living at home. This man cannot offend easily. He has to pretend to be happy every time he faces his mother, otherwise it will be embarrassing for them to live in his home. . .

In short, it is easier to live apart. I forget everything when I get busy. I think back to the time when I had to face my mother, husband, and younger brother at home all day long, living under the same roof. It was your nose, not his eyes, all day long. It's not about the eyes. Everyone doesn't like it, they just don't say it!

Some of the words my mother said back then still hurt my daughter’s heart. My daughter married such a man just to make their life better. Not only did they not appreciate it, they said it didn’t matter to them. He just ate your family’s money for decades. We have enough money to eat, and we have lived in your house with no rent for decades. What do you care about us anymore?

I want to say, mother, what else do you want your daughter to control you for? Isn’t life just about food, clothing, housing and transportation? You have already taken care of your daughter, what else do you want, her husband’s salary card? Don't even think about it, your daughter won't even dare to think about it. .

The old man sometimes speaks unreasonably, and often scolds his daughter for marrying such a useless man. Once, my daughter also argued that it was you who told me, no matter whether I am lame or blind, as long as I am good to our family and take care of you, I listened. After hearing your words, my mother became furious and refused to admit that she had said such words back then. .

What you said back then ruined your daughter's life's happiness. You can't understand it, but who can you expect to understand it. I can only say that this woman is not easy.