Some people say: There are more divorces than marriages now. But it does reflect the fact that the divorce rate remains high. I think this phenomenon is a manifestation of social progress.

Some people say: Nowadays, there are more divorces than marriages.

This is a joke, don't take it seriously. But it does reflect the fact that the divorce rate remains high.

I think this phenomenon is a manifestation of social progress.

A happy marriage is something that everyone yearns for and is also a great blessing in life.

If there are major problems in your marriage, divorce is a wise choice. Even if a person lives a pure life, there is nothing unhappy.

The most fearful thing about marriage is that men and women are together. They are as disgusted with each other as enemies, but they still live together all day long...

In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, there were very few divorces. , the divorce rate is very low.

In those days, the people were uncivilized and had a strong feudal consciousness.

In those days, when people were busy, they always liked to talk about people behind their backs, be particular about people, and eliminate people.

At that time, divorce was always associated with "bad style", "shabby guy", "Chen Shimei" and so on.

makes divorced people unable to hold their heads up in front of others and almost drowned in saliva.

In those days, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, dramas, etc. all avoided "love" and did not dare to mention love.

After the "Victorious October" in 1976, the prelude to "reform and opening up" slowly began. People's quality, people's tolerance, people's thinking, people's consciousness, etc., have all been greatly improved.

Divorce is nothing new, let alone a shameful thing that people despise! The era of

, where women were married and allowed to be manipulated by men at will. Gone are the days when women were still busy working without complaint, washing, cooking, and giving birth to children for many years. Return!

The outdated concept of marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog has long been cast aside by the public!

Being able to live a good life, and leaving amicably when life is really unbearable is the progress of history, the progress of society, and the necessity of an open society and a healthy society!