The best extravagance, rich in heart, rich in spirit

A person with a rich heart can live countless wonderful lives, a harmonious family, and a rich spirit.

I am grateful, and gradually I understand that the greatest wealth in a person's life, although gold and silver treasures are good, is a harmonious family and a healthy family. The best extravagance, although the brocade clothing and jade food is good, but the heart is rich and the spirit is rich.

"Tao Te Ching. Chapter 33" said: "Those who are content are rich."

Those who know that they are satisfied, that they have what they want, and that they want to stop are the richest.

Once upon a time, when a member of a large family passed away, the field of the family was divided among two sons.

The eldest son lives a simple and generous life, charging only a small rent from the farmers.

And the second son lived a luxurious life, changed the big yard, hired new servants, and drank and made friends all day long.

Even so, he still does not understand contentment and often squeezes tenants.

Later, the farmers couldn't bear the hardship, and they abandoned their farming and left.

But the eldest son is respected by everyone because he knows how to be content and grateful, and his life is getting better and better.

A writer once said: "A person's wealth is directly proportional to the amount of things he can give up."

In fact, in one's life, money is destined to be the result of cultivation. It is also the manifestation of the good news.

Let go of the temptation of desire to gain inner peace. Only by abandoning the ties of foreign objects can one obtain the freedom of the mind.

The wise are content, the foolish are greedy. Wise people know how to live frugally, so they live leisurely and freely.

High-quality family match, the one who loves it will return!

The ancients used to say: "Whoever loves out loves to return, and whoever is blessed is blessed."

go to Banpo ,I just realized that family harmony is the greatest blessing, and family support is the greatest bottom line.

Home is a place where love flows and where true feelings are exchanged. Treat each other sincerely and love each other. The family will form an upward magnetic field and a harmonious aura, so that life will be prosperous.

In ancient times, there was a magistrate surnamed Tang whose wife was always nagging and complaining. For this reason, the county magistrate is very distressed.

One day, the magistrate was walking on the road and met a Taoist priest. When the Taoist priest saw that he had a relationship with him, he asked why he was worried.

The magistrate said that his wife has a bad temper and the family is not in harmony.

The Taoist priest saw this and said, "Aren't you also complaining about your wife?" After hearing this, the magistrate realized that he was the crux of the problem.

From then on, whenever his wife complained, he comforted her carefully. When his wife was angry, he quickly admitted his mistake.

Slowly, he found that the smile on his wife's face became more, and life became smoother.

"The Tao Te Ching. Chapter 9" says: "Persist and gain it, it is not as good as yourself. Keep it sharp, it can't be guaranteed." Always care about the gains and losses, and can't get close to each other.

Replacing accusations with concern, complaining with understanding, and indifference with enthusiasm. You can gain strength in warmth and feel happiness in ordinary.

The spirit is highly matched, "Tao Te Ching. Chapter 33" says: "Those who conquer others are powerful, and those who conquer themselves are strong."

The ability to defeat the enemy is externally strong; the ability to defeat oneself is the internal spiritual strength.

People with high spirits, no matter in good times or bad, can be calm and calm. In this way, you can gain insight into the law, follow the trend, get out of the predicament, and control your own destiny.

Ming Dynasty In the Ming Dynasty, there was a counselor named Yang Qian. Every time he went to war, he was always able to foretell the danger and save himself from danger, and was highly valued by the emperor.

However,During an expedition, Yang Qian lost a leg due to an error in the command of the commander-in-chief.

Since then, he has gone home to recuperate. His former glory has disappeared, and his friends and relatives have left.

But he did not sink because of this, but gradually got used to living on one leg, reading books and growing vegetables every day, and immersed himself in his spiritual world.

Later, he became a teacher of the academy and trained many famous scholars. Some people say: "God closes a door for you, and he will definitely open a window for you." Only by staying full of energy, full of heart, and firm will, can we resist the wind and frost of fate, live a wonderful life, and become the master of fate.

The best state is a frugal life, a happy family, and an independent spirit. In the low-match material desire, there is a top-match soul. Only when you are content and happy can you accumulate blessings; when you treat each other sincerely, you have nobility; when you are independent and confident, you can control your destiny.

Satisfaction, which means that one should not disregard what has been acquired, and that there will be no remorse, which is the foundation of keeping the way. The evils of the world, the calamities of life, all come from the insatiable mind.

is a wise man, should read contentedly, the greatest happiness in life is not how much you get, but how much you can cherish for what you already have.

Satisfy the first rich. Those who can be content and grateful are the richest people in the world. To be content is the supreme happiness. "Don't envy the wealth of others, don't be sad about your own poverty, be content with contentment, and be proud of yourself without seeking quality." This is the truth.

" Tao Te Ching " says: "Contentment is not humiliating, knowledge is not perilous, it can last for a long time." Knowing contentment, enough is enough; contentment is not humiliating, and those who are content are rich.

"Prince Rui Ying Ben Qi Jing" says: No disease is the first benefit, contentment is the first wealth, good friends are the first thick, and inaction is the first security.

The ancients also said: "You should not be good at cultivating one's heart with few desires."It is the place of prosperity, happiness and seclusion. Those who are content, those who are not satisfied are in heaven, those who are not satisfied are rich and poor, and those who are content are rich even though they are poor. Those who are not satisfied are often held in the hands of the five desires, and are pitied by those who are satisfied. "

What is happiness? Is it wealth? Is it career? Neither. The feeling of happiness comes from a peaceful state of mind. Having such a good state of mind will allow us to experience more excitement and fun in life , very happy.

People have to pursue, adhere to the belief in realizing their ideals. It needs to be done in moderation, do everything with heart, follow the right path with righteous thoughts, and use conscience as the criterion to achieve, then life will become very exciting , I feel happiness, stability and abundance in our hearts.

For the rest of our lives, may we be rich in our hearts, we have the warmth of our family when we join the world, and spiritual comfort when we are born, so that we can rest our body and mind and our souls.

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Thank you for the light of all Buddhas, and thank God for your blessings!

Thanks to the heaven and earth for nourishing all things! Thanks to the country for nurturing and blessing!

Thanks to the parents for their nurturing!