In order to live a normal life, my husband and I divorced at the age of 27. Who knew I became someone else’s junior

If you choose the path you choose, you must finish it on your knees, not for anything else, just for the little dignity.

My husband and I met under the introduction of relatives and we soon got married.

My name is Yu Shanshan. I work as an accountant in a freight company. I repeat the work at hand from 9 to 5 every day, and live like this with the salary that I can't support and starve.

My husband's name is Wu Dong. He is a self-employed wholesaler of confectionery and non-staple food. In the past few years, the business has not been well done, and he has not made much money. He will maintain the family's expenses and have a small balance at the end of the year.

I was introduced to him by a distant relative. At that time, I had just resigned from Guangzhou and returned to my hometown. I didn't find a job and was resting at home. When my relatives saw that I was no longer young, they thought about helping me make a match. It happened that there was a boy from my relatives and neighbors who was the same year as me.

I remember the first day I saw Wu Dong. He was wearing a light coffee-colored coat, his hair combed brightly, and he was very energetic. We talked for a long afternoon, and he also had a very good impression of me. In this way, we left each other's contact information before going home.

Later, Wu Dong asked me to go out to play at regular intervals. Once we came and went, we formally fell in love. Others are quite pragmatic and don't have much trouble. They started small business after they came out of school. I heard from him that he has done a lot of business and has been groping.

Originally, I wanted to continue to work in Guangzhou, but the appearance of Wu Dong dispelled this idea. I think staying in my hometown is also good. We got married in the second year. Many people came on the day of the wedding, but most of them were relatives and friends of Wu Dong.

After marriage, I found out that I was barren. Wu Dong's temperament to me changed drastically, and I had to endure all this in silence.

The wedding room is the old house left by Wu Dong's family. After a simple decoration, it is actually quite warm. Wu Dong said that he wanted to have a baby soon, but I don't have any opinion, it doesn't matter, anyway, the marriage is also done, and sooner or later, it will be natural.

half a year has passed,We don’t have contraceptives, and we just don’t see any movement in our stomachs. Hearing from the old man, some people are slow in the upper body and can't be anxious, so they don’t take it too seriously.

I was a guest at a classmate's house one day and heard her talk about another classmate in our class doing IVF. I didn't think so much at the time. After returning home, I suddenly wondered whether I should also go to the hospital for a checkup.

In those few days, the more I think about it, the more something is wrong. No, check it and rest assured. Early this morning, I took Wu Dong to the hospital. The final result of the examination is that I have a problem and need to be treated, otherwise I will not be able to conceive a baby.

Wu Dong's reaction to the results was greater than me, and he was in a bad mood for several days. I am relieved that he is not a big deal and will be cured. Actually, I don’t know what to do. Who can guarantee that this kind of thing will be cured?

After more than half a year of treatment, but there is no effect. The doctor suggested that we take a test tube. I looked at Wu Dong's face and suddenly changed. I just kept silent. What can I do? In the end, we decided to give it a try. The process of making the test tube was very hard. Now I don't want to think about it. After all the hardships, I still didn't succeed in the end. Now, Wu Dong completely gave up.

I can’t help it. In fact, it’s nice to have no children, with less burden and less pressure. But these words dare not tell Wu Dong. Since then, we have rarely mentioned the topic of childbirth.

Wu Dong slowly became cold and mean to me, my life was not easy at all. At this moment, I ran into Xiao Lei, who was in the foreign wine business.

Since knowing that I cannot have children, Wu Dong's attitude towards me has changed. Every day after work, I have to go to his store to help a little bit, and cook for him when I get home.

He doesn't even look at me straightly, his tone is still very blunt, as if he wants me to do this, he wants me to do that, just like his personal nanny. In fact, I don't blame him, any man will be emotional when encountering this kind of thing.

In this home, living with Wu Dong's face every day, I slowly feel very depressed, and I don't dare to kick my breath loudly. At this time, a man named Xiao Lei appeared.

He is in the business of foreign wine, and he often delivers goods at the freight company where I work.Go to my place to check out once a month. One day, in order to thank us for supporting his work, he called several sisters in our finance room to eat out together. That day, it was my happiest day. I haven't been so relaxed for a long time, and I was so drunk. During

, I watched him secretly for a long time. He was handsome, tall and handsome, and young. I don't know what's going on, I actually have a good impression of her. Later, I particularly expected him to come to me to settle the bill, so that I could talk to him a few more words.

Soon after, Xiao Lei really came again. It happened that I was alone in the office, and we chatted together one after another. I tentatively asked if he had a wife, and he answered no, let me introduce one to him. I jokingly said that the introduction is okay, so please give me another meal.

That night, we drank a lot of wine again. Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, I told Xiao Lei what I wanted to be with him. As the saying goes, women chase men's interlayer yarn.

Choosing Xiao Lei may be a kind of ideological relief. I don't want to go back to that home. Who knows, Xiao Lei lied to me that I didn't have a wife. In fact, his children were 5 years old, and I became a junior.

Being with Xiao Lei made me relax completely without any burden. I told him that I was not fertile, and he said he didn't mind. This sentence made me completely relieved of the burden.

For more than half a year, Xiao Lei and I were secretly dating under everyone's noses. I had always imagined in my heart that I would marry Xiao Lei after I left Wu Dong.

On this day, a woman rushed into my office angrily. She cursed at me in a terrible way. I was confused and didn't figure out what happened. I also asked her, why scold me? The woman replied that he was Xiao Lei's wife and told me that Xiao Lei's children were all 5 years old.

I was confused, why suddenly I became a junior? Even though the woman punched and kicked me, I didn't feel as if I couldn't move even if I wanted to. Fortunately, the woman was blocked by a company colleague and pulled me out.

I don't know how the woman found my husband Wu Dong's shop, and it was another big mess. It's all right now, everyone in the world knows that I am someone else's junior.

came home,Wu Dong didn't say anything, he just beat me up. I'm fed up with his indifference to me, let's leave! End this fruitless marriage as soon as possible.

On the day of the divorce, although I was not happy, I felt at ease. This depressive life was finally released. I think Wu Dong is also relieved. The main reason for his divorce from me is probably not because I was a junior, but because I couldn't give him children.

Now, I choose not to believe anyone, I will live well alone.

After the divorce from Wu Dong, I have never contacted Xiao Lei, I know he just wants to have fun. I shut myself up at home for several days and thought about it a lot.

Now I am alone in Guangzhou, a place where I have struggled for several years. I want to make money for a few years, then find a place where no one knows me, open a small shop, and live in peace like this.

No matter how difficult the road in the future is, I will no longer think about finding someone to share with me. The castle in the sky without foundation will surely collapse one day. Rely on yourself, don’t talk about suffering, don’t say defeat, no matter how hard you are, no matter how tired you are, it is the path you choose, and you have to finish it when you kneel. For nothing else, it is for the little dignity that remains.

Please cheer for me, cheer for me! Life has never been smooth sailing, as long as you live with dignity, it is better than anything, right?


shanshan is cold to her husband after she gets married. In order to find sustenance, she was deceived by Xiao Lei and unexpectedly became a junior. As a result, the husband divorced her from the ground up, and everyone was relieved, which is also a "good thing".Since then, Yu Shanshan wants to understand the meaning of life, that is to live with dignity, let us cheer for Yu Shanshan! Stay strong and live a better life, and rediscover your own path to happiness.

I am a short story in the spring of wisdom, thanks for reading. Pay attention to me not to get lost, the next article will be more exciting.
