More than 40 college students from Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Hunan Technology and Business University, Nanhua University and other schools carried out social practice activities at the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau. R

More than 40 college students from Hunan University of Finance and Economics , Nanjing University of Finance and Economics , Hunan Technology and Business University , Nanhua University and other schools carried out social practice activities at the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau

Red Internet Moment News July 15 News (Correspondent Lu Meizhao Gantian) "I never thought that working at a government window would be so demanding. In addition to understanding the needs of taxpayers in a timely manner, I also have to give professional and timely advice. Through this volunteer service, I not only experienced I got a tax position and had an unforgettable social practice, which gave me a new understanding of taxation and new ideas for my career plan. "

" When I was guiding taxpayers to use the electronic tax bureau for natural persons. "I found out that the taxpayer's birthday was coming in two days. After I helped her handle the business, I wished her a happy birthday. The taxpayer gave me a sincere smile and thanks, which made me feel particularly accomplished." At a symposium between volunteers and summer interns of university students from the “Xiangsu Bank” of the Taxation Bureau of Yuelu District, Changsha City, university student volunteers excitedly exchanged their experiences.

In order to deepen the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau, as a volunteer service group of the "Xiangshuangxing" Yuelu Branch, this year provided volunteers from Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Hunan Technology and Business University, Nanhua University and other schools More than 40 college students are provided with social practice positions.

During the internship, the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau combined the actual situation of the district bureau and the students' wishes, allowing college student volunteers to go deep into the taxation hall and self-service area to assist taxpayers and payers in processing taxes in aspects such as data pre-examination, form filling assistance, and centralized approval center. . College student volunteers also serve as young supervisors invited by the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau to collect feedback from taxpayers and payers in assisting in handling tax-related matters, and accelerate the continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau's tax services.

Gong Hongji, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau, said that college students are not only facilitators and experiencers of tax services, but also supervisors. Under the triple identity, they have face-to-face contact and communication with taxpayers and payers, and examine them from a third perspective. , evaluate and promote the services of the tax department, and propose improvement suggestions that are more targeted and timely.

Next, the Yuelu District Taxation Bureau will also cooperate more actively with social forces, continuously expand the tax volunteer service team, comprehensively improve the level of tax services, and provide convenience to the people all year round.