In order to celebrate the birthday of the Party and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party, on July 1, the Party Branch of Zhufo'an Town Central School organized all party members to go to the Revolutionary Memorial Hall of the Fourth Detachment of the New

In order to celebrate the birthday of the party and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the party, on July 1, the Party branch of Zhufo'an Town Central School organized all party members to go to the Revolutionary Memorial Hall of the Fourth Detachment of the New Fourth Army and Jin'an, Gaofeng Township, Shucheng County, Lu'an City The Zhangjiadian Battle Memorial Hall in Maotanchang District held a "July 1" revolutionary and traditional education activity.

review the oath of joining the party . In front of the Revolutionary Memorial Hall of the Fourth Detachment of the New Fourth Army at , all party members made up neatly, raised their right fists firmly, reviewed the oath of joining the party together, and swore to the party with a clank oath, expressing their love for the party and their firm belief in always following the party.

Revisit the history of the Anti-Japanese War. In the Revolutionary Memorial Hall, all party members listened carefully to the explanations of the professional commentators and relived the tragic and glorious anti-Japanese history of the fourth detachment.

In the Zhangjiadian Battle Memorial Hall , all party members felt the majestic momentum of Liu and Deng's army leaping thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains . This battle was the first time that Liu and Deng's army succeeded in wiping out a regular brigade of the enemy without rear support. The major victory of the above-mentioned troops was written into military history.

Through this event, all party members have a deeper understanding and understanding of the party, more firmly communist belief, and will welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party in a more high-spirited state by constantly making progress in the new era and new journey. held. (Chen Qingrun, Cheng Zhimei, Xiang Qinqin)