The application form for the 2022 College Entrance Examination has begun one after another, and some changes have occurred in the setting of undergraduate majors and admission plans. Data from the Ministry of Education show that 31 new majors have been included in the "Catalogue

The 2022 college entrance examination volunteer application form has been opened one after another, and some changes have occurred in the setting and admission plan of undergraduate majors. Data from the Ministry of Education shows that 31 new majors have been included in the " Undergraduate Major Catalog of General Colleges and Universities ". At the same time, some colleges and universities have withdrawn majors such as Public Utilities Management , Information Management and Information Systems, and no longer enroll students.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, since 2012, a total of 265 new majors have been included in the undergraduate major catalog, 17,000 new undergraduate majors have been added in colleges and universities, and 10,000 have been canceled or suspended.

The adjustment of undergraduate majors in colleges and universities has always been regarded as a "barometer" of the demand for talents in economic and social development, and has attracted much attention from students and parents. What trends do the latest professional adjustments reflect?

Engineering majors account for nearly half of the new majors

"Intelligence" and "wisdom" have become high-frequency words

The registration and approval results of undergraduate majors in general colleges and universities in 2021 announced by the Ministry of Education show that 31 new undergraduate majors have been added, covering engineering and economics. , law, art and other nine major disciplines.

New majors such as carbon storage science and engineering, aerospace intelligent electric propulsion technology, and smart forestry have appeared in the enrollment plans of some universities for the first time.

reporters found that in the past three years, there have been many new majors in the engineering and categories. In 2019, among the 31 new undergraduate majors, 20 were engineering majors. In 2020 and 2021, the number of new majors is 37 and 31 respectively, with engineering majors accounting for 14 in each.

"New engineering" majors with words like "wisdom" and "intelligence" appear frequently. For example, Beijing Jiaotong University has added the intelligent transportation engineering major, Harbin Engineering University has added the smart ocean technical major, Northwest A&F University has added the smart forestry and smart water conservancy major, etc.

"If it was Internet + in the past, then the future will be artificial intelligence +." Experts from the National Education Examination Committee expert group said that this is a major trend, and "new engineering" majors such as artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing may continue to be the future Important directions for the development of university disciplines in recent years.

Chongqing University and other four universities have added carbon storage science and engineering majors this year. According to reports, this major is closely aligned with the national “double carbon” goal and aims to cultivate comprehensive talents.

Regarding the addition of labor education major, some experts said that this is to actively implement the relevant requirements of the country to comprehensively strengthen labor education in universities, middle schools and primary schools in the new era.

Some management and art majors

A lot of points have been withdrawn

In recent years, the withdrawal of some majors in colleges and universities has been highly concerned by the society.

In 2021, Inner Mongolia University will cancel 12 art majors. In 2020, Chongqing University issued an announcement that it plans to cancel 10 undergraduate majors that have been suspended for a long time, including Finance and , on the grounds that some majors that are incompatible with the school's educational positioning and have weak professional foundations will gradually cease enrollment. Starting from 2019, South China University of Technology will suspend the enrollment qualifications for some undergraduate majors that lack social demand and have poor employment status.

The person in charge of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education said that the majors to be canceled in 2021 involve 804 majors, mainly majors that cannot adapt to the needs of social changes and have too low employment rates.

Spring employment two-way selection meeting for 2021 graduates. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Qing on March 25, 2021

The reporter learned that in the 2021 major adjustment, many colleges and universities have canceled some management and art majors. Among them, two majors, Information Management and Information Systems and Public Utilities Management, were withdrawn by 33 and 31 universities respectively. Followed by majors in clothing and apparel design, information and computing science, were withdrawn by 19 universities. 15 universities have withdrawn their product design majors.

A deputy dean of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Institute of Advanced Education Development at South China Normal University said that in order to prevent some majors from being "overheated", the Ministry of Education has increased controls on art and other majors. “The cancellation does not mean that such majors are not important. It may be because too many were offered before, resulting in a larger overall student population and exceeding normal market demand."

" Management majors are constantly transforming and upgrading with changes in economic forms such as new retail, new logistics, and new commerce. The new management majors in recent years reflect the trends and characteristics of integration with information technologies such as big data. "The deputy dean said.

Many experts believe that factors such as unclear subject positioning, incompatibility with the school's education positioning, insufficient student resources, poor teaching and employment quality, etc. are also the reasons why colleges and universities cancel majors.

Some experts also believe that some The rapid establishment of majors and the rapid discontinuation of enrollment are caused by blindly following the trend. “When some colleges and universities established majors, they did not combine their own positioning and school-running conditions and launched them in a hurry. They did not develop distinctive and high-quality programs, so they were inevitable. The cancellation of the "

" major also reflects to a certain extent that universities continue to optimize resource allocation, focus more on core areas, and concentrate on building superior disciplines. "Experts from the expert group of the National Education Examination Commission said that some majors are not suitable for opening at the undergraduate level, and training at the postgraduate level or above is more in line with the rules of talent training.

Major adjustments are principled

It will have little impact on further studies and employment

Whether college majors Add at the drop of a hat or stop at the drop of a hat?

The Ministry of Education requires that when new majors are added in colleges and universities, they need to strictly demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the proposed new majors in accordance with the "National Standards for the Teaching Quality of Undergraduate Majors in General Universities" and conduct in-school review and review. Online application can only be made after the public announcement. During the centralized public announcement of professional application materials, the Ministry of Education will organize more than 4,300 experts to conduct online reviews, provide opinions and suggestions on the talent training plan, teaching staff, teaching conditions, etc. of the applied major, and provide real-time feedback guidance. .

The person in charge of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education said that the overall idea of ​​professional establishment and adjustment is to serve the national strategy, regional economic and social and industrial development needs, to focus on quality, and to optimize the structure.

On July 25, 2020, parents of candidates. Learn about college admissions information at the consultation meeting. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Su Yang)

A person in charge of the Academic Affairs Office of Dalian Ocean University said that the new majors are in urgent need of cultivating talents for the country and society, and to some extent, they have been taken into consideration. Job market demand.

Dalian Ocean University established a new major in data science and big data technology in 2020. Niu Haohua, the first batch of undergraduates, told reporters that he was quite nervous and confused when applying for the new major. After two years of study, he felt that the school was right. The new major is well-prepared. “Each student is assigned a tutor, and they start conducting scientific research experiments in the artificial intelligence laboratory in the first semester of their freshman year. "In the interview with

, many students were worried: Will the withdrawal of the major they are studying affect their future employment or further education?

Many experts believe that colleges and universities should further improve relevant exit methods, strengthen employment guidance, and help students explore career development possibilities. Carry out reasonable planning.

A dean of Jinan University Undergraduate School said that the adjustment of undergraduate majors will have limited impact on students continuing to study and master's degree because undergraduate majors and graduate majors do not correspond one-to-one, even if the undergraduate majors are upgraded, enrollment is suspended, or Cancellation, etc., the subject category to which it belongs still exists, and students can still apply for graduate students in similar majors under the same category. "Schools should ensure that students in relevant majors graduate successfully according to the established talent training plan so that they can find jobs and further their studies. "He said.

Source: Xinhua Viewpoint