In order to meet the needs of parents, focus on solving the problem of "difficulty in caring for students" during summer vacation, guide and help students spend a safe, happy and meaningful summer vacation, and promote the all-round development of students' moral, intellectual, p

In order to meet the needs of parents, strive to solve the problem of "difficulty in caring for students" during summer, guide and help students spend a safe, happy and meaningful summer vacation, and promote the comprehensive development of students' moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor, Dongfeng Town will start from 2022 Summer on-campus care services will be launched during the summer vacation.

Service Targets

This time, we provide summer on-campus custody services to students in the compulsory education stage in Dongfeng Town. Primary school students must have student status for the corresponding school age in this city; gives priority to meeting the needs of dual-income families, and students and parents can sign up voluntarily.

implementation school

Dongfeng Town determines the school hosting service on a regional basis. students can move across schools based on the principle of proximity. There are 4 schools hosting Dongfeng Town’s 2022 summer custody service, namely: Zhongshan Dongfeng Donghai School, Zhongshan Dongfeng Suicheng Xinhui School, Zhongshan Dongfeng Middle School, and Zhongshan Dongfeng Town No. 2 Middle School. The service objects of the four schools are as follows:

1. Zhongshan Dongfeng Donghai School: students from all primary schools and Donghai schools in the town (including first-year primary school students and junior high school first-year students);

2. Zhongshan Dongfeng Suicheng Xinhui School: Students from all primary schools in the town and Suicheng Xinhui School (including first-year primary school freshmen and junior high school freshmen);

3.Zhongshan Dongfeng Middle School: Students from our own school (including first-year junior high school freshmen);

4.Zhongshan Dongfeng Middle School Town No. 2 Middle School: students of this school (including freshmen in the first grade of junior high school).

service content

1. Service content:

(1) Basic hosting

carries out homework tutoring, reading guidance, film and television appreciation, game activities, cultural and sports activities, etc., and organizes staff to be on duty to ensure that student activities are healthy, safe and orderly.

(2) quality development

The school will offer courses in sports, art, science and technology, comprehensive practice and other categories according to actual site conditions to enhance students' comprehensive quality.

(3) Practical education

Qualified schools will make good use of various local educational resources to carry out off-campus comprehensive practical education and youth defense and military experience activities. The opening of

courses will be adjusted according to the school situation and the number of applicants. The specific course schedule shall prevail.

2. Service hours:

Each implementing school will carry out three summer on-campus custody services, each period lasts for two weeks, and the time period is Monday to Friday 8:30-18:00, closed on Saturdays and Sundays. The first issue of

: July 11-July 22 (excluding Saturdays and Sundays); the second issue of

: July 25-August 5 (excluding Saturdays and Sundays); the third issue of

: August 15- August 26 (excluding Saturdays and Sundays).

Charging items and standards

1. Summer hosting service charging standards: 70 yuan/student/day, 700 yuan/session;

2. Charging items: mainly lunch, afternoon tea and material fees for some quality development courses, etc., by Students and parents make purchases based on actual needs and receive actual fees. Lunch is charged according to the meal fee standards of each host school, is 10-13 yuan per meal; afternoon tea: 7 yuan/day.

3. Parents scan the QR code to pay through the "School Pay Tong·After-school Co-management" service platform.

Registration method and consultation hotline

2. Registration for students of Dongfeng Middle School and Dongfeng No. 2 Middle School’s summer on-campus care services is organized by the school. The third phase is open to freshmen from primary school to junior high school. Students from seventh grade to eighth grade and from eighth grade to ninth grade can choose. One or more issues.

Hosting requirements

1. Students participating in summer hosting services must strictly implement prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement at the door, health code verification, itinerary card checking, venue code scanning, and wearing masks in accordance with the current dynamic management requirements for epidemic prevention and control.

2. Parents should educate their children to consciously abide by the various management regulations of summer care classes and obey relevant arrangements. Do not do any dangerous actions or behaviors that may harm other students. To avoid food safety incidents, please do not allow children to bring food into summer care. If failure to comply with the above safety regulations causes injury, the relevant responsible person shall bear due responsibility.

3. This summer hosting service adheres to the principle of public welfare and inclusiveness, and the basic hosting fee for students from poor families is exempted from HP type. In principle, you are not allowed to ask for leave or withdraw from the program midway. If you really need to ask for leave or withdraw from the program midway, you can present relevant certificates to the resident academic director and apply for a refund.

Introduction to the after-school service courses in Dongfeng Town

After-school services help double reduction

Colorful societies show characteristics

In order to fully implement the policy requirements of " double reduction ", adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral character, and fully implement quality education , Dongfeng Town Starting from the spring semester of the 2021-2022 school year, all primary and secondary schools in Feng Town will rationally design after-school service content based on "school characteristics, teacher expertise, and student characteristics" to achieve two "full coverages" of after-school services, that is, full coverage of compulsory education schools , all students in need are covered.

Innovative management relies on

Dongfeng Town’s education department adopts the "school payment and after-school co-management" service platform to supervise and manage after-school services in schools, scientifically and meticulously plan after-school services, and proposes "on-demand custody and flexible school breaks" "Model, enriching after-school service content in the form of "homework tutoring + special societies + dynamic sports". Based on the school site and student needs, a total of 33 quality courses in eight categories were designed: science, music, art, chess, sports, calligraphy, language, and physical education. Focus on improving students' core competencies and empower students for all-round development.

's wonderful courses are distinctive.

The scientific category has courses on programming, makers, drones, model aircraft, technological innovation, etc. It is a scientific enlightenment course with the purpose of cultivating scientific literacy. The course cultivates children's knowledge of science through hands-on, exploration, and thinking. Interest, stimulate curiosity, and plant the seed of a scientist in every child.

The music category includes erhu , guzheng , pipa, drum set and other courses. By playing instruments and listening to music, children can understand the beautiful form of music expression, enhance their understanding and perception of art, and improve their Interest and love for music, expanding their horizons through interest in music, and developing and improving their aesthetic abilities and creativity.

The language category has courses such as poetry creation, small hosting, and language arts, which can train children's self-confidence, emotional intelligence, physical fitness, imagination and logical thinking skills, as well as Mandarin pronunciation, etc., so that children can express themselves bravely, express themselves skillfully, and express themselves skillfully.

The art category has Chinese painting , art and ceramics courses. During the process of painting or handicrafts, children visually observe the state, structure, color and spatial position of things, form an outline in the brain, and then draw it using memory and imagination. , cultivate children's ability to feel beauty, appreciate beauty, embody beauty and create beauty.

Chess has international checkers, international chess, and Chinese chess courses, which can improve children's concentration, memory, observation and logical thinking abilities.

Sports include basketball, football, table tennis, badminton, rope skipping , taekwondo and other courses. Such courses can improve children's health, promote their growth and development, and at the same time enable children to receive a good education in ideological and moral aspects and strengthen their Organizational discipline and collective sense of honor.

The physical category has dance and body etiquette courses to enhance children's physical fitness and sense of music rhythm, improve children's coordination and art appreciation , create a straight posture and improve bad posture.

calligraphy category includes soft pen calligraphy and hard pen calligraphy . The process of children practicing calligraphy is actually a process of cultivating their sentiments, cultivating their aesthetic ability and improving their cultural accomplishment. Practicing good calligraphy will benefit them for life.

Dongfeng Town will continue to take the initiative from the perspective of "cultivating people with morality, building souls with bacon" and "providing education that satisfies the people", focusing on the long-term development of students, and is committed to providing systematic and diversified education. High-quality services allow the heart-warming project of "after-school services" to provide students and parents with better and more considerate services, creating a happy and colorful childhood for children.

Today Dongfeng Editorial Department

Editors: Lin Xiaofen, Liu Rui

Editors in charge: Gan Jiahui, Huang Xueqi

Executive Editor: Wu Hongan

Chief Editor: Xian Jiatao

Source: Dongfeng Town Education and Sports Center