As the largest teaching practice ship in my country and even the world, Jimei University is an important base for cultivating senior maritime talents in my country. The school has formed the characteristics and advantages of marine-oriented disciplines such as navigation and fish

Jimei University, which owns the largest teaching internship ship in my country and even the world, is an important base for cultivating senior navigation talents in my country. The school has formed the professional characteristics and advantages of marine-oriented disciplines such as navigation and aquaculture. Schooling began with the Normal Department of Jimei School founded by the famous patriotic overseas Chinese leader Mr. Tan Kah Kee in 1918 and the Fisheries and Business Department of Jimei School founded in 1920. It has a history of 104 years. school is also a multidisciplinary university in Fujian Province. It is a "double first-class" construction university in Fujian Province and a key construction university in Fujian Province. It is a university jointly built by the Ministry of Transport, the former State Oceanic Administration and Fujian Province.

school is a unit with the qualifications to grant doctoral degrees and recommend and exempt master's degree students. The school has 20 colleges and 77 undergraduate majors, covering 9 disciplines including economics, law, education, literature, science, engineering, agriculture, management, and art. The school is also one of the earliest institutions in Fujian Province to organize the Sino-foreign cooperative education project and the Fujian-Taiwan joint talent training project; it is one of the earliest institutions approved by the Ministry of Education to recruit students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, overseas Chinese and foreign students. Admissions are exempted from examination in Hong Kong, independent admissions are available for Taiwan and recommended students from Macau are admitted.

Jimei University 2022 undergraduate admissions policy:

In 2022, the school has a total of 6,650 students in the undergraduate program for 31 provinces and cities across the country, and 98 students in the minority preparatory program. Compared with last year, the school's total enrollment has increased significantly. Newly added admissions for food quality and safety, digital economy, emergency management and cyberspace security majors. In 2022, the school will recruit 110 students for primary school education (free normal school boys) from Fujian Province. The batches of applicants who submit their applications will be approved in advance for undergraduates and a separate school code will be set.

1. The school’s enrollment plan for 2022 is new compared to last year.

In 2022, the school will cater to 31 provinces and cities across the country, with a total of 6,650 students in the undergraduate program, and 98 students in the minority preparatory program. Among them, the total number of undergraduates in Fujian Province is 3,284, including 2,188 in science and engineering, 786 in literature and history, 120 in sports, and 190 in art. Compared with last year, the school's total enrollment has increased significantly.

In 2022, the school will recruit 110 students for primary school education (free normal school boys) in Fujian Province. The batch of volunteers who fill in the application will be approved in advance for undergraduates and a separate school code will be set.

2. The 2022 school admissions policy has new changes compared to last year.

1. The school is based on the latest requirements for crew height and vision in the national standard "Crew Health Examination Requirements" (GB 30035-2021). For navigation majors (navigation technology, marine engineering) Engineering , Marine Electronics and Electrical Engineering) height and vision standards requirements have been reduced. The vision and color vision requirements for Navigation Technology Major are: binocular naked vision 4.7 (0.5) and above, or binocular naked vision 4.0 (0.1) and above The corrected visual acuity can reach 4.9 (0.8) and above, and there is no color blindness or color weakness; the height requirement is: 160cm and above. The vision and color vision requirements for marine engineering and marine electronic and electrical engineering majors approved in advance are: naked visual acuity of 4.6 (0.4) and above in both eyes, or naked visual acuity of 4.0 (0.1) and above in both eyes and corrected visual acuity of 4.6 (0.4) and above. , no color blindness; height requirement: 155cm and above.

2, the Fujian-Taiwan cooperation project and Chongqing Wanzhou targeted enrollment have been suspended.

3. Continue to use the "score first" method for deployment. That is, candidates will be allocated according to their professional preferences from high to low based on their scores, and there will be no professional grade difference between the professional preferences. In provinces where the reform of the college entrance examination system adopts college + professional group allocation, each professional group can only be allocated within the group, and it is also carried out in a "score first" manner.

3. Changes in the school’s enrollment majors in 2022 compared to last year

New enrollment in food quality and safety, digital economy, emergency management and cyberspace security majors; investment and network engineering majors will be suspended.

4. The school’s admission principles and majors with special requirements

Maritime majors approved in advance (navigation technology, marine engineering, marine electronic and electrical engineering ): It is a major that cultivates talents engaged in maritime shipping work. Due to the special nature of the work, it is not Suitable for girls to apply.

Preschool education: It is a major that is mainly engaged in early childhood education. This major requires taking courses in piano technique, art, dance, vocal music, etc. Students with the above skills, expertise or hobbies are welcome to apply.

5. The school’s admission scores in previous years.

The official website of the Admissions Office has a "Score Query Over the Years" module, welcome to learn more.

6. Give candidates some application suggestions for the new volunteer application and admission model in reformed provinces.

Please note when filling in the college entrance examination application: Candidates should combine the needs of the country, society and their own reality, follow the principle of "based on performance, employment-oriented, and development as the goal", focusing on the following factors:

First of all, the candidates themselves must be considered Score ranking is the basic factor for candidates to be admitted. Candidates can refer to the school's admission scores and rankings in the province where the candidate is located; secondly, major and employment must be considered. Major is also an important factor in candidates' choice of choice, which is generally related to university study. Interests and career trends. Candidates should pay attention to choosing a major that suits their interests, hobbies, and personality strengths, and consider their own career plans and employment destinations. Major selection is related to the trend of economic and social development. Some majors are very popular when applying for exams, but become unpopular when it comes to employment. Comprehensive analysis, rational judgment, and scientific choice are required. Thirdly, you need to understand the specific requirements for physical conditions, oral test scores, etc. of the major you intend to apply for. It is recommended to check the major and be willing to submit to adjustments, which will greatly increase the possibility of admission.

In 2022, a total of 14 provinces and cities across the country will implement the new college entrance examination. For candidates in these areas, there will no longer be a distinction between arts and sciences, and a "3+3" or "3+1+2" college entrance examination model will be implemented. This means that the range of major choices for candidates under the new college entrance examination model is very different from that in the past. Some students’ choice ranges will become wider, while others may become smaller. We remind everyone to read the draft carefully before filling in the major or professional group. When applying for university-related majors, confirm whether your chosen subjects match the subject requirements for the major you plan to apply for.

7. Policy on changing majors.

Except for majors whose enrollment categories are art, sports, and early-approved navigation, they cannot change majors across categories, and primary education (publicly funded normal school students) cannot change majors. Qualified students can voluntarily apply to change majors during their studies at school. The specific implementation rules are implemented in accordance with the Jimei University Management Measures for Major Transfer. For details, please refer to the "Jimei University Undergraduate Students' Major Transfer Management Measures."

8. School scholarship and bursary policy.

The school establishes academic scholarships, individual scholarships (such as innovation competition awards, cultural and sports individual awards, etc.) and scholarships established with donations from enterprises and social groups to encourage students to study diligently and develop in an all-round way.

Jimei University implements a "green channel" admission system and has established "scholarships, grants, student loans, work-study, hardship subsidies, and tuition reimbursement, which are mainly funded by state funding and school funding, and are supplemented by social donations. , employment subsidies, grassroots employment and self-employment incentives, medical insurance" and other "nine-in-one" funding and guarantee systems to ensure that students successfully complete their studies.

statement: The content of this article is compiled and collected from the Jimei University Undergraduate Admissions Network, Ruanke and the Ministry of Education’s Sunshine College Entrance Examination and other platforms. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source. If there is any infringement, please leave a comment and delete it!