[Source: Lanzhou Daily·ZAKER Lanzhou] "The taste of Chinese herbal medicine is very special. I like the green aroma of mugwort!" "It turns out that Chinese medicine is also our national quintessence!" "I can make sachets myself!"

[Source: Lanzhou Daily · ZAKER Lanzhou]

"The taste of Chinese herbal medicine is very special, I like the green fragrance of mugwort!" "It turns out that Chinese medicine is also our national quintessence!" "I can make sachets myself!" Promote the quintessence of traditional Chinese medicine , sowing the seeds of inheritance. On June 29, the reporter learned from Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine that the school's " Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Entering Campus" activity was carried out in the primary school of the Lanzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, bringing more than 50 primary school students a The wonderful "Talk about Chinese Medicine in the Sachet" science popularization activity on Chinese medicine culture launched a lively and interesting course on disseminating knowledge about Chinese medicine.

Yang Jiaxi, a volunteer of the Youth League Committee of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, used PPT and physical display of Chinese medicinal materials to vividly introduce to the students Chinese medicine sachets commonly used Chinese herbal medicine and knowledge of Chinese medicine in daily life; innovation and entrepreneurship of college students Cheng Hua, a member of the project "Add Fragrance to Beauty" team, led primary school students to make DIY Chinese medicine sachets. The children opened the material package with great interest, took out various colored fabrics, carefully threaded the needles and threads, and carefully sewed the sachets. They showed off their craftsmanship on the spot. Some took the materials and studied them by themselves, and some asked the little teacher how to make them. Yes, the atmosphere is very warm. In a classroom filled with the fragrance of Chinese herbal medicine, the children sewed their own sachets, immersed themselves in learning and experiencing Chinese medicine culture, and felt full of accomplishment. The sachet is sewn stitch by stitch, embodying tradition step by step. While enjoying the fun of making Chinese medicine sachets, the children enhanced their knowledge and understanding of Chinese medicine culture and felt the magical charm of Chinese medicine.

It is reported that since 2021, Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has vigorously promoted the inheritance, development and dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine culture by organizing a series of activities such as bringing traditional Chinese medicine culture to campus and into the community, which has aroused enthusiastic responses. In the series of activities on campus, primary and secondary school students have deepened their understanding of traditional Chinese medicine culture, and also planted the seeds of love for traditional Chinese medicine culture into the hearts of children.

Lanzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Geng Ruiwen/Picture

Editor | Bao Xuefeng

Responsible Editor | Wang Xuan

Head Teacher | Liu Yuwei

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