The Office of the Hebei Provincial Health and Health Commission recently issued a notice on the training and enrollment of assistant general practitioners↓↓↓The Hebei Provincial Health and Health Commission Office issued a notice on the training and enrollment of assistant genera

The Office of the Hebei Provincial Health and Health Commission recently issued a notice on the training and enrollment of assistant general practitioners ↓↓↓

The Hebei Provincial Health and Health Commission Office’s notice on the training and enrollment of assistant general practitioners

Cities (including Dingzhou , Xinji City) Health Commission (Bureau), Public Service Bureau of Xiongan New Area Management Committee, Assistant General Practitioner Training Base:

According to the "About the Issuance and Implementation of Assistant General Practitioner Training" by 6 departments including the former National Health and Family Planning Commission "Notice of Opinions (Trial Implementation)" (National Health Science and Education Issue [2016] No. 14), National Health Commission General Office "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Training Health Talents in 2022" (National Health Science and Education Letter [2022] No. 170 ) and other documents, in order to carry out the enrollment of assistant general practitioner training in our province in 2022, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Basic situation

According to the enrollment plan assigned to our province by the National Health Commission, our province’s 2022 enrollment plan The assistant general practitioner training will recruit 400 people.

2. Enrollment Scope

Fresh graduates who plan to work in general medical positions in primary medical institutions in our province, have a junior college degree in clinical medicine from an ordinary full-time institution of higher learning, and have not yet obtained the qualification certificate for practicing assistant physicians.

After 2020, clinical medicine graduates with higher vocational (junior college) degrees who are new to general medical positions in rural primary medical institutions in our province will participate in assistant general practitioner training. Those who entered before 2020 will voluntarily participate in assistant general practitioner training. .

The free medical graduates of the 2022 rural specialty orientation program are required to participate in assistant general training after registration. The training base is arranged and designated by the health department of the orientation city and county.

does not recruit non-clinical majors such as traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, stomatology, nursing, pharmacy, imaging, etc., and does not recruit free medical students who have defaulted on rural orders.

Assistant General Practitioner Training From the date of failure to register after being admitted to the base or voluntarily withdrawing after registering, as of August 31, 2022, those who have been less than 2 years are not allowed to apply.

3. Enrollment process

Hebei Province Assistant General Practitioner Training Comprehensive Management Platform will open for registration at 0:00 on July 9. The enrollment process strictly follows the principles of "openness and fairness, two-way selection, and merit-based selection" "admission" principle. The general enrollment plan for each base is shown in Attachment 1. The base, together with the local municipal health commission, will determine a separate plan for oriented students within the scope of the general plan and express it in the enrollment regulations . The enrollment procedures are shown in Attachment 5.

4. Training process

The training time for assistant general practitioners is 24 months. If the unit appoints a candidate to participate in assistant general practitioner training, the dispatching unit shall issue a certificate of consent to apply (see attachment 3). For medical students with rural orders, the county health bureau and the township health center will jointly issue a certificate of consent to apply (Appendix 4).

5. Work requirements

(1) Attach great importance. Municipal and county health administration departments must attach great importance to this, promptly forward notices to medical institutions within their jurisdictions, and organize medical institutions within their jurisdictions to assign in-service physicians who meet the enrollment requirements to participate in assistant general practitioner training in batches based on actual clinical work. Each assistant training base must do a good job in enrollment promotion, registration review, assessment and admission, etc. to ensure the successful completion of enrollment tasks.

(2) Strengthen publicity. The enrollment charter (see attachment 2 for the template) is an effective means of publicizing the training of assistant general practitioners. Each base must conscientiously formulate the enrollment charter. The admissions regulations must be submitted to the Science, Technology, Education and International Cooperation Department of the Provincial Health Commission for review on a base-by-base basis before July 5. The core elements must not be in short supply and the key contents must not be unclear. Each base shall complete the review of the enrollment charter before July 7, and send the final charter, signed by the principal person in charge and stamped with the official seal, as a scanned PDF together with the electronic version to the email address

(3) Strict organization.Each training base must strictly implement the enrollment plan issued by the Provincial Health Commission, and break down the training tasks in detail according to the capacity of the training base. It is necessary to carry out qualification review, strictly organize theoretical examinations and clinical ability assessments, and do a good job in enrollment and admission according to time points.

(4) Highlight the key points. According to the National Health Commission requirements, each base must ensure the completion of the overall enrollment task, actively create conditions, and formulate preferential treatment policies. For bases that cannot complete the enrollment task, corresponding subsidy funds will be deducted.

(5) Strict discipline. Each training base must strictly implement the relevant regulations on training and enrollment, and any training base that violates disciplines and regulations will be notified and criticized depending on the severity of the case. Training applicants who commit fraud during training recruitment will have their registration and admission qualifications cancelled. Those who fail to register as required or withdraw from training after admission will not be allowed to register for assistant general practitioner training within 2 years from the termination of training.

Contact: Zhang Bixin 0311-66165201

Attachments: 1. Hebei Province 2022 Assistant General Practitioner Training Enrollment Plan

2. Assistant General Practitioner Training Base Admissions Charter Template

3. Proof of Agree to Participate in Assistant General Practitioner Training

4. Specialist Rural Order Orientation Proof of consent of medical students to apply

5. Admissions procedures

Hebei Provincial Health Commission Office
June 27, 2022

Source | Hebei Health Commission website