The hype over a certain publishing house’s mathematics textbooks has continued to this day on major platforms, with an endless stream of Weibo posts and short videos expressing opinions. Netizens have unprecedentedly unanimous views - the publication treats parents and students a

Major platforms have been hyping the mathematics textbooks of a certain publishing house. There are endless Weibo posts and short videos expressing opinions. Netizens have an unprecedented consensus - the company treats parents and students as fools and carries reactionary and pornographic private goods. , His heart deserves to be punished, and he has poisoned the flowers of the motherland, and his crime deserves to be punished. Individual videos that explore different angles and opinions are either drowned in the torrent of information or the saliva of netizens.

For a certain publishing house, if you make a mistake you have to admit it, and if you are punished you have to stand firm. This is nothing to discuss. The Ministry of Education responded by instructing it to make immediate rectifications and set up an investigation team to conduct a thorough investigation and investigate any violations of discipline and rules. Those responsible will be held accountable seriously, and they will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the law and regulations, and will never be tolerated. The matter is now here, waiting for the official investigation results, this wave of phenomenal things should come to an end. But we find that no matter what news comes out, there are still a large number of "netizens" who speak out righteously, knocking down "poisonous teaching materials" and demanding "justice."

Under the surface of "national carnival", do "netizens" care so much about children, primary and secondary education and teaching materials? Should all the "criminal evidence" listed in the massive video be pinned on a certain publishing house? We bought a set of textbooks and reviewed the entire incident, trying to find the truth.

1.Why do I see some so-called short videos that “reveal the inside story of textbooks” and “exploit the interest chain of a certain company”, all of which are exactly the same? Is it because everyone has the same view and there is nothing to change? Or is it that you cannot be absent from the "carnival" craze and must have a sense of presence?

For example, the blogger of a certain WeChat official account was "urged" to update

2. Why did the Ministry of Education respond, the Teaching Materials Bureau said strict investigation, After the People's Daily published twice, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also issued an article, "netizens" still have their firepower Unabated, rumors continue? It is necessary to skip the investigation, evidence collection, analysis, and decision-making, and directly close a certain publishing house and revoke it. That would be quick and easy. After all, "not killing is not enough to anger the people."

3. Why is it that the culture war and "the enemy is already at the headquarters" arguments are flooding the Internet, but in the "all people are looking for fault" mode, no one has ever come up with any solid evidence, and they always come up with the same pictures over and over again ( Partially missing page number information) The above outline is online.

4. Why do most of the criticism posts not indicate which grade, volume and page the "evidence" illustration comes from? Is it possible for someone to bring in private goods and put someone else's "shit basin" on the head of a certain publishing house, and then everyone will push it down? We discovered that many pictures without page numbers were not from primary school mathematics, and there were quite a lot of them. However, it is not known whether the illustrations are from a certain company or other subject textbooks.

5. Why do most of the comments and voices come from public intellectuals, lawyers, radio, film and television hosts, and “education” bloggers, while schools, teachers, and the publishing industry seldom discuss it?

Looking at it from another perspective, in an era when traffic is king, if you don’t say a few words when encountering social hot spots, you will indeed be overwhelmed by the “information torrent”. In the early stage of public opinion fermentation, the push of a certain music platform with almost no other content is the best. Proof, whether it is literature, finance, fitness, food, or comedy, all kinds of bloggers have come up with a piece of mathematics teaching material. Just like the Tangshan beating incident, the most ridiculous thing is that a large number of "netizens" do not hold the perpetrators accountable, but always judge the victims. What's more, occupying the moral high ground and stigmatizing people wantonly, which sounds righteous, is actually just using the suffering of the victims as fertilizer to water their own social anxiety.

Regarding accountability, the Ministry of Education website announced on May 23 that the Ministry of Education, National Press and Publication Administration , the Central Cyberspace Administration, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the " Guiding Opinions on Accountability for Teaching Materials ”, the official intervention will definitely verify the truth in accordance with regulations and procedures, hold relevant personnel accountable in accordance with the law, and the public can just wait for the results to be announced. Today's social information sources are messy and mixed with all kinds of evil intentions and interest groups. What we need is problem solving, independent thinking, and rational judgment.Rather than being used by those illegal "black and gray" public accounts, enjoying the opportunity to "control power" and "overthrow authority", foreign forces hiding in the "cyber trolls" can take advantage of the chaos and take advantage of it.

Regarding the textbooks with problems, the so-called "real criticism" in the current criticism posts is still concentrated on primary school mathematics textbooks. A large number of netizens also cited the exquisite illustrations of the publisher's Chinese and English textbooks, which proves to a certain extent that the existence of The textbooks in question are individual cases of individual subjects and sets, and have not yet constituted a systemic risk. The so-called "enemy is already at the headquarters" seems to question the credibility of the government.

Regarding "evidence of crime", we spent money to buy these twelve textbooks. Our original intention is to use evidence to speak out and make our attacks more powerful. However, those "chest attacks" are the most popular on the Internet and the most infuriating. "Pornographic" illustrations such as "Naked Bottom", I read through a complete set of 12 primary school mathematics textbooks, but could not find the source. Judging from the drawing style, it is indeed quite different from the mathematics textbook involved. If it is artificially photoshopped, or "translated" from other books, what is the intention? We really want to know who these "private goods" are? We hope that the majority of netizens can give us an answer.

In fact, the phenomenon-level public opinion is just the tangible consequence of invisible changes in human thinking. We know that explanations are not in popular taste, and "quantity is justice." However, as the media gradually caters to the data, it begins to favor exaggeration, conclusive statements, constant repetition, and quotes out of context; at the same time, the "anonymity effect" of the Internet gives people the "courage" to break away from various norms in real society, and the law is not punished. An era when psychology gives "comfort" to unscrupulous words and deeds. Whether it is an individual or an institution, their online behavior is still regulated by the law, and the Internet is definitely not a "lawless place."

reiterates our point of view: admit it when you make a mistake, and stand firm when you are punished. However, we hope that a certain publishing house will have the confidence and courage to say "no" to the frame-up and wanton slander by "cyber trolls".