@白云学子, you must return to your place of residence 14 days before school starts

Guangzhou elementary and middle school new semester starts


In view of the current domestic epidemic, the Guangdong Provincial New Coronary Pneumonia Prevention and Control Office has issued an epidemic prevention and control program. The "Urgent Notice on Further Doing a Good Job in the Prevention and Control of the Current Campus Epidemic."

The epidemic prevention and control will not relax!

What epidemic prevention work needs to be done?

, come and have a look~

Reduced inter-provincial mobility in high-risk areas.

● At the beginning of school, teachers and students in high-risk areas are postponed to return to school, and they can only return to school after the area is reduced to a low-risk level or health management in accordance with prevention and control requirements.

● Wear masks scientifically, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, and maintain a safe social distance; _5, do not stay healthy, and maintain good habits in life span Method;

● Actively comply with local prevention and control regulations,Actively cooperate with flow investigation and management. (If symptoms such as fever, cough, etc. occur, wear a disposable medical surgical mask or above, go to the nearest fever clinic for investigation and treatment in time, and avoid public transportation as much as possible during medical treatment.)

prevention and control measures for personnel returning to Guangzhou:

● High-risk areas come (return) to Guangdong, strictly implement 14-day centralized isolation; p0 Back to Guangdong, strictly implement 14-day home quarantine;

● The county (district) where the high-risk area is located will come (return) to Guangdong to carry out "7+7" health management (7 days home quarantine + 7 days home health monitoring)

● The city where the high-risk area is located will come (return) to Guangdong, and carry out the “three-day two-check” and 14-day home health monitoring;

● The city where the medium-risk area is located came (returned) to Guangdong to carry out a nucleic acid test + 14-day self-health monitoring.

● Students of the right age who have no contraindications should be actively vaccinated, actively vaccinated, and vaccinated early.

● At present, Baiyun District has fully liberalized the vaccination work for people aged 12-17 and those over 18 years old (including those over 60 years old).

Baiyun District inoculation points for all age groups↓↓

(click the picture below,Learn more)

Source | Guangzhou Daily Guangdong New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Office

Media |

drafting and editing | Huang Minru

Editor | Wang Ling

review | Liu Haiyu

Baiyun District Financial Media Center produced _span6 p0 _span6 p0.