Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor

2024/07/0207:52:32 education 1375

Nowadays, the first centralized online volunteer application form in each province has been completed. I believe that the students have been temporarily relieved from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices.

As we all know, there are two key factors in the volunteer application stage: one is the major and the other is the level of the college to be applied for.

The former basically determines the candidate's employment direction and the difficulty of finding a job 1-2 years after graduation, while the latter determines the students' starting height, vision and network of connections.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

To be honest, the vast majority of candidates should have the desire to enter 985, 211, and double first-class universities, but the score threshold of 650+ is not easily accessible to all students. More students can only The next best thing is to choose a second, third or even junior college.

Among them, students whose scores are stuck on , which is the undergraduate admission line, are particularly entangled. On the one hand, is the three expensive , and on the other hand, it is a junior college where academic qualifications are not an advantage. It is really difficult for everyone to make a choice.

As "auxiliary" private schools, they are also of great significance.

Parents who are slightly interested in education should know that there have always been two types of schools, public and private, in our country's education system.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

Among them, private schools serve as "auxiliary schools". Although the number is far smaller than that of public institutions, they play an important role in every child at all school ages.

Especially some private high schools with outstanding enrollment rates are very popular among parents, and they even spend a lot of money to send their children to attend them.

However, since private schools are different from public schools with public welfare nature, most of them are established by individuals, companies, groups or social organizations, so the purpose of running schools will be different between the two. The difference is that in addition to cultivating high-quality talents for society, the former also aims to make profits.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

After all, public schools receive regular funding from the province and the Ministry of Education every year, but private schools can only rely on themselves to "field" so that they can replace high-quality teaching equipment and hire excellent teachers.

Why are the "Three Private Books" Controversial?

It is undeniable that the emergence of private schools has indeed filled some gaps in my country's education, but even so, it still cannot reverse parents' stereotype of them, and the reasons are mainly due to two aspects.

As the saying goes, "The wool comes from the sheep." If private universities want to make achievements, must start with tuition fees. But the problem is that the tuition fee of 20,000+ is really unaffordable for ordinary families.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

In addition, although most provinces have now merged the second and third schools, in terms of actual teaching quality, private colleges are still not as good as public schools. This will inevitably give parents and students an illusion that private schools Three of them are "Junior College 2.0". Even if you study in them for 4 years, you will probably gain nothing.

Under such circumstances, many students gave up on private junior colleges and chose public junior colleges after considering various factors. So is this approach really correct? In this regard, some people who have experienced it said frankly that only after suffering losses did they understand that the gap between private colleges and public colleges is still very obvious.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

4 things I only learned after choosing a public college, all of which are the heartfelt words of people who have experienced them

▶The tuition fees for public majors are low, but there are many detours in future employment.

Nowadays, "only academic qualifications" and "only prestigious schools" Opinions are emerging one after another, and many companies have even quietly raised the threshold for job hunting to a bachelor's degree or above, which invisibly blocks college graduates from the door.

In addition, the most popular "in-system" positions are basically opened for undergraduates and graduate students, and the "three unrestricted positions" that junior college students can apply for are often over 10,000 competitive. If you want to get a job, It is simply harder than reaching the sky.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

▶In terms of academic promotion, junior college students can be said to have one step at a time.

Students who want to take the postgraduate entrance examination generally have two options to choose from.One is to apply for the examination with an undergraduate degree and participate in the unified examination held by the state; the other is to apply for the postgraduate examination with equivalent academic qualifications two years after graduating from junior college.

However, compared with ordinary undergraduates' , the latter often requires "additional tests" and successfully passed before they can enter . The difficulty level is more than one and a half points higher than that of normal candidates, and it is really not the optimal solution.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

▶Looking at the talent support and settlement policies in major cities, we can only "sigh".

Talent is not only the cornerstone of the survival and development of enterprises, but also the "motive force" that promotes urban progress.

Therefore, every graduation season, major cities will start a war to grab people, including but not limited to rental and housing subsidies, medical security , rapid settlement and other benefits.

However, to get these discounts, the most basic requirement is to obtain an undergraduate degree and a degree certificate, but college students obviously do not have these.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

▶The students around me are completely different.

all say that a person's circle determines the height and vision of his development to a certain extent. This sentence is also applicable to colleges and universities.

You must know that even if the three books are not favored by parents, the academic level and admission score of are right there. cannot be surpassed by vocational colleges simply by saying that they can surpass them. Moreover, the tuition fees of the three books are generally higher. This becomes another layer of "sieve".

So after four years of study, the network and personal learning abilities of graduates from the three colleges are quite impressive compared to most junior college students.

Nowadays, the first online centralized volunteer application filling in each province has been completed. I believe that students have temporarily freed themselves from the tense atmosphere and are ready to receive their admission notices. As we all know, there are two key factor - DayDayNews

Students who enter junior college need not panic.

So what should students who are destined to be admitted to junior college with their scores do? Should we just give up?

In fact, students don’t need to panic. After all, after three years of junior college study, everyone in will have another chance to upgrade from to . As long as can seize this olive branch, everyone will still have the opportunity to counterattack.

interactive topic: Do you prefer students to enter three universities or public junior colleges?

education Category Latest News

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