In order to solidly promote the use of the "Learning to Strengthen the Country" learning platform, on July 14, Nanzhang Street launched the "Learning to Strengthen the Country" into the campus and strive to become a strong country and good young people. The teacher first used the

2024/06/2922:06:32 education 1587

In order to solidly promote the use of the " learn to strengthen the country " learning platform, on July 14th, Nanzhang Street launched the "learn to strengthen the country" platform promotion activity on campus, striving to become a good young man who strengthens the country. Teacher

In order to solidly promote the use of the

first used the "Learning to Strengthen China" learning platform to play ancient poetry appreciation videos, allowing the children to have a deeper understanding of the connotation of ancient poetry and appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese culture. Then, the teacher distributed white paper and paintbrushes to the children, and drew the scenes and poems described in the well-known classic poem "小ike" that they just learned in the "Learning Powerful Country" learning platform on the paper, using childlike innocence. and colorful brushes, depicting my longing for a beautiful summer. After everyone's careful production, creative and poetic works are presented to everyone one after another.

In order to solidly promote the use of the

The "Learning to Strengthen the Country" offline activities have enriched students' summer life, broadened the channels for ideological and political education, and enhanced the appeal of ideological and political education. In the next step, Nanzhang Street will continue to widely promote the use of the "Learning Power" learning platform to ensure that more people can benefit from it and make progress.

Correspondent Jing Menghan Reporter Wang Long

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