Dahe Network News: Which one would you choose between a high-paying job in a big city and a substitute teacher in a mountain village with a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan? Zhang Yugun, the principal of Black Tiger Temple Primary School in Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County, Nanyang City, w

2024/06/2921:55:33 education 1482

Dahe News: Which one would you choose, a high-paying job in a big city or a substitute teacher in a mountain village with a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan? Zhang Yugun, the principal of Black Tiger Temple Primary School in Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County, Nanyang City, who has been teaching and educating people for 21 years, answered this question with practical actions. He said: "I would like to be a bright moon on the Shibawan Mountain Road. Illuminate the future of children and hope that they can use knowledge to change their destiny. "Heihu Temple Primary School is a big family. Every student and every teacher in the school is my family." "People, the photos with them are my family photos." On July 15, Zhang Yugun told reporters why he took photos with students to participate in the "family photo" activity.

Dahe Network News: Which one would you choose between a high-paying job in a big city and a substitute teacher in a mountain village with a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan? Zhang Yugun, the principal of Black Tiger Temple Primary School in Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County, Nanyang City, w - DayDayNews

"Country children" formed a "campus family"

In September 2001, Zhang Yugun, who had just graduated from a normal school, gave up the opportunity to work in the city and returned to Heihu Temple Primary School - the classroom where he studied. "A broken table, a broken cement platform, and a dozen country kids sitting inside." Zhang Yugun recalled the scene at that time. He said that looking at the children's innocent eyes, eager for knowledge, he seemed to see himself as a child. "Because of my special attachment to the mountainous areas and my special love for the children in the mountain villages, I am willing to stay in the big family of Black Tiger Temple Primary School." He spoke gently, sincerely and unhurriedly.

Dahe Network News: Which one would you choose between a high-paying job in a big city and a substitute teacher in a mountain village with a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan? Zhang Yugun, the principal of Black Tiger Temple Primary School in Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County, Nanyang City, w - DayDayNews

"Our school is a boarding school . The students live far away, and there are many left-behind children. We usually have a holiday once every two weeks. Some children are homesick, and some are not good at talking, so the teacher takes them to climb mountains. , have a heart-to-heart talk and provide psychological counseling during the activity. "Teaching students to climb mountains is a common "family activity" in Heihu Temple Primary School. The children's laughter and the teachers' sincere teachings all echo brightly in the mountains. , The winding mountain roads of Funiu Mountain bear witness to the warmth of this big family.

Dahe Network News: Which one would you choose between a high-paying job in a big city and a substitute teacher in a mountain village with a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan? Zhang Yugun, the principal of Black Tiger Temple Primary School in Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County, Nanyang City, w - DayDayNews

One sentence made three generations take root in the mountains

Talking about the original intention of staying at Heihu Temple Primary School, Zhang Yugun told reporters that Principal Wu, who taught him how to read, gave him great spiritual inspiration.

"A stove built with mud and bricks can last ten or eight years at most. Every word we teach students to recognize can be used for a lifetime." What Principal Wu said to him, for Zhang Yugun, deep impression. It was these simple words that left Zhang Yugun behind, allowing him to take root in the mountains without any regrets for 21 years, and also left more young people in his hometown.

"I want to mobilize my nephews, nieces and daughters-in-law to come back. They have the opportunity to find good jobs in the south, but the school is short of teachers. I also used the old principal to persuade me. I told him that we all walked out of the mountains. How can children in their hometown see no teachers? It is because of their love that they are willing to stay. "Now Heihu Temple Primary School has 13 teachers and 8 supporting teachers, and the number of young people joining this big family is increasing. More and more are coming. "Teachers Ma and Teacher Li in our county, and the three special teachers in Sanmenxia, ​​many of them are willing to come to teach with us." Under Zhang Yugun's influence, his student Han Yujian also returned to his hometown and became a teacher. An art teacher.

There are more people in "home", is it not as busy as before? "As a teacher, my work motivation is still the same. The busy things are not limited to our school. There are more schools that need my work experience in rural areas. I also hope to lead more people to invest in rural education. Now The scope of work is wider, so I will do something within my ability." Zhang Yugun said with a smile that he would strive to be worthy of the glorious title of People's Teacher.

Zhang Yugun once said that he is not only a teacher, but also a father. He has always been on the front line of rural education, shouldering the future of rural children with his broad shoulders. He is the bright moon that illuminates the mountains, the wings of children waiting to fly, and the torch that ignites more people to devote themselves to rural education. In the big family of Heihu Temple Primary School, the gardener’s spirit of “The spring silkworms will die when they die, and the wax torches will turn to ashes before tears dry up” continues to be passed down. (Dong Lei)

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