The 2022 Shaoyang Campus Risk Management Training Conference will be held in Shaoyang.

2024/06/2907:46:32 education 1681
The 2022 Shaoyang Campus Risk Management Training Conference will be held in Shaoyang. - DayDayNews

The 2022 Shaoyang campus risk management training meeting will be held in Shaoyang .

Red Net Moment News July 15th (Reporter Xiao Juan, Photography by Liu Yang) 43% of students have severe anxiety and great learning pressure, 26% of students said that they often feel tired when studying, and 18% of students have anxiety tendencies. , Internet addiction and mobile phone dependence tend to reach 25%... Different from the impression that "children are carefree" in many people's minds, some surveys and studies have shown that the mental health problems of primary and secondary school students cannot be ignored.

To protect children’s mental health, what should parents, teachers and schools do? On July 15, in order to improve the level of campus risk management, Shaoyang held a campus risk management lecture.

Director of the Psychological Education and Career Development Research Center of the Hunan Academy of Educational Sciences, Part-time postgraduate tutor of Hunan Normal University , and member of the provincial health science expert database of "Healthy Hunan Action" Peng Weijing focuses on the causes of mental health risks among primary and secondary school students and how to proceed. Prevention, control and treatment were shared.

This exchange event is hosted by the Shaoyang Municipal Education Bureau and co-organized by the risk consulting unit China United Insurance Brokers. Chen Dailin, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Shaoyang Municipal Education Bureau, Zhu Wenming, deputy general manager of Hunan Zhonglian Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd., and other leaders attended the event. red network conducted a full live broadcast of this event. More than 180 campus risk management personnel from Shaoyang counties (cities) and districts who have been working on the front line of education for a long time participated and conducted on-site communication and exchanges.

in 55 teenagers suffers from mental health problems

The mental sub-health of primary and secondary school students cannot be ignored

High learning pressure, emotional instability, sensitive interpersonal relationships, depression, Internet addiction, mobile phone dependence, etc... United Nations Children's Fund and Data released by the World Health Organization shows that currently about 1 in 5 teenagers around the world is suffering from mental health problems.

The 2022 Shaoyang Campus Risk Management Training Conference will be held in Shaoyang. - DayDayNews

Peng Weijing, director of the Psychological Education and Career Development Research Center of the Hunan Academy of Educational Sciences, gave a speech on the theme of "Prevention, Control and Treatment of Mental Health Risks for Primary and Secondary School Students".

The current mental health status of primary and secondary school students is not optimistic, and there are a large number of sub-healthy people. Data show that the depression detection rate among middle school students in Hunan Province is 15.6%, the anxiety detection rate is 11.8%, and the depression and anxiety comorbidity detection rate is 9.0%.

A survey data from Hunan Academy of Educational Sciences shows that 12.9% have "poor" or "very poor" sleep quality, 4.8% sleep after 24:00, and are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with life Accounting for 11.1%, 24% have high academic pressure, and 10.8% of middle school students are addicted to games. However, more than 1/3 of students do not know how to ask for help and rely on themselves to solve psychological problems. They lack channels for resolving problems when they encounter difficulties.

The 2022 Shaoyang Campus Risk Management Training Conference will be held in Shaoyang. - DayDayNews

Chen Dailin, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Shaoyang Municipal Education Bureau, delivered a speech.

Chen Dailin said that campus safety protection is an eternal topic. Campus risk management requires the active participation of all teachers, the establishment of a management mechanism and the guidance and training of experts and professional institutions. “I hope we can jointly tighten the concept of education risks. Genxian, keep in mind that "prevention is safety and rescue is danger", and we must "prevent risks, eliminate hidden dangers, and contain accidents", do a good job in campus risk management, and do everything possible to protect the safety of students. "

Caring for children! "Heart" starts

We must learn to "empathize"

Why do children have mental health problems? Peng Weijing said that the child himself, family, school, society, etc. will all affect the child's mental health. In particular, the awareness of social competition is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As the starting line moves further and further, the anxiety of the parent group is transmitted to the children, amplifying the impact on the children's mental health.

When a child’s mental health turns on a “red light”, where should parents start? And then help children reduce stress and empower them, help them get out of the haze and embrace the sunshine?

Many children have sensitive hearts and need careful observation and careful care from parents, teachers, and the entire society. Peng Weijing said that for children’s mental health problems, families and schools are very important to achieve prevention and intervention.

She reminded parents and teachers to understand and care deeply about their children, pay more attention to their changes, learn to "empathize with others", give children enough voice and individual space to live, and help students improve their psychological quality.

Peng Weijing said that children’s mental health problems are not invisible. Parents and teachers should pay more attention to their children’s emotional state and social activities while caring about their children’s learning, and build trust through communication. When children face difficulties, they can Take the initiative to seek help from family, teachers and peers.

At the same time, schools should also increase training efforts to guide teachers to do a targeted job in the mental health of primary and secondary school students; in the face of students' requests for help, they should provide professional psychological crisis professional rescue channels.

Improving schools’ psychological crisis prevention and intervention capabilities

The mental health of primary and secondary school students is a systematic project. Especially when family factors are difficult to change, using schools as the main channel to carry out mental health education has become a key link in improving students' mental health.

As children grow older and spend more time with teachers and classmates, they become more psychologically sensitive and have stronger self-esteem. Evaluations from schools and peer groups can easily affect children's mental health development, such as whether they have made friends in school. , whether you are liked by your classmates, and whether the teacher pays attention and attention.

Regarding children’s mental sub-health problems, schools are an important part of the social support system. It is very critical to improve schools’ psychological crisis prevention and intervention capabilities.

Peng Weijing suggested that in school education, attention should be paid to guiding children to self-regulate and help each other among their peers, improve their ability to withstand setbacks and regulate emotions, and prevent mental health problems; once mental health problems occur, effective intervention should be carried out for students in a timely manner.

In addition, establishing a scientific and effective mental health screening system, consolidating the psychological safety infrastructure of primary and secondary school campuses, and improving the post-processing mechanism for psychological crises in primary and secondary schools will all be the direction of future efforts.

As the risk consulting unit of this event, China United Insurance Brokers believes that prevention of students’ mental health risks should be the priority.

In recent years, China United Insurance Brokers has taken the initiative to cooperate with schools to carry out student mental health risk prevention work, and produced the animation feature film "Making Campus the Safest and Sunstiest Place" to guide the majority of primary and secondary school students to be positive... China United Insurance Brokers Organization More than 30 training classes were held, inviting experts to give lessons to train school administrators on students’ mental health prevention knowledge, and improve schools’ ability to identify and prevent students’ mental health problems.

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