Transcript 1. Basic personal information Hello everyone, I am Nancy Chen, a student of the Liushen Class of BT College. I am a working mother of two children. I passed four subjects in the 2020 Certified Public Accountant Examination in one go, and also successfully passed the ta

2024/06/2909:40:33 education 1215

Transcript 1. Basic personal information Hello everyone, I am Nancy Chen, a student of the Liushen Class of BT College. I am a working mother of two children. I passed four subjects in the 2020 Certified Public Accountant Examination in one go, and also successfully passed the ta - DayDayNews


1, Basic personal information

Hello everyone, I am Nancy Chen, a student of the Sixth God Class of BT College. I am a working mother of two children. I passed four subjects in the 2020 CPA exam at once and successfully passed it at the same time. Passed 5 subjects for tax accountant and 3 subjects for intermediate accounting title.

I had the idea of ​​taking the certified accountant exam when I was on maternity leave at home after giving birth to my second child. Then I was introduced to BT Academy by a colleague. Then I was surprised to find that such a difficult exam as certified public accountant was available at BT Academy. Many people can pass 6 subjects in one year, so I signed up for the Liushen class at BT College without hesitation.

I graduated from an ordinary university and have been working in finance since graduation. I have never participated in this class after working for nearly 8 years. The reason why I passed the exam is because I always thought it was a difficult exam. There were so many subjects and I didn’t have the confidence to try it because I was afraid of failure. But in 2019, I passed the CMA exam with high scores during my second pregnancy. This gave me a lot of confidence, so I mustered up the courage to challenge this legendary "most difficult certificate in the country"!

2, Exam preparation experience

On February 18, 2020, I started to prepare for the CPA exam following the progress of the Liushen Class of BT College. Since I started preparing for the exam during the maternity leave of my second child, my exam preparation experience can be divided into two stages: During the maternity leave and after reinstatement.

During maternity leave: Use more fragmented time. The child cannot study when he is awake.

First, make full use of your child’s sleeping time. html It was the Spring Festival in December, and the father of the child was also on vacation at home. Since I decided to take the exam, I had consultations with the father of the child, and he was very supportive of any decision I made. In the end, we agreed to leave the eldest child to him. , I just take care of the baby (breastfeeding) every day. Every time the children fall asleep, I can use it to listen to classes, do questions, and study.

Second, make full use of the time every morning , read aloud early, and read those obscure and unclear knowledge points first to give your brain a general impression.

Third, put an end to all kinds of fun . The Spring Festival in 2020 is special. There is basically no phenomenon of going from house to house before, but the family will also play cards and watch TV together. At this time, you really need to exercise restraint. Find a quiet space by yourself to read.

On-the-job exam preparation: You have more time to prepare for the on-the-job exam, and your beliefs are stronger!

Since I was in Wuhan, all units in Wuhan have resumed work one after another since the lockdown was lifted on April 8. At that time, considering the epidemic problem, I did not take my children back to Wuhan, but stayed with my parents in my hometown to help take care of them, so the children I was weaned at 7 months.

First: I think that my whole family supports my study so much, and after the epidemic stabilizes, I want to take over the child as soon as possible. My time will be even tighter by then, so I don’t have any time to waste. I have to One pass through . The belief is strong!

Second: Although I am working, I can have enough time to study after get off work. Learning is also a way to pass the time. When you spend a lot of time studying every day, some knowledge can even fit in with your work. Every day, I feel that my life is very fulfilling.In fact, no one can supervise whether you are studying 24 hours a day. This really requires you to be self-disciplined. You have to pay for what you want. You cannot impress yourself while still thinking about comfort!

Study time arrangement and mentality adjustment

Speaking of study time arrangement, generally maintain 5-6 hours of study time on weekdays, and try to spend more than 8 hours on weekends.

I get up at 6:30 every working day and study for an hour. Read the key and difficult points of each subject early, and most of them are early reading the audit framework and strategic framework; or doing some real test papers.

Use the lunch break at noon, and you can spend about ten minutes reading some daily questions on your mobile phone.

Take an hour between get off work time and 8 pm to read the lecture notes, do some real questions or preview what the teacher will teach that evening. This depends on your mastery of each subject. The weaker you are, the less likely you are to understand the parts. The less you can't throw it away, the more you need to study and understand thoroughly.

From 8 pm to 10 pm, I usually follow the teacher’s schedule to listen to live classes and record the important and difficult points taught in class.

From 10 pm to 12 pm is the time to organize notes, do questions, and digest knowledge.

Since I have all the time to study on weekends, I usually get up at 7 o'clock, and then except for eating, I spend the rest of my time studying, at least 8 hours..

In fact, when you first start studying, I don’t recommend that you stay up very late to take a rest. The exam is a protracted battle with a very long time span. The pressure of the course at the beginning is actually not very high. You need to do a good job at work and rest at this time. Only through combination can a good body support oneself towards the final victory.

Mentality adjustment: It is no exaggeration to say that everyone who successfully passes the exam will not say that this exam is very easy. Everyone has encountered many problems more or less during the preparation process, from family, Things in life and work will have some impact on our mood. When we really encounter such things or feel irritable, we only need to calm down and think about our original intentions and the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning. What is it? If I give up now, how high will my opportunity cost be, and what will I get after I succeed?

The process of preparing for the exam is lonely, and the only one who can accompany us is ourselves!

3. Learning methods of various subjects

1. Accounting

Accounting is the earliest subject to start and the longest to learn. It covers a lot of knowledge points. The lecture notes alone have more than 700 pages and involve a large number of entries. Therefore we must be diligent in learning accounting, and we must write the entries several times until it forms a conditioned reflex. A little knowledge is equivalent to not knowing . Then be sure to pay attention to the keywords of the question, such as time points, to avoid pitfalls. Financial assets and consolidated statements, which everyone generally finds difficult, are actually a routine. If you really can't understand them during the learning process, just take a small book and copy steps 1/2/3/4. The most important thing is to sort out the questions you got wrong, and go back regularly to do them again a few times. Don't do too many questions, but be precise. Wrong questions are the most valuable, and they often reflect the knowledge you have not mastered!

2. Audit

Audit will feel boring at first, because it requires a lot of text, and you can understand every word, but when you do the questions, you feel like ABCD is the correct answer.The audit really caught me off guard this year. I thought I definitely passed the subject with high scores but failed! When I got started in auditing, I read it out loud in the morning. I read the chapters that Brother Bin said would be tested in the exam aloud in the morning. After reading, I started to practice the questions. If I got the wrong part, I read the original text in the handout, and then manually drew the frame again. Read the frame aloud the next morning. The major audit questions require more practice to cultivate professional judgment, and some professional judgment questions do not even have the original text in the book, so you need to practice the questions to get a feel for it!

3. Economic Law

Economic law can be said to be the subject that I am the slowest to get started with. There are not many chapters, but the content of each chapter is both rich and complex, and the knowledge points are very similar. It is really hard to remember. It's easy to get confused. Therefore, when studying economic law, I made full use of the fill-in-the-blank question materials from BT College. While doing the fill-in-the-blank questions, I flipped through the book to find the answers, so as to familiarize myself with the textbook . Then the most important thing is to read more textbooks. There are so many textbooks that it is impossible for us to memorize them all, but if we read more, our brains will have a rough impression. Then we can use the time in the morning to read the more difficult points early and do more Big questions, master the problem-solving routines for big questions.

4. Financial Management

Financial Management I believe many people will complain this year, why there are so many big questions on calculating cash flow , and we don’t have time to finish the questions. Brother Bin also said that it is normal to not finish the financial management exam in the official exam, and what we are pursuing is the relative score, not the absolute score. As long as we surpass others, we may pass! The study of financial management is not like what everyone demonizes, where you have to memorize thousands of formulas. In fact, you will naturally remember these formulas after studying for a few rounds. You don’t need to spend special time to memorize them. But financial management is special It measures the speed of doing questions and the ability to read questions, so to put it bluntly, return to the lecture notes and do more exercises . Every question in the handouts is very classic. You need to do it over and over again. If you are familiar with the textbook questions and you can write them out immediately without thinking after reading the questions, it is usually no problem in the exam, because the exam time is really tight and there is no time. To think.

5. Tax Law

Although the tax law changes every year, the content of the teaching materials will not be updated so fast. We must start from the teaching materials and not get into the wrong. The content of the tax law is very trivial, including which ones are tax-free, which ones are zero-rated, which ones are and which are subject to simple taxation and , etc., but those are the only common test points, and the teacher will help you summarize them. What we need to do is to be familiar with the textbooks, know which chapter and section these tax benefits are, do more questions to get a feel for them, read the textbooks over and over again, and you can remember them after turning the book to pieces.

6. Strategy

Speaking of strategy, we have to mention the framework method among Brother Bin’s five methods. Many people say that I was stupid for being pregnant for three years. After I gave birth to my second child, my memory is actually not very good. But as long as you use the framing method well, draw frames every day, and read early in the morning, you will be able to memorize a book quickly. I remember that after I finished the strategy exam, I was waiting for the strategy exam during the break. I turned over the framework I had written, and I could basically retell the strategy book in my mind.

4, Summary

My entire preparation and annotation meeting lasted for 8 months. When I first started studying, I was really motivated. I followed the teacher's plan step by step every day. I was quiet and nothing could interfere with me. My goal was very clear, that is, I must pass 6 subjects in one go this year.But towards the end of the exam, my mentality became a bit broken. I could not maintain the calmness at the beginning. I would feel very tired and irritable. I think this is the main reason why I failed the second subject! It’s not that you don’t have the knowledge, it’s that your mentality is not good enough!

So here I would like to tell my fellow students, once you think about taking the exam, don’t hesitate. Although the exam can be taken every year, everyone will have different things at each stage, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes, If you want to take the exam now, then now is the best time ! Fight quickly, move forward steadily, play steadily, and keep your mood calm!

The changes that the CPA exam will bring to you are not just a certificate. It will also greatly enhance your personal self-confidence and problem-solving abilities. Of course, it will also allow you to get to know a group of very excellent CPA comrades!

I wish everyone can have all their wishes come true and come to shore as soon as possible!

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