Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year?

2024/06/2906:21:33 education 1288

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated!

This is the data as of June 30.

So what information is worth paying attention to this year?

Let’s interpret it with us~

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

* Generally speaking, for the same application cycle, UCAS will release three application deadline data; October 15th is the application deadline for Oxbridge University’s medical major; January 26th is the regular application deadline. Application deadline; June 30 is the deadline for students who miss the regular application deadline to submit applications. These students will directly enter the supplementary admission system.

The growth rate of the total number of applications has slowed down

The number of Chinese students continues to rise

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

According to previous data, the number of applicants for admission in 2021 is 29,220 more than the number of applicants for admission in 2021.

I originally thought that the number of people would also increase dramatically this year, but I didn’t expect that the growth rate would slow down a lot. Compared with last year, the number of applicants for admission in 2022 has only increased by 1,640..

Among the 683,650 people who applied this year, 548,780 were from UK, accounting for about 80.30% of the total number of applicants.

Of the 134,879 NOT-UK applicants, 31,400 were from China..

By the way, the number of applicants from mainland China has exceeded the total number of applicants from the EU region (23,160), an increase of about 10% compared to last year. Mainland Chinese students are really fierce!

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

Among the three most popular majors in 2022,

, business can only be ranked second.

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

The most popular application direction this year is indeed medicine. , with 441,280 people preparing to devote themselves to medicine to benefit mankind.

followed by business major . The number of business applicants has soared since 2020, reaching 381,460 this year (367,030 in 2021; 347,160 in 2020) . As expected, as the "most profitable" major, it is still very attractive. .

Social Sciences is also very popular. This year, 336,930 people submitted relevant applications, but compared with 2021 (344,530), the number of applicants has dropped.

Design, creative and performing arts also attracts students, with 271,600 people applying to this major this year.

In addition, the number of applicants for the six major areas, such as law, engineering and technology, computer science, psychology, biology and sports science, and dentistry , has exceeded 100,000, and they are also very popular.

The latest data from the four major universities

The number of applicants has increased across the board

The above is the public report and basic content released by UCAS this morning, but students must be more concerned about the situation of the school and majors!

So we have sorted out the latest application data of four prestigious British universities, and today we will make a simple summary

University of Oxford

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

*Oxford only announced the application status of Chinese students, and the full version has not yet been released.

In the 2022UCAS cycle, Chinese students (including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) submitted a total of Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews,814 applications to Oxford. Oxford issued a total of ,269 Offers, and the offer rate was about 9.6%.

html Only one out of 110 Chinese students can get what they want. If everyone wants to apply to Oxford, the competition is really heavy and the road is long.

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

Among them, the TOP5 most popular majors among Chinese students are mathematics, chemistry, engineering science, physics, economics and management. It is not surprising at all.

Unfortunately, the offer rates for these five popular majors are not high, among which Economics and Management is as low as 2.6%. It is too difficult for Chinese students to get offers.

Cambridge University

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

In 2021, a total of Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews2457 students applied for Cambridge undergraduate courses, of which
got offers for admission in 2022/2023. The overall offer rate was about Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews8.8%, which is equivalent to an average of 6 people. Fighting for 1 Course location.

Among them, engineering and natural sciences are well-deserved "top" majors in Cambridge, with more than Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews,500 applicants. In contrast, the offer rate of natural sciences is higher, nearly Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews4%.
Among these popular majors, the offer rates of computer science, psychology, behavioral science, , and economics are relatively low, especially for computer science, which is only 9.24%.

University College London

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

Note: For the convenience of reading, below, "this year" refers to the 2021/2022 application cycle, and "last year" refers to the 2020/2021 application cycle.

I have to say that the number of applicants for UCL is really exaggerated year by year. When we saw nearly 70,000 last year, we thought it was incredible. Unexpectedly, this year it will exceed 75,000.

Among UCL's more than 500 majors, 18 majors have more than 1,000 applicants, and 109 majors have less than or equal to 5 (to avoid exposing applicants' privacy, the official has not listed the precise number of applications for these 109 majors) .

The most popular majors this year are law, economics, medicine, computer science, and psychology. Among them, Law received a total of 14,105 applications and issued 1,368 offers. The offer rate was relatively low, less than 9%, which can be compared with some Oxbridge majors.

University of Edinburgh

First of all, let’s pay attention to the overall offer rate of Aida. According to the latest data, a total of Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews8982 people applied in 2021. Aida issued Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews2446 Offers, and the offer rate was
, and they were finally admitted. 8228 people.

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

Comparing the application data from 2017 to 2020, it can be seen that the number of applicants to AIU has been increasing year by year, and it can be regarded as one of the "top" in the British study abroad circle.

At the same time, although it has declined compared to last year's "50-50 offer", Aida still maintains a relatively stable offer rate

Heavy! 2022 UCAS application data updated! This is data as of June 30. So what information is worth paying attention to this year? - DayDayNews

Although judging from the data sent by UCAS, the overall number of applicants this year has not been larger. Although the number of applicants for top-ranked universities, such as Oxbridge G5 and Wang Ai Man Hua, is still increasing sharply, everyone must be fully prepared!

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