Among the issues raised by this year's college entrance examination, popular science reading has become a new hot spot - among the three materials for the national volume B practical text reading selected by 12 provinces, one is selected from "Scientific Experiments Caused by Sno

2024/06/2517:30:33 education 1822

Among the issues raised by this year's college entrance examination, popular science reading has become a new hot spot - among the three materials for national practical text reading in Volume B selected by 12 provinces, one is selected from "Scientific Experiments Caused by Snow" by popular science writer Yin Chuanhong Popular science articles. The last time a similar situation occurred was probably the science fiction reading craze caused by the 1999 college entrance examination essay titled "If Memory Can Be Transplanted." So, how do we guide children to engage in scientific reading? The author found that many parents like to "test" their children after reading: How long does it take for sunlight to reach the earth from the surface of the sun? How many major planets are there in the solar system? If the child cannot answer the question, the parents will think that the book has been read in vain. The author does not agree with this approach. Scientific reading should not be about rote memorization, but about following the author's footsteps, experiencing the ups and downs of the scientific process, exploring the vast starry sky and vast universe, savoring the scientific rationality and scientific spirit contained in it, and discovering science. The importance of methods to cultivate your own scientific thinking . As Wu Yiyi wrote in "What is the History of Science": "As a way of thinking, scientific spirit cannot be simply defined or taught through textbooks. What best expresses this way of thinking is not the materialization or even the completion of science. It is the solidified scientific results, but lies in the process of obtaining these results. "Make scientific reading a "compulsory course"

Among the issues raised by this year's college entrance examination, popular science reading has become a new hot spot - among the three materials for the national volume B practical text reading selected by 12 provinces, one is selected from

Source: Guangming Daily


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