With the development of society, writing in Chinese characters seems to be getting further and further away from our lives. In the past, we used letters to communicate with friends, but now we only need to send a WeChat message. But for students, writing Chinese characters is sti

2024/06/2210:10:33 education 1795

With the development of society, writing Chinese characters seems to be getting further and further away from our lives. In the past, we used letters to communicate with friends, but now we only need to send a WeChat message. But for students, writing Chinese characters is still essential.

However, with the advancement of technology, parents now don’t pay too much attention to students’ Chinese character writing. Many students and parents say that there are no points on the test paper, and it is enough if the questions can be answered correctly. But if you can't even see the words clearly, how can the teacher give high marks?

With the development of society, writing in Chinese characters seems to be getting further and further away from our lives. In the past, we used letters to communicate with friends, but now we only need to send a WeChat message. But for students, writing Chinese characters is sti - DayDayNews

And paper marks do exist, especially for essays in Chinese language test questions. You must know that the marking teacher has to read a lot of test papers, and there is a time limit. It is impossible to read them all. If the handwriting is unclear, If the paper is messy, the teacher will only give a symbolic score. But if the handwriting is clear and the paper is neat, the teacher will not only read it carefully, but also give a high score.

A middle school student's "Morse" composition has become popular, with enigmatic strokes, and the teacher: marking the test is like deciphering a code

Recently, a middle school student's composition test paper has become popular on the Internet. The enigmatic strokes have been called " Morse Code " by netizens Regarding the font, the teacher even said that grading was like deciphering a code. After many netizens saw it, they also jokingly said: They know what each stroke is, but they don’t recognize it when they are connected together.

With the development of society, writing in Chinese characters seems to be getting further and further away from our lives. In the past, we used letters to communicate with friends, but now we only need to send a WeChat message. But for students, writing Chinese characters is sti - DayDayNews

Many netizens who have seen it said that if I were a teacher, this would definitely be a zero score. At this time, the necessity of clear handwriting is fully reflected. In fact, it does not require that the writing be beautiful, but it must be ensured that every word is clear, at least the teacher must be able to see what is written, otherwise it is really possible Score zero points. The sharp contrast between

and the "Morse Code" font is an essay with a perfect score for the college entrance examination that was released recently. When we opened the test paper, what caught our eyes was not the idea of ​​the essay, but the neat and clear paper surface. Each stroke was clear and clear, maybe the font I can't say it's very beautiful, but it can definitely make the marking teacher's eyes light up and make him want to read on. In fact, even if the purpose of such a test paper is a bit biased, the teacher is not willing to deduct points.

With the development of society, writing in Chinese characters seems to be getting further and further away from our lives. In the past, we used letters to communicate with friends, but now we only need to send a WeChat message. But for students, writing Chinese characters is sti - DayDayNews

How to practice calligraphy quickly

Many students and parents have reported that they are too busy studying and don’t have much time to practice calligraphy. So is there any quick way? The editor has compiled a few methods here, hoping to help everyone.

  • Basic stroke exercises

Our Chinese characters are all composed of strokes, so if we want to write good calligraphy, strokes are the most basic. For this, we can buy a copybook to copy and watch to see where his pen is. , then copy, and then slowly write by yourself without using the font. It doesn’t take too long every day, half an hour is enough. You just need to persist. Over time, it will naturally take shape.

With the development of society, writing in Chinese characters seems to be getting further and further away from our lives. In the past, we used letters to communicate with friends, but now we only need to send a WeChat message. But for students, writing Chinese characters is sti - DayDayNews

  • Correct pen holding posture

In fact, there is a certain relationship between writing and pen holding posture. Different pen holding habits have different writing effects. Just like calligraphy writing has a fixed pen holding posture, the correct pen holding posture I think parents and teachers should have said it before, but I won’t go into details here. The most important thing is to persist and never give up halfway.

  • Calm down

The last point and the most important point is meditation. Practicing Chinese characters requires meditation. Be wary of arrogance and impetuosity. You must be calm and practice stroke by stroke. Slow down. Don’t be too impatient when practicing Chinese characters in the early stage. Be quick, otherwise it will be difficult to practice.

With the development of society, writing in Chinese characters seems to be getting further and further away from our lives. In the past, we used letters to communicate with friends, but now we only need to send a WeChat message. But for students, writing Chinese characters is sti - DayDayNews

is written at the end

Although the paper score will not be written clearly, the neat and clear paper will indeed give the teacher a good impression, and the teacher will give more points. If it is messy and you can't see clearly, the teacher will not even I don’t even want to read it, let alone give high marks, so it is very necessary to write well.

Today’s topic: Do you think it is necessary for students to practice calligraphy?

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