Counselor of the Sunan team of Ningbo University's Dripping Water Operation: Qi Bailong's mountains and rivers are often lonely, but the garden party is here to make people laugh. This summer, the Nanxi team of the School of Teacher Education of Ningbo University devoted themselv

2024/06/2206:45:33 education 1287

Ningbo University Operation Dripping Water - Sunan Team

Counselor : Qi Bolong

Counselor of the Sunan team of Ningbo University's Dripping Water Operation: Qi Bailong's mountains and rivers are often lonely, but the garden party is here to make people laugh. This summer, the Nanxi team of the School of Teacher Education of Ningbo University devoted themselv - DayDayNews

The mountains and rivers are often lonely, and the garden party comes to make fun. This summer vacation, the Ningbo University Teacher Education CollegeNannan team of the Drip Water Operation devoted themselves to the banks of Nanxi River in Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, to explore the natural scenery and humanistic feelings of the mountains and rivers villages. Research.

htmlOn July 8, after nearly two weeks of planning, docking, preparation, and site visits, the small team entered Yongjia Academy based on the unique culture of Yongjia Academy , and collaborated with the academy to launch the "Getting Better" garden party. This event integrated Yongjia culture and Yongjia Academy characteristic culture into our garden activities. Through different garden activities designed by four groups, the transition from history to reality was achieved, allowing culture and interest to resonate together and highlight beauty. The cultural landscape of the countryside has been praised by tourists in droves, and through the team's "drop of water", countless local cultures have been glimpsed.

Small place, big culture

Counselor of the Sunan team of Ningbo University's Dripping Water Operation: Qi Bailong's mountains and rivers are often lonely, but the garden party is here to make people laugh. This summer, the Nanxi team of the School of Teacher Education of Ningbo University devoted themselv - DayDayNews

When selecting the practice location, the early team was impressed by the beautiful scenery and long history and culture of Yongjia Academy. Based on the map of Yongjia Academy, information on the Internet, the geographical scenery in memory, and the preliminary design of the humanities exhibition hall Four targeted special activities were developed, and the selected places were Nanxi Farm, Hanmo Studio, Yongjia Academy, and Ouyue Art Forest. During the visit, the team members further felt the beauty of the mountains and rivers, the verdant vegetation, cascading waterfalls, and gurgling water. Through the various cultural exhibits displayed in the scenic spots, they had a deeper understanding of the characteristics born between the mountains and rivers. cultural connotation.

The origin of Yongjia Academy can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty.Wang Zhiyuan returned to his hometown in his later years to found Yongjia Academy, which made great contributions to talent cultivation. In modern times, Yongjia Academy relied on the unique pastoral scenery of Nanxi River and the farming and reading culture to respond to the national call and aim to build a beautiful countryside with Yongjia characteristics. Through the team's visit, it can be found that tourists' expectations for Yongjia Academy are more focused on leisure and entertainment activities such as rafting and mountain climbing, while farming, reading, and historical culture are ignored by most tourists, resulting in a large amount of waste of cultural resources.

Garden Party, the Xing Culture

Counselor of the Sunan team of Ningbo University's Dripping Water Operation: Qi Bailong's mountains and rivers are often lonely, but the garden party is here to make people laugh. This summer, the Nanxi team of the School of Teacher Education of Ningbo University devoted themselv - DayDayNews

team decided after consideration to connect the four activities in the form of a garden party, adding links such as map check-in and redemption of prizes. At the same time, when enriching the activity planning, it is more in line with the cultural characteristics of the scenic spots and adds cultural flavor to The cultural connotation and the form of garden tours can increase the passenger flow in the park and enrich the activity forms and contents of the park. It is a useful attempt to empower culture under the rural revitalization. At Nanxi Farm, you can learn about farm tools through the farm tools displayed on the wall. In the process of searching for farm tools, you can experience farm culture and farming culture; at the Hanmo Studio, you can visit the exhibition hall to answer questions, write calligraphy fans, and feel the fragrance of books among pens, inks, papers, and inkstones. ; There are many exhibition halls in Yongjia Academy. You can visit each exhibition hall by selecting questions to complete the corresponding tasks, such as looking for photos of Singapore items, etc., and experience the development process of Wenzhou from ancient times to the present; Ouyue Art Forest takes advantage of the characteristics of the tunnel Design treasure hunt activities, find scattered scrolls and complete the tasks above, and appreciate the calligraphy inscriptions around you. The activities were exciting.

During the garden party, tourists showed great interest in the activities of the team. Some elders repeatedly praised: "You have ideas and ideas! It's fun to play like this!" a mother said in an interview with us : "In the past, we were just looking around, but this event allowed us to look more carefully at the exhibits at the attractions and understand the culture of these attractions, which is very meaningful." After learning that we could only hold it for two days, he expressed regret: "This kind of event Do it more, this is a good activity!" An elder who lives nearby said excitedly: "I will come again tomorrow!" There are many scenes like the elders introducing to the younger generations and the young people watching carefully.

Thought process, experience

The garden party held this time was a great success. This practice was an innovative move by Ningbo University students. The team not only paid attention to the scenery and humanistic beauty of Yongjia Academy, but also saw the abundant cultural resources lying idle. . Therefore, we try to integrate fun and culture into one activity, which not only enhances the fun experience of tourists, but also activates cultural resources and subtly penetrates the characteristic culture of the academy. This event was affirmed by Zhang Zhibo, the person in charge of Yongjia Academy: "There were many participants in this event, and the satisfaction of tourists was also very high. It also left us with very valuable experience." The tourists who participated in the event finally arrived at the finish line After redeeming the prizes, he excitedly told us about his gains and thoughts during the event. After receiving the prizes, he still reluctantly asked when the event would be held again.

Counselor of the Sunan team of Ningbo University's Dripping Water Operation: Qi Bailong's mountains and rivers are often lonely, but the garden party is here to make people laugh. This summer, the Nanxi team of the School of Teacher Education of Ningbo University devoted themselv - DayDayNews

In this event, not only did the tourists gain something, but the team members were also deeply touched. Zhao, who is in charge of Hanmo Zhai, said: "We feel that this event is really meaningful, and the audience of our event is Children, many of whom are writing calligraphy for the first time, let them feel the joy of writing calligraphy on the fan. The writing content is combined with the exhibits at the scenic spot to encourage the children to understand the culture of Hanmozhai. It is a very educational activity. "

Although the garden party event only lasted for 2 days, the preliminary preparations took nearly 2 weeks, and the amount of work was quite large, from the map design at the beginning, to the planning of each activity in the process, to the prize redemption at the end. The team worked hard. We also encountered many difficulties during the event, such as the hot weather, the long journey up the mountain, and the complicated preparations. The garden party actually did not go smoothly, but at the end, every member had a satisfied smile on their tired body. The garden party is the last part of the team's social practice activities. It is the acceptance of the early results and the team's exploration of how to develop and utilize local characteristic cultural resources to promote rural economic development under rural revitalization. The team looks forward to carrying out more activities similar to the Yongjia Academy Garden Party in the future, and also hopes that the garden party planning can be enriched and continued. (Liu Xiaoyu/Text)

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