People's Daily WeChat public account "Every vaccine is a small seed that will eventually grow into a warrior to protect life and health." The person who said this affectionately was Li Mingqian of the new crown vaccine research and development team of Tsinghua University School o

2024/06/2113:44:32 education 1543

People’s Daily WeChat public account

“Every vaccine is a small seed

will eventually grow into a warrior to protect life and health”

The person who said this affectionately

is Tsinghua University School of Medicine

New Crown Vaccine Li Mingqian

from the R&D team, who had just graduated with a Ph.D.

, was named and praised by the principal Wang Xiqin at the Tsinghua University graduate graduation ceremony.

People's Daily WeChat public account

Li Mingqian has been curious about the mysteries of life since she was a child.

After being admitted to Tsinghua University,

she became firm in her original intention.

She majored in biological sciences, but she felt a deep sense of loss on Tsinghua campus where many experts gathered.

She went through a difficult time of


She worked hard to adjust herself. She discovered that she was good at doing experiments

She was able to rebuild her confidence in the experimental project

People's Daily WeChat public account

The picture shows Li Mingqian in the laboratory. (Pictures for this article are provided by Tsinghua University and interviewees)

More than two years ago

The new crown epidemic suddenly hit

Tsinghua University Professor Zhang Linqi

Quickly formed a team

to carry out vaccine research and development work

Li Mingqian, who was still celebrating the New Year at home, immediately Returning to school

became an official member of the team

In the days that followed

she followed the team and spent all day in the laboratory

"fighting for time" with the virus day and night

just to successfully develop it as soon as possible

to delay the spread of the epidemic

" I couldn’t stand it any longer over the weekend.

I went to the lounge and cried a few times.

Then I wiped away my tears and continued with the experiment.

People's Daily WeChat public account

The picture shows Wei Jing, Li Mingqian, and Lei Yuqing (from left to right), doctoral students in Professor Zhang Linqi’s team, testing the test. Neutralizing antibody content in mouse serum and evaluating the immune effect of the vaccine.

In May 2021

The new coronavirus vaccine developed by Li Mingqian officially entered the clinical trial stage

In December 2021

The research results of Professor Zhang Linqi’s team

Ambavirumab/romisevirumab combination therapy

was approved for marketing

and was In March this year, it was included in

"New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Ninth Edition)"

Li Mingqian said

The progress of every R&D team is the progress of mankind.

People's Daily WeChat public account

The picture shows Professor Zhang Linqi's team taking a group photo in the laboratory.

After graduation, she

was obsessed with scientific research and chose to continue the research and development of new vaccines

and antibody drugs at the Emergency Medical Research Center of West Lake University

"I like and recognize the value of scientific research

If I enjoy it, I won't feel hard"

"Although the trajectory of life has changed many times, the original intention and mission cannot be changed,"

Principal Wang Xiqin said in his graduation speech.

Every challenge

is a test for the younger generation.

On the road of scientific research and exploration,

personal struggles will be linked to the needs of the country and the times.

Destinies are closely linked

Only then can we be more brave

explore new boundaries in the scientific world

Li Mingqian

Congratulations on your graduation!

Thank you for your efforts in the research and development of the new coronavirus vaccine.

Thank you for your contribution to China’s scientific research!

(Original title "Tsinghua Doctor Li Mingqian was named and praised by the principal at the graduation ceremony!". Editor Chen Ying)

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