Picture source | Internet author | No. 1 original When we were studying as undergraduates, the school sent us a handbook. In the last few pages of the self-study guide, we were told that there are two resorts outside the school's Xiaoxi Gate, called Kenjiao and Maijiao. They are

2024/05/2204:52:34 education 1631

Picture source | Internet author | No. 1 original When we were studying as undergraduates, the school sent us a handbook. In the last few pages of the self-study guide, we were told that there are two resorts outside the school's Xiaoxi Gate, called Kenjiao and Maijiao. They are  - DayDayNews

picture source | Internet

author | 1

original number

When we were studying as undergraduates, the school sent us a handbook. In the last few pages of the self-study guide, we were told that there are two resorts outside the school's Xiaoxi Gate, called Kenjiao and Maijiao, they are often open all night, even at midnight, the lights are still bright inside. Has anyone seen what KFC and McDonald's look like at three in the morning? Has anyone seen KFC and McDonald's at five in the morning? Has anyone else seen what KFC and McDonald's looked like throughout the night? I want to confess that one of the people I have met is none other than Dufou.

I would like to say that self-study in Kenjiao and Maijiao was purely an accident. Of course, saying this is inevitably a bit irresponsible, and it is even suspected of covering up the underlying motives, because it makes me look like I am lying on my back on the bed, lighting up a cigarette, and talking to the person next to me or on the other end of the phone during sage time. Talk about "mistakes every man makes". But it is true. In the first half of my freshman year, I was confused about course selection and trying to make up my mind to go to my "old employer" New Oriental to study for TOEFL. I was in a hurry. At that time, weekends were often my busiest time. On Saturday and Friday nights, it was always common to read and review until late at night. At that time, my senior high school senior who was four grades older than me told me that this was called " brush night ". The word "brush" sounds very exciting. It has a sharpness of doing things right away and going straight to the topic without saying a word. The so-called decisiveness will be in vain, and hesitation will lead to failure. "Work hard" before the exam, indeed It has the miraculous effect of resurrecting the dead, scoring two goals, and bringing the spring breeze back. But I want to pursue the "golden gun".

I went to spend the night doing some reading. It seemed like a kind of enjoyment, but in fact it was just to find a place to get away from the seriousness of my roommates and the study room, eat, drink, read and copy out my favorite things. At that time, I was taking the course "Introduction to Sociology" taught by LHL. In the classroom, the teacher happily introduced the dual revolution of Giddens and and the latent functions of Morton. He persuaded us to put down the iPhone 3G in our hands and look up to pay attention to the "serial jump" of Foxconn . The teacher said that when cares about the situation of these workers, it actually cares about ourselves. I kept this sentence in my mind, wrote it on the test paper, and got a score of 91. But looking back, I didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence ten years ago. In this course, I learned about Giddens, Weber, and many people with strange names, personalities, and fates. The teacher recommended a lot of literature, both in Chinese and English, but I couldn’t read it at all and couldn’t understand it. I only know that Weber is very powerful, Giddens is very popular, and he also wrote our textbooks, and the translator is also from his own school. OK, then buy a copy of his book and read it. Okay, I bought "Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism". In KFC, I sat and watched it for two nights and could not read a single word. Later, a friend told me that Qu Tongzu is a senior in our profession, and you must read his books. I bought "ZG Law and Chinese Society", and I was still curious why the title of the book was not changed to "ZG Law and Society". I have also read this book, but only a little bit. I found it difficult to read the ancient texts quoted. During the summer vacation after my freshman year, I read through this book at home and highlighted the key points with a marker pen. Later, after I graduated from my undergraduate degree and packed up my dormitory, I opened this book and found that I had "highlighted" almost every line on every page. It was full of essence!

When I started studying, I always went to KFC. After all, there was only a thrilling road across from the school. Before you even enter, you can always see classmates and friends inside, talking or writing furiously. Sometimes I share a table with my roommates. He wanted to transfer to another college and needed to take additional elective courses, especially those related to mathematics. Staying up late to answer questions is inevitable. I sometimes do advanced math with him. He studies math B and I study math D. I always ask him to teach me the questions I don’t know.But KFC is obviously not very generous. The environment on the first floor is noisy, and people are always playing board games. The lights on the second floor are relatively dim. Later my roommate said McDonald's was better. I didn't believe it at first, but slowly I realized it was true.

I went to the University of International Business and Economics that day. When I came back, I felt very hungry. I passed by McDonald's and ordered a set meal. I can't get used to the black pepper it usually uses, but I like to watch the long-haired salesman humming the music played on the stereo while cleaning neatly, although I don't think the place is very clean. One time I asked him, the music here is good, what is its name? He said that he did not know that the CDs were given directly to his hands when they were played together. From then on, I often studied here.

Picture source | Internet author | No. 1 original When we were studying as undergraduates, the school sent us a handbook. In the last few pages of the self-study guide, we were told that there are two resorts outside the school's Xiaoxi Gate, called Kenjiao and Maijiao. They are  - DayDayNews

△Picture source network, not directly related to the text

I chose a few courses that ended at 8:30 in the evening. I went back to the dormitory at 9:00 to take a shower, and bought half a grapefruit at the small fruit shop in front of the Boshi Supermarket. Slowly head towards the south end of Xiaoximen and cross the Haidian Bridge. It was nearing the end of the first semester of freshman year, and everyone had a deep understanding of spending the night. At first, everyone thought that working all night long was considered a good night, and the rest were considered staying up late. Later, I discovered that big brushes were harmful to the body, small brushes were pleasant, and strong brushes were wiped out, so I no longer went out so frequently. But there are always a few who have the same hobby as me, which is to go to bed late. One time when I was reading a book, someone tapped my desk. When I looked up, I saw my classmates and my girlfriend smiling in front of me. I looked around and found that only the chair opposite me was empty. Let's find another chair and sit down together. My classmates would open my book and say, what is this book about? We just kept talking about books and gossip. His girlfriend still looked at him with a smile. After twelve o'clock, I said I wanted to go back to the dormitory, and we continued. The two of them also said it was getting late and they should go back and take a rest early. When we walked to the school gate, the three of us looked at each other and smiled. In the next few days, a classmate asked me: I heard that these two were "together" and said whether they saw them in Kenjiao or Maijiao. "I don't know, I haven't encountered it yet" , I said. Later, the story was that my classmate and his girlfriend never appeared together in Maijiao again, and no one asked me about them anymore.

To be fair, The taste of KFC and McDonald's is about the same. Both of them have localization trends, but KFC's pace is faster. I also liked KFC for a period of time, and McDonald's for a period of time. I couldn't stop going back and forth between the two. I couldn't say that I was indecisive, but I had a kind of fraternity like He Shuhuan. But upon closer inspection, there are still some differences between the two. In the early years, McDonald's made good use of black pepper. It is still the same now, but it has become much better. I like its chicken wings better, they are crispier and the ice cream has more milky flavor. KFC's burgers and salads are a bit too much, so I can only accept the grilled chicken drumstick , but its fries are more crispy and fragrant. Judging from the snack bucket, I also prefer KFC. Of course, these are all my insights over the years. I didn’t have this idea at the time, and it seems that due to food expenses, I rarely ate at these two restaurants when I was an undergraduate. But now that I think about it, I feel regretful. First of all, my food expenses are actually not large. My parents always give me enough for a semester to spend at my own expense. I have never been in a situation where I am short of money. This also indirectly makes me feel that it is not necessary to earn money through internships or apply for scholarships. ; Secondly, I was at a time when I could spend endless amounts of money. I didn’t need to consider the metabolism of high-fat and high-sugar foods, and I could open my belly as much as I wanted. Now that I eat it once a week, I have to carefully convince myself that such an indulgence is reasonable, and I also have to add an extra dollar to deceptively change the Coke in the meal to a sugar-free version. Nowadays, there are always friends who invite me to eat and drink, saying that there are always friends. In fact, the absolute number is not many, but from a psychological point of view, I feel that it is quite a lot. Some of these meals and drinks are ceremonial and social. There is always a scene to be arranged, and you need to find a formal restaurant, order a few dishes that the other party may like, and have a cup of milk tea or dessert after the meal - because my senior sister told me that we girls all have two stomachs.Sometimes I feel that it is better to relax by myself and just eat KFC or McDonald's. It would be good if I could have Burger King . As I was eating, I was thinking that if a friend could invite me to eat and drink at these three places, he would really understand me best.

Time passed slowly. During my undergraduate years, I rarely went to the school library or classrooms. I only went to the college library a handful of times, but I basically spent every night in McDonald’s. McDonald's in Haidian Bridge South has a good location and a small second floor design. The second floor is spacious with a large row of single seats. The stool is high and cold, and it seems different from usual when you sit on it.

Here I read Weber, read Habermas, wrote notes on jurisprudence, memorized lecture notes on criminal prosecution, and a whole book "Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism". It took me more than a month to write down the transcripts by hand in the second semester of my freshman year. Finished reading. I have long forgotten where my notes are now; I have not remembered all of Weber’s profound teachings. But I still have an intuitive feeling that I haven’t let go of yet. This is why there is a scholar who speaks so accurately in every sentence. Every argument requires me to refine it between the lines. I can no longer keep up with his rhythm if I am distracted even a little bit. Later, I read "Sending Law to the Rural Areas" again, and I also copied the transcript by hand. What I feel is more about words and rhetoric. In fact, there are not as many things that are actually recorded in writing as when I read Weber. Looking back and thinking about it now, this was actually a "self-taught" experience. Through this experience, I understood some things that I might not be able to understand even if my teachers and friends told me. I talked to a friend before, and he said that I seemed to be always "pivoting", jumping from sociological theory to , then to social theory, then to Weber, then to philosophy, and from legal sociology to legal positivism. . I would like to say that this is a kind of "betrayal". I am always betraying my starting point. Many of my friends and I start from sociological theory, from social theory, from Weber, from philosophy, from sociology of law and legal empirical evidence. Starting from the principle, they kept walking on the track, while I seemed to be always dissatisfied with the track itself and tried to change the track. I think this is also the subtle influence that reading Weber brought to me. I can’t remember the conclusion of “Academia as a Career”, but I know that after understanding Weber, I will never sincerely have full devotion and respect for any scholar or any kind of thought. I would rather Grasp its inevitable fate in experiencing its thought and evolution: being transcended through criticism and ultimately proving his or their worth.

It’s the last semester of senior year. Sometimes I spend the entire afternoon until midnight memorizing , German, words in Maiteacher, and reading my favorite books. He raised his head and looked right through the passage under the Haidian Bridge, looking at the campus to the north and the people waiting under the traffic lights. At that time, I was addicted to listening to the songs of Zhao Lei . He sang, "Another era is changing, and I am not that fearless young man. My youth has been abandoned by time, and I have reached the age of being a father." At that time, the battery life of mobile phones was really good. Wearing headphones could last a whole night. I can't help but wonder what I have gained over the years. The four years of undergraduate studies were all about attending classes and studying. Some teachers told me that reading is the most important, and some teachers told me that writing articles is the most important. Some seniors said that good grades are important, and some seniors said that real talent and practical learning are important. . I don’t know which one is the most important and which one is more important. But my resume is really lackluster. The only scholarship I got was encouraged by my senior sister who was two years senior to me when she was working as a student. " you are qualified, why don't you apply? I know your information and have already filled out the form for you. Please show me the photo ." So, I got my first scholarship. Half of it was given to grandpa and grandma. I told my parents that the remaining half is not for you two. I haven’t looked for an internship either, I’m very lazy. The senior sister who taught me what "splash night" is, worked for Youku for a while. I was a friendly spectator when they recorded the program, wearing a white shirt and clapping and smiling along.This is my only contact with a major Internet company. The club activities are just casual, and the student union has no choice but to join perfunctorily in order not to appear unconventional. Have you ever regretted it? I don't know and I don't want to know. I'm not even sure that what I do has value.

There were several times when I spent the night at McDonald’s with my very good friend Z. It was a real night out. We stayed up from nine o’clock in the evening to six o’clock in the morning. I was organizing notes, reading novels, and reading professional books. He was preparing review materials for his girlfriend, who was preparing for the college entrance examination at the time, and was going to take the first subway to deliver them to her. Every footer and header of the information is filled with famous quotes. "Does need to be so inspiring, brother? " I asked. He said, you don't understand. On the one hand, it is inspirational, and on the other hand, it also accumulates material for her composition. I never had this intention. Even when I was studying, I didn't have any expectations for myself, and I lacked any long-term plans. I just felt that for every course I was interested in each semester, I should actually read two books recommended by the teacher. Most of these books were swallowed whole without understanding their meaning, and they were even eaten alive. I was in a bad mood for a while, and I copied the Heart Sutra several times by hand. When I was in my senior year, I changed it to "The Sutra of the Original Vows and Merits of the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata ", and later I recited the "mantra" in it. When I was a graduate student, Maijiao closed down for unknown reasons, and one of my favorite places disappeared quietly. In fact, I don’t have any worries or sadness. After ten years of living in Beijing and on campus, I have long been familiar with and understood the meaning here: my thoughts are illusory, and their going and staying are also illusory. Our relationship is just a store and a customer. Not too much, not too little. This is exactly the same feeling I had when dealing with certain teachers in school who taught me for six years. But I know that although our thoughts and its going and staying are imaginary, everything that happened here in my past is real. Falseness does not mean that it is meaningless, just like the color we see is not what it is, but it does not affect our recognition of red as red. From this, I also learned the criteria for distinguishing what is a good person, a good teacher, and a good scholar, no matter how many cassocks he has, how big his hat is, or how good his papers are.

After Maijiao closed, I would go to the McDonald’s next to Dinghao Commercial Building opposite the Meijia Cinema, and occasionally I would go to Kenjiao outside Xiaoximen to have a casual meal. But I never studied by myself again. Once or twice I took the book with me, but in the end the book was not opened and I was scrolling through Douban. When I was in the United States, my roommate advised me to see the world and stop being addicted to KFC and McDonald's. " is not as delicious as in China, really! " I trust his judgment, because he said that before going to college, every time he made progress after taking an exam, he always looked forward to his parents taking him to have a meal. I fell in love with the Peacock at my doorstep and the burgers at Blueberry Hill, which is famous throughout the state. " is really delicious ", I took my junior brother there once and he told me so.

Kenjiao is still very enthusiastic and has not changed, except that the young faces have changed one after another. My teacher does not have undergraduate courses, and I have never applied for undergraduate teaching assistants. This is actually a kind of self-deception, thinking that I am still the youngest group of people on campus. This year was a special situation. The teacher trusted me and invited me to join the team. He worked as a teaching assistant for undergraduate students for a period of time. I listened to their discussions online. I often got distracted and thought about what I was like ten years ago. After graduation, the teacher sent a WeChat message specifically saying that due to the circumstances, there was no way to reunite with everyone and take photos. I said it would be pointless to take pictures since everyone was away. I ran and passed every corner of the school, but I didn’t expect that it was quite different from the impression in my mind. Of course, this is a bit exaggerated. The teacher has probably been teaching here longer than I am.

Last summer, my “junior brother” brother told me that even KFC had moved and closed. Many stories, once they are moved away, can no longer continue. There will no longer be a place in the student handbook marked by enthusiastic senior brothers and sisters to tell the newly admitted junior brothers and sisters, Hey, this is Kenjiao, this is Maijiao, never again. But this is a good sign for me. It seems to indicate that I can graduate. Now, I am no longer embarrassed to call any new students who are entering school. They have a more unified name, called students.

Let’s have a meal at KFC, McDonald’s is also good; have a meal at McDonald’s, KFC is also good.

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