Summer vacation has arrived, and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services. The notice mentioned that “education administrative departments in various regions should continue to support q

2024/05/1819:45:32 education 1246

Summer vacation has arrived, and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services.

Summer vacation has arrived, and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services. The notice mentioned that “education administrative departments in various regions should continue to support q - DayDayNews

The notice mentioned that " education administrative departments in various regions should continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services, guide teachers to volunteer to participate in services, and insist that parents and students voluntarily choose to participate in . Focus on enriching the content of summer care services, Effectively open classrooms, libraries, sports venues and other resource facilities, organize and carry out various special activities such as science and technology, culture and sports, reading, and practice, and actively work with the Communist Youth League, Women's Federation, trade unions, community and other organizations to attract university student volunteers, social professionals, etc. , expand the channels for summer care services. We must adhere to the principle of public welfare and inclusiveness, refer to relevant policies on after-school services, and improve the funding guarantee mechanism for summer care services. "The original intention of

school care services is to satisfy parents and solve the problems of difficult child care and supervision during the summer. , especially for families where parents have to work and there are no elderly people to help take care of children, it is indeed a good thing. But good things must be done well, and we must truly follow what the notice says, "Guide teachers to volunteer to serve , and insist that parents and students voluntarily choose to participate in ." Don't do the opposite, make a mess of things, and end up with dissatisfied teachers. , parents are not satisfied, and neither are the children.

Summer vacation has arrived, and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services. The notice mentioned that “education administrative departments in various regions should continue to support q - DayDayNews

For teachers, this profession is envied by many people, because they feel that teachers enjoy winter and summer vacations for at least three months. Before the school launched summer care services, summer vacation was the leisure time that every hard-working teacher yearned for, and it was a vacation that could be enjoyed to the fullest. In fact, the winter and summer vacations are also a critical period for teachers to "recuperate" and learn to improve themselves.

Nowadays, the hosting service policy is like a bolt from the blue, that is, has increased the workload, and it also has to bear the psychological responsibility for the safety of students when hosting. should provide appropriate financial subsidies to teachers who voluntarily participate, and appropriately arrange the time for custody services to ensure that teachers have necessary rest time during the summer vacation.

In fact, some teachers have made it clear that they do not want to participate in hosting services. The wishes of these teachers also hope to be truly respected by the school and the local education department and cannot be coerced. It is also particularly not recommended that this hosting service be linked to the evaluation of excellence and priority, so as to be truly people-oriented. If this is done, teachers will feel forced and helpless, not daring not to participate, and having to reluctantly participate in hosting services for the sake of some evaluations. Just imagine, if teachers are not happy themselves, how can they deliver happiness to students?

Summer vacation has arrived, and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services. The notice mentioned that “education administrative departments in various regions should continue to support q - DayDayNews

For parents, , developing custody services can alleviate problems such as "difficulty in caring for children". In the past, children were sent to off-campus training, but now schools have custody services, and the fees are definitely economical and affordable in comparison. The school where my child lives costs about 400 yuan for four weeks of care, plus 200 yuan for lunch, which is not expensive in terms of cost.

But for many senior primary school students, or families with elderly people helping to take care of them, parents do not want their children to participate in school care, because they have to be picked up and dropped off normally, and parents have no time to spare. They would rather put their children in school care. Leave the child at home. Some parents have already made other arrangements for their children's summer vacation, such as dancing, calligraphy learning, etc. These trainings often conflict with the school's custody time, which makes parents very embarrassed. At the same time, parents also want their children to relax during the holidays and relieve the pressure of study.

After teachers volunteer to participate in the school's custody service, the teacher may hope that as many students in his class can participate in the custody service as possible, saying that they can help with summer homework, consolidate the foundation of fifth grade, improve excellence, and advance to sixth grade in the second half of the year. , if you want to improve your abilities during the summer vacation, you can sign up. Will unconsciously compare with the number of participants in other classes. In the class group, I will also mention that 50 people in other people's classes have signed up and how cheap the custody fee is. They say that it is a benefit. They also say that the time for off-campus training can be reasonably arranged, and they also ask the registered students in the group not to Stop the comment list and send out the payment list. In short, I hope there will be more trusteeship students in the class.

In this case, many parents who had not planned to sign up had to sign up for the school's custody service out of love, and they did not dare not to participate, because your children will continue to attend school in the next semester.

Summer vacation has arrived, and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services. The notice mentioned that “education administrative departments in various regions should continue to support q - DayDayNews

For students , summer vacation is such a longing and happy and free time. This is the nature of children. As parents, we can also understand and hope that our children can have a safe, healthy, happy and meaningful summer vacation.

Children also have their own thoughts. While completing their studies, they are thinking about the summer vacation that they have finally looked forward to. They can relax and sleep in, but they have to go back to the "cage" of school. In addition, there are many people and hot weather in summer. It’s not easy to take a lunch break at school, so I really don’t want to go back to school for care. We parents sometimes need to respect these ideas and cannot force them. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to the child's growth and may even lead to a dislike of learning.

The author has always respected the children's ideas and was not prepared to sign up for childcare until the children themselves heard the teacher say that students who do not have childcare will have more summer homework. I was afraid that the teacher would treat them differently, so I had to ask parents to sign up, and I did not dare not to participate. .

is written at the end : It is a good thing for schools to provide hosting services. The premise for doing this well is that it is really based on the voluntary participation of teachers in the service and the voluntary choice of parents and students to participate.

Summer vacation has arrived, and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to continue to support qualified schools to actively carry out summer care services. The notice mentioned that “education administrative departments in various regions should continue to support q - DayDayNews

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