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Filling in the college entrance examination application form is related to the results of the candidates' twelve years of hard study. Many candidates and parents are struggling: which city, school or major should be preferred? How to choose “popular” or “unpopular” majors? Is it okay not to waste 1 point? Should I submit to professional adjustments? Let’s take a look at the experts’ experience sharing!




choose "city" first or "university" first


Many parents hope that their children will go to big cities for development. Cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Wuhan are economically developed. Rich educational resources make most candidates The first choice city for studying depends on the college entrance examination scores.


The preferred university for high-segment candidates

The higher the level of the school, the more abundant learning, employment and development resources it has. First-class universities have high standards, and the blessings of education will naturally be greater.

Candidates with high scores have the ability and high probability to enter top prestigious schools. It is recommended that candidates with high scores give priority to choosing schools. After all, whether they choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination or directly find employment in the future, the endorsement of famous schools is very beneficial to students.


The preferred city for candidates in the middle section

Except for the " double first-class " construction university, the strength and conditions of other universities are not very different in nature. If there is a difference, it is mostly reflected in employment opportunities.

Relatively speaking, college students studying in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, and Wuhan will enjoy more employment opportunities. After being exposed there for four years, his vision and knowledge will be synchronized with the city where he is. Naturally, he will have more opportunities to stay and develop in this city, and it will be easier to integrate into it.

On the contrary, if you study in a third-tier or fourth-tier city and then go to work and live in a first-tier city after graduation, you will encounter more difficulties.


Candidates with average scores also prefer cities.

If their scores are not very satisfactory, they can only choose relatively ordinary schools in local and economically developed cities, but if they really want to go to developed cities, then don’t hesitate and muster up the courage to choose the city. There are three:

First, first-tier cities have resources and opportunities that other cities cannot match. They can be the first to see the most advanced technologies, services, and concepts in China and even the world. The increased knowledge will be used for a lifetime.

Second, many students have strong hands-on and practical abilities. If they take the initiative to contact the society, work hard to start a business, and use their own strengths while studying in big cities, they will have good development after graduation.

Third, first-tier cities are highly competitive, which can encourage students to study hard, strive for domestic postgraduate entrance examinations or study abroad, and improve their competitiveness.




"School" priority or "major" priority


This is a dilemma. Most students will have such confusion when filling out their application. The main reason is that candidates want to enter a prestigious school. , and want to study popular majors, but often fail to You can't have both with bear's paw.

Major is a platform for talent cultivation, and school is a platform for professional development. A good major cannot exist without school, which requires candidates to clearly define "what they want to do" and "what they can do."


Careful planning and clear career positioning

When filling out the voluntary application form , you must prioritize your interests, but when you don't know "what you want to do", you must clarify "what you can do." To position yourself as "what you can do", you can refer to the following methods:

First, it is based on expertise. Expertise does not equal interest, but expertise is often where one's own interests lie. Candidates can fill in the corresponding majors based on their own strengths or subjects they are good at in high school.

The second is to clarify professional aptitude . If you have not discovered your own strengths, you can analyze them through the evaluation of teachers, classmates and family members or related assessments to further clarify your career path.


Career goals are clear, and majors are preferred.

Majors are an important "label" for college students. The purpose of professional learning is to master the ability to practice in different industries and provide the possibility of engaging in a certain career.

If the candidate is very clear about his career plan, has clear professional intentions and interests, and is determined to study in a certain field, it is recommended to give priority to the major.

Only by "choosing the right major" can you have more opportunities to "enter the industry you want to do." Choosing a major is, in a certain sense, choosing your future career.


Career goals are not clear, give priority to school

Most candidates have vague plans for future career development, and have not explored in depth which major to study to achieve their career ideals. In this case, candidates can choose schools first.

On the one hand, every university has its own heritage and connotation. University spirit, style of study, school spirit, humanistic heritage, etc. all have a subtle impact on students' outlook on life and values.

On the other hand, universities are promoting the category of admissions . After entering the school, candidates have the opportunity to apply for changing majors or electing for a second degree. Candidates have greater room for professional choice. At the same time, after entering the school, they can fully understand the connotation of the major and make rational decisions. choose.




How to choose "popular" and "unpopular" majors


When filling out the application form, many parents will ask "Which major is the 'popular' major?" “Which major is the ‘unpopular’ major?”

In fact, it doesn’t matter to colleges and universities what are popular majors and what are unpopular majors. Regardless of whether it is popular or unpopular, the teachers in colleges and universities are still there, and the conditions of colleges and universities are still there.

Therefore, the makers of popular and unpopular are not colleges and universities, but parents and candidates. Of course, it cannot be said that it is caused by the parents and candidates themselves, but by society.

It is generally believed that "popular" majors are considered to be majors with huge employment potential and development potential, while "unpopular" majors are considered to be majors without huge employment potential and development potential.

In fact, "popular" and "unpopular" are relative in themselves. The relationship between "hot" and "cold" in a major must be viewed dialectically. Candidates should take a long-term view and treat it rationally.


"Popular" majors are only valid for a period of time.

"Popular majors" have the advantages of a tight talent market, good working environment, relatively high income and other employment prospects.

However, popular majors also have great time dependence, and the "hot" cycle may be long or short, which mainly depends on the domestic and foreign economic development conditions and trends, as well as the development of the discipline itself, and the ratio of supply and demand in the talent market.


"Hot" and "unpopular" are not static

The current popular major does not mean that it will still be a popular major in the future, and the current unpopular major does not mean that it will still be an unpopular major in the future.

Judging from the applications in recent years, majors such as civil engineering, finance, medicine and computer science have all been shown as "popular majors".

The "popular" majors now may not always be "popular", and the "unpopular" majors now may not always be "unpopular" and will change with the development of society and economy.


"Popular" majors do not mean "popular" employment

When choosing a major, most candidates choose based on the popularity of the existing majors. When they see a popular major, they rush to choose it, regardless of whether they are suitable or not. What are the prospects for development in four years?

In recent years, there have been many candidates choosing finance majors, accounting majors, and law majors. The competition is fierce, so that supply exceeds demand, and the probability of standing out is small. There may even be a surplus of talents who are "unemployed upon graduation."

Therefore, the voluntary application must be based on one's "competent" majors and employment prospects, and should not blindly follow the trend. The idea of ​​"not wasting 1 point" exists in the minds of many candidates and parents. "Filling in the application form well will equal 20 more points on the exam" has become the strategy used by many people when applying for the exam.

The so-called not wasting a point actually means using a relatively low score to go to a better school. It is best if you can get into a certain school with the lowest score, or one or two points higher. This sounds cost-effective, but the technology of ultra-low-altitude flight also has great risks, which are mainly reflected in the following three aspects.


It is easy to lead to slippage

Pursue the last place to enter a certain school and major, which itself is a very small probability. Every year, each school in our province has a decile for admissions, especially after the implementation of parallel volunteer , scores are given priority, and the range from the highest score to the lowest score for candidates admitted by each school is very small. The probability that a candidate will get into a certain school with low scores is very low.

What people see as "low scores and high grades" are individual cases. They only see the successful publicity of getting into a certain school or a certain major by luck, but they don't see how many people made similar choices, but all failed. If you go to to collect volunteers for , it will be an even greater waste of points.


Loss of professional choice

In order to avoid soliciting volunteers, most people will choose to obey the adjustment. At this time, candidates will lose their professional choice.

The risk of transfer is that students will be admitted to a major that they don’t understand at all or don’t like.


The pressure to study in school is high

If a candidate enters a certain university with low scores, he will face greater pressure after admission. There is a term in educational psychology called the "big fish little pond effect". If the people around a candidate are better than themselves, the candidate's self-esteem is easily affected. If the adjustment is not done well, it will have a negative impact on your studies.

A good volunteer application plan is to fully consider the child's development plan. It neither "sticks to" famous schools nor chases popular ones. It should fully take into account the child's personality characteristics, professional personality tendencies, academic performance advantages, as well as the university's academic advantages and majors. There are many factors such as setting and employment prospects, so the one that suits you is the best. Is it better to obey or disobey the professional adjustment? Many candidates and parents will have difficulties in the obedience adjustment column. "Professional efficiency adjustment" is a double-edged sword, with advantages and disadvantages, and candidates must consider it overall.


Understand the concept of professional efficiency adjustment

"Professional efficiency adjustment" means that the college entrance examination score reaches the admission line of the school you are applying for, but does not reach the admission score line of the major you are applying for. At the same time, the school still has majors that are not full and can be admitted. In this way, if the candidate If you obey the major adjustment, you will be admitted to the major that is not full. If you do not comply with the adjustment, the school will not admit you and your application will be withdrawn.


Master the admission rules of parallel volunteers

Parallel volunteers follow the principle of "scores first, follow volunteers, and submit in one go".

If the candidate’s parallel application has more than one college that meets the application conditions, he can only apply to the college ranked first, and he can only apply once.

If the candidate fails to be admitted to the majors he/she has filled in, if the major chosen is subject to transfer, the candidate may be transferred to other majors in the school that have not yet fully admitted.

If the candidate does not comply with the professional adjustment and will be withdrawn, and other parallel applications of the batch will no longer be retrieved, the candidate can only wait for the recruitment of volunteers or participate in the next batch of admissions. Obeying the transfer can increase the chance of admission, but you must also be mentally prepared to be admitted to a major you don't like. The major you are transferred to is very likely to be far from the original intention of applying.

If you don't comply with the major adjustment, although you can meet the school's filing line , but if you don't meet the professional admission line of the major you are applying for, you will lose the opportunity to enter this school.


Make a careful decision on whether to obey the adjustment.

Whether to obey the professional adjustment mainly depends on the candidate's personal wishes, whether he cares more about school or major.

If the candidate cares about the school and the major is a secondary consideration, he can fill in the application and submit to the adjustment. In many colleges and universities, you can also change majors after enrolling.

If candidates value major more, they can choose not to obey the adjustment and study a major they don’t like. Students often lose interest in learning and find it difficult to learn.

recommends that candidates should open up a gradient of majors when applying for the exam, and try to mix hot and cold majors in the selected majors to reduce the risk of being withdrawn.

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