A letter to my son: Dear son: I remember that I wrote two letters. The first one was one month before the high school entrance examination. This is the second letter after the high school entrance examination results. The results of the high school entrance examination yesterday

2024/05/1620:54:33 education 1610

is writing a letter to his son:

Dear son: I remember that I wrote two letters. The first one was a month before the high school entrance examination, and this is the second letter after the high school entrance examination results. The results of the high school entrance examination were yesterday, I guess. It's inevitable, not surprising. One hour before it comes out, especially the last ten minutes when the rankings are about to come out, I see your hands shaking. The air conditioner at home has been turned to its lowest point, and the environment in the house has already changed. It's very cool, but surprisingly, the sweat on your forehead is dripping like rain. At that moment, as a parent, I seemed to understand something better. If you don’t work too hard to get test scores, when you reap the fruits of your scores, the possible results may not be satisfactory. Your nervous expressions all come from your lack of confidence. The nervous sweat on the forehead once again proves that the results are achieved by hard work, not imagined. The results of "results" are the "fruits" that can only be produced by hard work, and the results of "achievements" are achieved by hard work and hard work. performance.

A letter to my son: Dear son: I remember that I wrote two letters. The first one was one month before the high school entrance examination. This is the second letter after the high school entrance examination results. The results of the high school entrance examination yesterday  - DayDayNews

Decent results are not imagined. Satisfactory results are achieved by down-to-earth hard work. Seeing the bright fireworks set off by others when they achieve excellent results, can this kind of "victory" also inspire your courage to fight? This kind of other people's Can the light emitted by fireworks be the light that illuminates the new path you are about to embark on? There is no absolute right or wrong on the road of life, nor is there any so-called absolute success or failure. Don’t blame the unsatisfactory results because you didn’t work hard enough; don’t lament the injustice of fate because you didn’t pay. Strong people achieve strong results. In addition to specific factors, it is estimated that his heart is also strong. He has perseverance that "ordinary people" cannot "normally" have, and he has qualities that ordinary people cannot persist in. They have the humility to treat knowledge, and they have the humility to treat knowledge. The spirit of striving diligently and striving for the shortcomings, never exhausting what you learn, and studying hard to do your best. A delicate person will naturally have a charming side, and an excellent person will naturally have a character that ordinary people do not have. Of course, the achievements of those with outstanding achievements are indeed enviable. Such achievements come from unremitting efforts and unknown hardships.

A letter to my son: Dear son: I remember that I wrote two letters. The first one was one month before the high school entrance examination. This is the second letter after the high school entrance examination results. The results of the high school entrance examination yesterday  - DayDayNews

Other people's achievements are other people's achievements, and other people's excellence is other people's excellence. We should not be jealous. That is not what smart people think. Learning to transcend is what smart people do. The road to the strong is destined to be a difficult road, full of ups and downs. Success is not easy to come by. Success is not imagined but comes from perseverance. Those who have achieved great things since ancient times must have a big mind; those who have done great things since ancient times must have great magnanimity; those who have great tools since ancient times must have big ideas. The sea is so wide that it can accommodate the water of hundreds of rivers, and the mountains are majestic because they absorb the spirit of the soaring clouds.

If a person becomes an adult, he must endure what ordinary people cannot tolerate.

If a person becomes an adult, he must learn to be humble and cautious.

A letter to my son: Dear son: I remember that I wrote two letters. The first one was one month before the high school entrance examination. This is the second letter after the high school entrance examination results. The results of the high school entrance examination yesterday  - DayDayNews

However, the high school entrance examination has ended and the results have been released. Although it is not the best, it is not the worst either. It is a mixed bag of emotions and mixed emotions. The results are not important. The most important thing is to be strong in your heart and listen to words that are good for you. Good words. Three warm winters nourish not the body but the mind. If you have time, failure is failure. Don’t make excuses or reasons. If you make excuses and reasons, at least your heart is not honest and your attitude is not pious. The most rare thing about a person is not his beautiful appearance, his endless eloquence and talk, or his gorgeous coats and articles that focus on form and surface, but his down-to-earth ability and ability to accept all kinds of criticism and self-reflection. A strong person is not a strong person, or even a so-called person who is superior to others, a self-righteous person, a truly strong person is a person who constantly repairs himself and constantly awakens himself. I have a thousand words in my heart. It comes completely from the heart of a father.

A letter to my son: Dear son: I remember that I wrote two letters. The first one was one month before the high school entrance examination. This is the second letter after the high school entrance examination results. The results of the high school entrance examination yesterday  - DayDayNews

Don’t be moved after reading it. The real move is to put it into actual actions. Of course, I hope that this kind of action will be long-term and not just a whim.Of course, people must have faith. People with faith are terrible. People with vision or ideals are truly powerful people! The scenery of life needs to be described by oneself, the goals of life need to be worked hard by oneself, and the value of life needs to be realized by oneself. The future of life needs to be controlled by yourself! Your own path lies at your own feet. Of course, the direction of the road can only be grasped and practiced by yourself!

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