2021 Dongying City's second phase of entrepreneurship training (SYB) teacher training class is completed

2021/10/0721:55:15 education 2526

Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Point Reporter Cui Lihui Correspondent Zhao Anji Xu Baorui

In order to comprehensively strengthen the construction of entrepreneurship teachers in Dongying, and further improve the overall teaching level of entrepreneurship training, on September 28, Dongying Human Resources and Social Security Bureau sponsored and undertaken by Dongying Huachen Vocational and Technical Training School, the second phase of Dongying City Entrepreneurship Training (SYB) teacher training class for 2021 was successfully completed. After training, 32 trainees will receive the "Shandong Province (SYB) Entrepreneurship Training Lecturer Certificate".

2021 Dongying City's second phase of entrepreneurship training (SYB) teacher training class is completed - DayDayNews

This entrepreneurship training teacher training class is conducted in accordance with the principles of unified training standards of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, unified training lecturer dispatch, unified training assessment, and unified certificate issuance. The Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security dispatched national trainers Zhang Weiguo and Wu Pingping. Classes are taught and supervised and assessed by the Provincial Public Employment and Talent Service Center and Dongying City Public Employment and Talent Service Center. The two teachers strictly follow the training requirements of the SYB teacher class of China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center, and comprehensively and systematically impart entrepreneurial knowledge and teaching methods to students through theoretical lectures, course trial lectures, theoretical examinations and other links.

Participant Li Leishu said: "Through this training, I have learned more systematically the teaching methods of entrepreneurship training, laying a good foundation for improving the quality and effectiveness of entrepreneurship training. This training and learning is also a rare exchange Opportunities to communicate with classmates and teachers, I feel that I have benefited a lot.”

Through the training, the trainees further improved the theoretical knowledge and teaching level of entrepreneurship training, which contributed to strengthening the construction of entrepreneurship teachers in Dongying City and improving the quality of innovation and entrepreneurship teaching. New power.


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